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macro settings on a phone are questionable at best. on a digital camera they make a world of difference. it is a setting specificly for close up zoomed in photography. on most cameras the setting is indicated with a mountain for standard and a flower for macro setting.

i know we all seem to finish painting at night and want to snap pics to post online right away, but waiting for sunlight really makes your pics pop. unless you specifically buy a "natural sunlight" bulb, most lights are orange or blueish which will change the appearance of the color on you models in the pics. so if you can (sorry seattle) go outside, put the sun to your back, and snap a few pics. the white paper under/behind the model is also a good idea as this prevents the cameras auto focus from jumping to the wrong point.

hope that helps and keep up the good work,

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Thanks for that Nagash13, i tend to just take pics whenever i please, in my room, and never near any light, as i exclude all external light from my room, that way when i was a kid i never got told off for leaving curtains open when i slept :P But i shall attempt to take pics out doors when it is light and lacking in wind and rain to see if that helps it :) And thank you again.

I love your bases!! I wish I could make bases :(

And your Cerberus looks awesome! Very jealous.

Thank you, although the bases are simple. I had slates under my house so i just got a rolling pin and smashed them up in a bag to small pieces, super glue them onto the base, then glue on some sand. paint all the base a suitable brown, paint the model, paint the slate grey, then use clump foliage (the varying green bits) where ever i have hit the base with paints for the model, lots of nice lazy dry brushing, and a wash for the slate :)

lots of words for it, but is actually very simple to do i learnt, only hard part is to put the right size of foliage on, which i dont think i have got right yet, although the all different sizes may actually be the sensible way to do it:)

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Nah, my bulbs are orange and things look weird, and hard to get them in front so i tend to use no light and hope the flash does enough :( But unfortunately a camera phone is just not ideal:(

.oO(With all of the hubbub of 2.0, I haven't had a chance to take any model pics with my Galaxy S III. The S did alright, so I wonder if I'll see any improvement with the better camera. Well, 2.0 and Mechwarrior Online...)

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  • 2 weeks later...



New model painted, currently going to paint the 4 riders i have left (Levi's Avatar, as dead rider is already done.) Just not sure if i should use static grass to finish the base, or more foliage like the last few models.

Anyone have any preferences? :)

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New model painted, currently going to paint the 4 riders i have left (Levi's Avatar, as dead rider is already done.) Just not sure if i should use static grass to finish the base, or more foliage like the last few models.

Anyone have any preferences? :)

Oooh that looks so cool! I've been loving the foliage on the others! So that would get my vote, but in that being said, it could also look cool with the grass!

Need to get me some of that slate. It looks so very effective.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The Slate is a fairly simple way to make bases more interesting, and for dare i say it, Hordes models, i have not even bothered to paint it, just put some snow flock on the base around the slates and done, seems to work well :)

Hooded Rider up next, though after looking at the pictures im disappointed by them as i really like it in person, but the pics leave little to be desired :( Still not made up my mind on a base though :)



My only criticism of the model as it is, is that i made the neck plates and sword to dark, but oh well.

Up next it appears it is Nekima, as after 10 months half build i finally finished her and started painting immediately. Shall take some time to finish her though, as parts of it are just tiresome to do. (gold on the edges of all the cloth, and no idea what to do for her hair, if anyone had any interest :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

She is Far from done as i currently have little motivation, due to the tiny bits of gold are highly off putting to go near with a brush.

However, i am stumped on what to do with the little bits on the wings, not sure what it is called, like boney bits or something. No idea how to paint them, what colours to use ect.

And still un sure on her hair, but thinking a bright red, but not set on anything yet. But the wings are currently the big issue.



On the cloth on her back, thinking of adding a red wash to change the colour slightly from the stockings or whatever they are.

Any help is appreciated :)

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She is done! Happy now.

As i think i said she has been sat half built for 10 months, never getting further due to being unable to get the sword to stay on (yey for Army Painter Magic super glue activator for solving that problem) and then for the fact that i had no idea what to do for painting her:( but all is done now, and for the most part im happy with the results, and here it is.

Pic from behind:


Pic From the Front


Any comments, tips and criticisms appreciated :)

I was now supposed to go onto the remaining two mounted models i have for Malifaux, but now my Plastics have arrived, i think i may be a little Distracted by my raspy box :) We shall see :)

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The Golem and Gamin from the new plastic box, so far:



Not done yet, ill need to finish the bases, but waiting for the cracking paint to arrive to go over that. And need to put some varying levels of gloss varnish to make little areas shine more than others. But otherwise unless someone spots something i can do they are seeming about done.

As as cool as the models look, there is nothing that can be anything other than ice on them, with the exception of teeth and eye brows but i have no clue what to do for them so just pretending they aren't there until something comes to mind :(

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Thank you, though i do cheat a little and drybrush pretty much everything, as when i dont i mess things up a bit, as you may notice when i get the stuff to do the bases, and you see the teeth on the golem :(

Well, personally I definitely don't consider drybrushing any type of cheating because I don't seem to be able to grasp the concept of it at all!! hehe. And really if it's making your crew look that good, why do anything else? *grin*

Ooooh, can't wait for closeups! :D

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