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Pitch me a C. Hoffman list, and I'll run it.

Jonas Albrecht

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The Premise: You give me a C. Hoffman list, I will run it in an upcoming game, and post the battle report here.

The Rules:

1. The list must be legal under Malifaux's rules.

2. The list must contain at least 1 Ht 2 Construct.

3. You may create a list for a specific Strategy (shared or otherwise), and pick the schemes for it if you wish.

4. You may make 25, 30, or 35ss lists.

5. Models do not have to have been released, just printed in books 1, 2, or 3.

6. Your motivation for the list can be anything you like. Joke lists, terrible lists, terrible joke lists, stuff you're curious about, things you want to see played. Whatever, I don't care.


Showin' Off In Front of the Boss - 35 Soulstones

Proposed by:Soundwave

C. Hoffman: 6ss

-Avatar of Amalgamation [2ss]

-Lucius, The Governor's Proxy [10ss]

-Drill Sergeant [3ss]

-Ryle, Guild Pawn Star [8ss]

-Warden x2 [10ss]

Link to Battle Report: Not Yet Played

Manniquin Playdate in Wonderland - 35 Soulstones

Proposed by: Grifonetto

C. Hoffman: 8ss

-Coppelius [10ss]

-Performer & Mannequin [8ss]

-Warden x2 [10ss]

-Watcher [3ss]

Link to Battle Report: Not Yet Played

Edited by Jonas Albrecht
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I want a Hoffman/Lucius Warden list, with some Avatar backup.

I challenge you to use this!

Guild Crew - 35 - Scrap

C. Hoffman -- 6 Pool

+ Hoffman, Avatar of Amalgamation [2ss]

Lucius [10ss]

Drill Sergeant [3ss]

Ryle, Guild Pawn [8ss]

Warden [5ss]

Warden [5ss]

I do know that you don't like the avatars too much, so you're free to swap it out for a larger cache.

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Again my preferences don't factor into it. That said, I do love Manniquin Playdate Hoffman.

I think what I meant was: In your considered opinion, whichever way will make for a better game, do that. I just bought Hoffman and haven't played him yet, so I don't have a feel for how many Soulstones he wants.

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Okay, so one of the really obvious synergies with Soundwave's list is the Additional Training + Machine Puppet trick you can do on the Wardens. Boosting their chain attack to 8 should all but ensure you hit something. Just make sure you get that ram.

The other good bit is that Maintain Machines allows Ryle to be targeted by all those Elite Division toys Lucius has.

Great list Soundwave, can't wait to find out how it plays.

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I really enjoy running Lucius and Hoffman together. I have had some great encounters

With those two and Ryle. I am excited for the wardens and would really like to try this list out soon.

I admit, this really isn't a crew I'd have thought about on my own. I don't really tend to give Lucius or the Elite Division much thought. I don't even take Ryle with Hoffman save for the rarest of occasions.

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Lucius and Hoffman with ryle and a couple guys in between is one of my favorite guild combos. taking lucius as a henchman and bringing Ryle puts you at an 18ss cost but machine puppet and Lucius's command ability can get Ryle to shoot upwards of 8-10 shots a turn (don't have my cards on me.) plus with the applicable triggers/damage flip he can shoot out even more lead than normal. This has been the only time I have found the mechanical attendant useful, take him up the field with Ryle while the two leaders sit back and control. The mechanical attendant can get a few more shots off and take off ryles poo abilities as he gets away from Hoffman. The only problem is finding a ride for Hoffman at this point

A gaurdian can really add to the sustainability for Ryle as he goes down a bit quick without him. I had the gaurdian protect Ryle almost the whole game and he got taken out on turn 3 or 4. Ryle then got pummeled but I used Lucius to give himself reactivate killing Ryle. With reactivate on turn 6 Lucius was able to run far enough to get into my opponents deployment zone and win the game for me.

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Okay, so one of the really obvious synergies with Soundwave's list is the Additional Training + Machine Puppet trick you can do on the Wardens. Boosting their chain attack to 8 should all but ensure you hit something. Just make sure you get that ram.

Not sure about the Cb8. Machine Puppet only works on Hoffman's activation. Same with Additional Training from what I remember. So would it not be Cb6 for all those extra attacks? That said the Drill Serg can give them positive flips.

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Not sure about the Cb8. Machine Puppet only works on Hoffman's activation. Same with Additional Training from what I remember. So would it not be Cb6 for all those extra attacks? That said the Drill Serg can give them positive flips.

I totally missed that part about the aura ending with his activation. Quell despair.

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Showin' Off In Front of the Boss

Played Plant Evidence against the Showgirls.

Schemes: Bodyguard, Kill Protege (Cassandra)

Game: 5-8, Showgirls won.

I really enjoyed this list, but it was dismantled at the hands of a seasoned Colette player.

The most beneficial thing about it was that it let me split my forces, which C. Hoffman players know is one of the most difficult things about playing Chasticlese. You've got your big mechanical fist roaming around the board, but your areas of control are limited to wherever Hoffman is. This is one of the reasons I find Watchers so invaluable.

Lucius' ability to buff and command made for an exceptional series of attacks by the Warden, especially when combined with Shooting Gallery. Alas, the Drill Sergeant was the first casualty of the list, going down in a blaze of flames in round 2 thanks to Cassandra.

C. Hoffman, a Warden, and Ryle also made of a good trio, but alas, Mannequin Replacement reared its featureless head and forced me change tactics. Which brings me to...

Avatar of Amalgamation. This one is a bit of a paradox. Clearly it's a more fight based version of Hoffman, but I think that's what I had the biggest problem with. While I had my constructs out, C. Hoffman was much more desirable than his avatar form, which takes away many of his key features. When I ran out of constructs, the Avatar was a necessity, but the features that revolved around having them were unusable. I don't think I would field the Avatar again.

Edited by Jonas Albrecht
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Mannequin Playdate in Wonderland

Played Reconnoiter against Pandora.

Schemes: Bodyguard, Kill Protege (Teddy)

Game: 8 - -1, Hoffman won.

I messed up in a really key area with this list. I failed to recognize the synergy between the Performer and Copellius. I used him as a bottleneck for Pandora's forces, which was pretty effective until Pandora decided that she had enough of his $$$$$$$$ and ennui'd him to death.

Predictably the Mannequin was a great asset to Hoff. Unbeatable armor, a great Tap Power target, all the stuff you've heard before. I never got the chance to try this, but my goal starting out was to link the Mannequin to Pandora and just have it punch her to death. I liked this list, so maybe I'll try for that again in the future.

The highlight of the encounter was a tie between a Warden punching Candy and sending her flying and Soulstone Torching the Teddy.

My final verdict is that for all the meh that using Copellius usually inspires in me, teaming up with the Performer & Mannequin really brings out the hidden potential of Unexplained Connection.

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It is my new goal in life.

Oh man, right! Because the Mannequin can ignore Link-to-Showgirls-only requirement if it's close enough to Hoffman. AWESOME. Must try this!

---------- Post added at 01:34 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:21 AM ----------

I failed to recognize the synergy between the Performer and Copellius.

How does this work?

Oh, right, because Coppelius can Paralyze a bunch of minions and then the Performer can rock her tricks! Nice!

Edited by Hateful Darkblack
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