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Lilith Brood Mother


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So the card states

"1 friendly Nephilim within 6" of this model after this models activation ends"

Now is the friendly model choosen when the action is used or at the end of Lilith's activation?

With fast and Movement 6 she could be in an entirely different place at the end of the move than at the star and next to some different models.

I would tend to assume that it's within 6 of Lilith when she finishes but I was wondering if that WAS the case? That would let her pick a model tto activate then run off and ddo something else.

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I've only ever seen it played one way, so the ambiguity passed me by. Every Lilith player I know measures the 6" at the point the ability is used, and then Lilith is free to move away from that model with the rest of her AP and it will be the next model to activate.

I think this is a more natural reading of the ability. It's an instantaneous effect, measured immediately. I think if the other way was intended, the ability would be worded, "At the end of this model's activation..."

Seamus has the same ability called (0) Womaniser, and I've always played that similarly.


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Thankyou for the responses.

Looks like I'll play it that it's 6" from when I use it.

This is definitely correct way to play. I remember the ruling to that effect to, but the thing to remember is that everything in Malifaux revolves around placing effects on models and executing them.

The ability effectively places an effect on the model, which allows the model to activate once she ends her own activation. So the model must be within ability's range when the effect is being placed and that is when the ability is being used.

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  • 3 weeks later...
This is definitely correct way to play. I remember the ruling to that effect to, but the thing to remember is that everything in Malifaux revolves around placing effects on models and executing them.

The ability effectively places an effect on the model, which allows the model to activate once she ends her own activation. So the model must be within ability's range when the effect is being placed and that is when the ability is being used.

+1 to what Q'iq'el said.

To go further, look at the talent (0) Brood Mother. Note that it is a (0) action and not a passive talent. Because it is an action you do everything that the action calls out for at the time the action is performed.. And since part of the action is identifying a model and applying the effect "activate immediately after this model", the model is selected and given the effect at the point in which the action is performed.

In the case of the action (0) Brood Mother, there are 3 components: a type of model to be affected, a range limitation and the effect.

The type of model that Brood Mother can apply it's effect to is a "1 friendly Nephilim".

The limitations of the model to be affected is that it must be within 6" of this model (Lilith) in order to be a valid "1 friendly Nephilim".

The effect that the action applies is to allow the affected model to activate immediately after this model finishes it's activation.

A point of note, is that because the target limitation is "1 friendly Nephilim within 6 inches" and not "Target friendly Nephilim within 6 inches", you do not need line of site to the model you wish to activate after Lilith. And while this is generally moot with Lilith, as she has Master of Malifaux, other models do block line of sight and this would allow you to select a model that Lilith has her LoS blocked to.

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