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Sex in the Game - a barriers to entry discussion

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no problem Panda, so far it hasn't gotten as bad as other sites and communities where this topic comes up (from both sides) and has stayed pretty reasonable

Have to admit, I likely wouldn't even get the alt bete, I like the original bete noir more than that one,

but yeah, that was my point, I don't get mini's for sex appeal and don't know many that do, but I also don't see the point in agonizing over the chest size and wether the figure's wearing skimpy clothes or not, aside from the fact it's easier for me to paint clothes then it is alot of skin for some reason.

I can't say much about what a barrier to women may or may not be since my chromosomes are the wrong type to relate, but I'd think it's likely more the attitude how they're treated in the game store than not. I used to play w40k in one store in clifton park, and a girl I was seeing at the time had come one day to see what it was about. It was just like all the geek stereotypes, she was the only girl there, and everyone was staring at her to the point she got uncomfortable and wanted to leave.

meanwhile the store i play in now, has about half the staff women, and at least a third the malifaux players in my area are female, there doesn't seem to be as much staring.

and on a marginally related note, chest size on a mini, I'm currently attempting to scratch build tzeentchian sisters of battle (cheaper than buying the metals), and have to say, it's pretty hard to get their chests smaller than dolly parton proportions

---------- Post added at 09:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:44 PM ----------

Stereotype is characters in the setting assuming that Bob the Dwarf must be a good engineer and a tireless miner because he's a dwarf.

coincidentally, I used to do a webcomic about a dwarf named Bob who was not either of those.....

---------- Post added at 09:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:04 PM ----------

I really liked the Daemonettes from 10-15 years ago (the studio paintjob was blue/white). But they were quite explicit. Not sure what they look like now.


kind of a cross between the old 80's ones and deadites from evil dead

Edited by G. Footman
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I am a 28-year old hard core gamer/painter and female.

All in all, I tell almost as many dirty jokes as my male hobby acquaintances and I enjoy sexy stories and miniatures as well. I’m not hot, but I get treated without prejudice and the guys at tournaments and stores are friendly and open just the same.

I think we should be careful not to censure a game like wyrd to appeal more broadly. Would be a damn shame. I actually like the mix of beauty, erotic flavour, fantasy and horror in wyrd. The plain wrong and far out. Wyrd has a mature target group. Keep it like that. Bad business not to have a target group. You end up with plain vanilla.

I only know a few female miniature gamers but a lot of roleplaying girls/women and none of us have any problem with too much emphasis on sex in the games. There are probably a few cases, where I draw the line, but I don’t really mind, I just don’t buy it.

None of my non geek female friends have a problem with the sexy dolls either. They have prejudices about us being grown ups playing with toys instead ^^ Also, the 2-3 smelly hangarounds in LGSs scare people away and a lot of people are afraid of being compared to them.

Btw. I resent your opinions on size D+ breast sizes. What about my feelings, huh? /sarcasm

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I've found this to be more and more the case. There's a reason female gamers are gamers and male non-gamers are non-gamers.

People who are offended by sexualised content are usually parents trying to get their children into gaming or people (male and female) who find all sexualised content distasteful (unfortunately a lot of my friends).

At the of the day I think that targeting anyone because of their sex or race is wrong. My initial thought was that there existed barriers to entry that were unique to women or held by a female majority. I was interested to see if this was indeed the case. In truth it seems that the same reason a woman wouldn't step into a gaming shop is the same reason anyone wouldn't. The simple fact is that many women have a lower tolerance to the kind of barriers to entry most male games just put up with. I can think of ways to combat those symptoms but it would involve a more ambitious treatment of the disease.

My main problem with sexualised miniatures is that it ties to one of the negative stereotypes of the industry and while all stereotypes are based on reality, I think the industry would benefit from there being a little more balance in its overall content (not just sexualised). A company can have its target group, with enough variety, but if anyone uses existing gamers as an argument for what non-gamers would like, then I'll slap them with my pimping panda paw. There's more to the industries stagnation than lack of word of mouth.

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Well, I think there is a developement. Most sculpturs have their own ideas of what would be awesome to see on the market. This way we get minis that are off. We get surprised. And when the reaction is good, it inspires others to do the same. Break the clichés.

I like this one from Hasslefree. Warning, she is naked ;)


Rest is wyrd mini that I like because they surprised me.

Crazy old lady has a gun


Sexy….. Not quite appropriate for the young or the squeamish, but what a shame if she didn’t exist.


But then again. Some clichees are worth redoing. Because… well, they are just awesome.



My point is. Don’t change the themes because you want to be political correct or want to aim broader or spare the women :) Do it for the hobby and the hell of it. Do it because you are inspired.

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GW also until recently had topless dark elf women and daemonettes with 5-6 naked boobs, and was still going for the younger crowd

The UK isn't as prudish as the US- I think it was a market decision.

Btw. I resent your opinions on size D+ breast sizes. What about my feelings, huh? /sarcasm




Characterful, large-chested, awesome. Kev White sculpts something for everyone- Hasslefree is full of naked and scantily clad minis of both genders. There are also plenty of excellent fully clothed sculpts.

The market offers plenty of options for everyone's tastes, but I want more. Both women and men have more body type variation in miniatures, which is one aspect of reality I like (with respect to both a sense of fair play and aesthetics). More choices means everyone can get something they want (sexy, sensible, or somewhere in between). I think more women will pick this hobby up, and as a result, we'll see even more variety than before. All of which are good things.

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