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Iron Heel: Carnival of Doom!

Iron Heel

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3/2/13 UPDATE

Here's my take on the summoned vodoo doll (the official one never really grabbed me).

Not the best pics (done with my phone) but you get the idea.





2/22/13 UPDATE

Zoraida is finished! I was kind of intimidated by this model and it took me a long time to finally just suck up finish painting her. I am very please with the results.

There are a couple of funky spots in the pic that don't exist in the model (flash glare?).

The 35 point crew is nearly done (its modified from my original list)

Zoraida (with Voodoo Doll)


Marionette x4

Wicked Doll x2


All are painted short of the VD, who I primed yesterday. I've not played any of these models yet so I figured I'll insert an effigy later once I have a handle on these guys.




2/12/13 UPDATE

Wicked Doll #2 is done. The model is a metal Puppet Wars sorrow.



2/3/13 UPDATE

Put some time into my first Wicked Doll; I am using a Puppet Wars LE Teddy.

I am very pleased with how he turned out. There are some shiny spots in random places though so it looks like I'll be hitting him with another spray of dullcoat.



2/1/13 UPDATE

Collodi and 2 more Marionettes are fully completed. I wanted to do a group shot of what I've got so far. I am really happy with the look. Zoraida is WIP, but I wanted to see how she looked with them.



1/27/13 UPDATE


Carved some time for this crew and now have Collodi and my last two marrionettes 95% done. I did the wash and will go back in for a few highlights and then spray coat them (1 coat of Krylon gloss for strength, 2 coats of Testors Dullcoat to get rid of the sheen).



1/2/13 UPDATE

I got a little gumption to put some more work into this crew.

The long hands are from GW's flayed ones Necrons which I've seen on this forum.

The feathers are from a GW High Elf sprue (archers I think).




Marionette #2


This is the LE Seraphine Le Roux figure that I will use as Zoraida.

I am not quite sure if I will hold to the color scheme for her...I may go for a white dress.




Long ago I had an idea to do a Zoraida/Collodi crew with a carnival theme.

I painted and posted Killjoy a while back, but I just got my first marionette done.

I'll update this thread as I paint the models:

Neverborn Crew - 35 - Scrap

Zoraida, the Hag -- 5 Pool


2x Marionette

2x Wicked Doll

Stitched Together or Arcane Effigy





Edited by Iron Heel
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Great idea for the theme and I love the $$$$$$$$$$ face on Killjoy

---------- Post added at 07:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:10 PM ----------

lol, I had no idea that such words can get auto-censored

Thanks :1_Happy_Puppet1:


It is widely held that one of the developers is no friend to kl0wns.


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