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Poll: The Great Joker Debate


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I would argue the poll isn't worded in the best way. I don't argue it needs immediate revision. I personally would like something to be implemented so that H2W doesn't sometimes come out as a negative due to the red joker, in the way armor, spirit, or a high df don't become negatives due to the mechanics of the game, although they can become negatives based on other models.

So while overall my opinion is the jokers in essence are fine I really don't like how they interact with H2W, but that is purely a personal opinion.

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So while overall my opinion is the jokers in essence are fine I really don't like how they interact with H2W, but that is purely a personal opinion.

It's a valid opinion and I'm glad you added it here. I'm not sure that I agree with you or not, but I can certainly see the point....as some have said....that one of the great Rezzer strengths sometimes becomes a liability.

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more options & a less rigged wording of the question would give a more nuanced picture.

Right now it looks like




And well, I'm in the whatever camp; don't care that much; is not on the top of any list.

Could it use tweaking; probably. But it is not immediately, and it is not deserving 3x!

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Personally I love it when the Red comes up on a negative twist or when the Black comes up on a positive twist, whether I am on the giving or receiving end of it. It is just the freak twists of fate that are a big part of the make up of Malifaux in my opinion. Its just that "there's always a chance" to either snatch victory from the jaws of defeat or defeat from the jaws of victory, that reminds us to always be on our toes when treading in Malifaux.

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It is hard for me to imagine a possible world in which, if Wyrd had not originally had the extra damage flip on negative flips, that some group of people would have, all along, been clamoring to have that changed.

And yes, philosophy buffs, I realize that there is a "possible world" in which that can be, as its not a necessary thing that it not be... :)

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There are several different polls that could be done.

1. Does joker mechanic need immediate revision?

2. Does joker mechanic need revision ever?

3. In what way would you like to see the joker mechanic revised?

This poll is effectively #1. Its a simple yes or no. Does the joker mechanic as it stands impede your enjoyment to the point where you want an immediate change or is the joker mechanic enjoyable enough as written to stand as is for the time being?

We could certainly get a broader picture with #3, but this thread seems to want to avoid going back into the lengthy 30 page debate in favor of a quick and focused poll gauging immediate necessity of a change. In that regard, its spot on.

Speaking in a broader sense of #3, the common responses seem to be: no change, rj is just severe, rj is severe + weak, rj functions differently on negative flip. Perhaps another poll is warranted?

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but this thread seems to want to avoid going back into the lengthy 30 page debate in favor of a quick and focused poll gauging immediate necessity of a change. In that regard, its spot on.

Thanks Malovane.

I have no hidden agenda here. I'm not being one-sided. Yes it needs change, No it doesn't. We can figure out the how later if necessary but let Democracy say whether it is necessary at all.

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There are several different polls that could be done.

1. Does joker mechanic need immediate revision?

2. Does joker mechanic need revision ever?

3. In what way would you like to see the joker mechanic revised?

This poll is effectively #1. Its a simple yes or no. Does the joker mechanic as it stands impede your enjoyment to the point where you want an immediate change or is the joker mechanic enjoyable enough as written to stand as is for the time being?

If it were a simple Yes or no, those would have been the answer options.

Revisions of the schemes and strats seem like an important topic lately.

Would anyone answer "Yes! That thing ruins my games!! Change them immediately!!" for strats and schemes?

Is there ANYTHING in the game that people would argue must be IMMEDIATELY changed because it is destroying all enjoyment to play (ie. "ruining")?

It is an impossibly big stretch to pretend like that poll is anything other than un-veiled bias pretending to be information gathering.

Edited by Gruesome
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It is an impossibly big stretch to pretend like that poll is anything other than un-veiled bias pretending to be information gathering.

Thanks. I love personal attacks like this. It's such a good thing that you know me so well.

Edit: Anyway, since some people seem to think I have some kind of hidden agenda here....please go vote in this new thread that may be less biased.


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Thanks. I love personal attacks like this. It's such a good thing that you know me so well.

Personal attack... lol...

How about this...

I help design cognitive and personality tests and surveys for a living. Every word about your poll I said is true. It exhibits complete bias and uses its distractors to lead respondents in one direction.

If you want to take that question and my assessment of it as an indictment of you, then whatever floats your boat...

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Is there ANYTHING in the game that people would argue must be IMMEDIATELY changed because it is destroying all enjoyment to play (ie. "ruining")?

I think it will vary from person to person. Certainly the use of "all" enjoyment is extreme, but there are definitely areas that I would feel need more immediate attention than others. Hamlin, scheme/strat balance, maybe Von Schill's point cost. So for me personally, I have to say yes, there are things in this game that I would say warrant immediate attention. Which is of course a bit of a distinction from immediate change in that I'd rather have wyrd take their time with changes to make them "right" instead of rushed. Immediate attention specifically that those are the areas I believe wyrd and the community should be focused on. Joker mechanics being an area that I believe does not require immediate attention.

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