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Hello Guys,

iam Kai or for the sake of internet "lore" a "Hillbilly Gremlin" iam 33 years old and living in Germany,

well where should i start, never ever heared of Malifaux till last weekend,  when a friend at my local Tabletop Club, got passed by his Game Partner for Malifaux and my best pal and i got in to bride the gap ^^. Startet playing i instantley got hooked by the desing of the miniatures and THE CARDS!!! (it so mutch better to have a bunce of Numbers at hand when you need them ...then to hope for a good roll by those bitchy dice...)

My friend gave me his Pandora Crew to play with and well...i struggeld with all the effects and triggers, but managed to get along pretty well. After the test game we talked to him about the factions and having  Relatives in the Apalachian Region around Ohio instantley fell in Love with the Gremlins (okay they are more florida like swamp folk but who cares^^)

well i hop to blend in here very well and have a good time with you guys and gals

see you later 

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Sup People,


I've been lurking around this past week after I started looking more serious into this wonderfull thing. I'm from Sofia Bulgaria. Got hooked up into the green evil bastards as I'm starting to learn a.k.a. Gremlins. I had Som'er box till last week, now I have all 3 Boxes (3rd to come shortly), Burt, Pigs, Slop Haulers and extra bayou Gremlins. So yeah ... Gremlins are ton of fun.


I'm coming from cardgame background in the face of A Game of Thrones LCG and recently expanded into miniatures.




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Hey guys,


My name is Allan. I have been playing GW games for over 20 years, and Malifaux is my first real proper branch out into a non-GW models system. I've been overcome already by how helpful the community on this forum have been - and I'm currently in the middle of opening up a hobby store in my local area with the idea of using Malifaux as one of my main game focuses. :)

I'm currently assembling my first boxed set ever - No Shelter Here. Everyone tells me that they're not the best gang to start with - but I'm game!


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Heya Everyone!


I'm Jeremy and I hail from Pennsylvania. Just started getting into Malifaux and am loving it already. Going to be starting a Ramos crew. 


Been finding so much helpful info on this forum. Great community! Excited to be a part of it.

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Hi everyone! I'm Mat, from France, i just started to play Malifaux and i really enjoyed my first game ( with a Rasputina starter). I come here to learn more about the game, the fluff, and probably ask one or two things cause sometimes i'm a little bit confused about the rules ;)

I plan to buy soon the arsenal deck and more models. Glad to be here and talk to you very soon!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi there. I'm Leroy and I'm new to this game. The card intsead of dice mechanic got me intrested and now I'm currently looking into the factions. From what I have seen, it's very story driven so I'm probably going to be looking into every character.

Anyway, hope to have fun here. :D



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Hi there. I'm Leroy and I'm new to this game. The card intsead of dice mechanic got me intrested and now I'm currently looking into the factions. From what I have seen, it's very story driven so I'm probably going to be looking into every character.

Anyway, hope to have fun here. :D


Welcome to Malifaux!


Be sure to check out the wiki, and come back with any questions you might have.

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Hmph.  I've been lurking in the chat for a while but it looks like I never posted here.


Hi.  I'm Jess but I'm perfectly happy to answer to Llama.  I'm in central Minnesota but I'm from the middle-of-nowhere Virginia.  I've started collecting Resurrectionists.  (Molly and Seamus, but I want all of them.)  My boyfriend's only got Mei Feng so far.  I've done a little 40k and a very little Warmachine, but it was years ago.  The boyfriend has never touched a minis game.  (He actually asked me to help him put his minis together.  He opened his crew box and just sat there looking at 'em for several minutes before saying "Somehow I didn't expect them to be quite so ... small." lol)


I love, love, LOVE the Malifaux aesthetic.  But one of my favorite parts of 40k was chopping up the models and making them less hideous so now I find myself torn between being thrilled that the base models in Malifaux are as nice-looking as they are and a little sad I don't have an excuse to remake half of them.  (I know, I know.  Such a horrible complaint.  "It's too pretty!"  lol)

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Hi, names Chuck. I'm based out of Chattanooga, TN at the moment. I've been gaming for a long time now. I play and run a variety of tabletop RPGs.  In mini gaming I currently play Infinity, Wrath of Kings, Kings of War, and now Malifaux.

I have been interested in Malifaux for a while now but hadn't pulled the trigger because it looked rather daunting.

This weekend, at the CMON Expo, I finally got the chance to play a demo of it. I even got to participate in a tourney late saturday as well thanks to some generous players letting me borrow a crew. I played a Seamus based crew. It took a couple of matches to solidify the rules in my brain but I have fallen in love with this game. Now I just gotta figure out what crew I want to run....

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