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Why I Am Not Quitting Malifaux...


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As much as I love ponies (and never ever expected myself to say or write that) I think I'll try, as hard as it may be, to get this back on topic. Perhaps everyone can write a post saying what they love about Malifaux?

For me, it's the story. This is especially shocking for someone who isn't known for loving Westerns. I've always been more sci-fi and have recently been enjoying the world of steampunk. The game is enjoyable but I am constantly finding myself thinking about the characters, the world and history of Malifaux. I play out scenarios in my mind, either as a character or just imagining things that could happen in a world filled with magic, steampunk, westerns and deep plots. I have read the fluff in each book with bated breath like reading any novel, turning each page with trepidation and excitement. I prefer fluffy lists, painting how I think they would look in real life (even if I'm slowly forgetting what that is) and the characters have made me want to collect or even not collect certain masters - why you so selfish Ramos?

Anyway, I have great respect and admiration for the stories that surround the game. It keeps me coming back defeat after defeat, safe in the knowledge that Perdita still loves me. I mean... that I can play out parts of the books already written, surrounding events or even write some myself.

To this end, I will soon begin work on a podcast (yes, ANOTHER podcast) but one different from most. I think that the mechanics of the game is adequately covered by those podcasts already out there (Cheated Fates and Aethervox being my personal favourites) so I am planning a story podcast. Details are sketchy yet but it will either be a consistent storyline throughout episodes or a collection of narratives - depending on how many people I can get involved. I haven't done this for any other game I've played, which I hope demonstrates my enjoyment of this game.

So, next positive post! Let's drown those neigh-sayers (dammit, I know I couldn't keep the ponyness out forever. Run, run for your lives!)

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In addition to anything else you do, just reading or have someone read the book stories each episode would be awesome.

I wouldn't read them verbatim, I don't want to go near Intellectual Copyright. At best, I hope to touch on some of the things mentioned in the stories. I might write one based on a barely-mentioned person, or something that leads up to one of the stories. e.g. another passenger on the train of Hoffman and Ryle's journey, or an acolyte of December. That sort of stuff.

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I would like to see some book 1 stuff get a power bump. So I will be around when version 2 happens. I love the background and aesthetic too much to ever quit, unless I quit gaming altogether.

I do agree with calmdowns assessment of rasputina's gang not supporting an optimal fluffy background list, and I always play pandora with a kid list wich is less than optimal.

However I do not agree that the game as a whole doesn't support fluffy lists.

Actually I think this game for the most part supports fluff lists better than any other tabletop game out there.

I think this game is still evolving, and will get much better in the future.

Pretty much where I stand. I think much of Calmdown and Magicpockets' feedback is worth taking into consideration (I like CD's ideas for the Ice Golem, for example), and I suspect Wyrd is doing so even if some would not agree. I judge that the rules team are not rushing into things so they can avoid slapdash patch fixes which do more harm than good. This is v1.5 of the game- how many great games were perfect from v1 on?

I am willing to be patient. Calmdown and Magicpockets' patience has apparently run out, and that's their prerogative (cue Bobby Brown). Probably better to leave and see if they like things better when v2 eventually hits rather than loathe the game so much they never come back. I learned a lot from both of them even if their posts sometimes came with side orders of braggadocio. Sometimes you have to dive through murky waters to get to a pearl.

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Not leaving Malifaux because I love the Stories, Characters and frankly the Podcasts...

so yeah, even through my losses, I still look forward to the weekend and play more Malifaux..

Don't let the person in a golden mask behind me distract you... he is not threatening me to stay in Malifaux...

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Our gaming group has gone through phases where we've quit playing for a bit, but we always come back to Malifaux. Lately that's been the only game a few of us have wanted to take seriously, and I'm happy for that. The awesome mechanics, beautiful models, and the story have me entrenched in this game. Sure, I've had questions on balance and faction power, but in the end, they've created a world and game that is too compelling not to play.

I'm not going anywhere just yet, much to Keltheos' chagrin. :)

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I've been out of the loop for the past month, or so. So I have no idea what's been going on, but I see no reason to quit Malifaux, and no reason to consider quitting.

Granted my interest waxes and wanes, and currently I'm on a WarmaHordes kick, with some Malifaux models I picked up months ago still waiting for a paint job. (I'm looking at YOU Marcus! [and you, Pandora, and you, Zoraida, and...]) Book four looks promising to boost my Malifaux interest again, since Colossals and Gargantuans look like they'll be a bust.

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