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Sup guys, not really a big forum poster but I felt like sharing my latest project that I have just begun. I am working on magnetising the avatar Vikis so that I may use them as both the avatar and the seperate Viks as I am not really a fan of the current moulds.

First batch of pics:

More to come




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well as you (possibly) can see the sword vik has 4 small magnets arranged 2x2 as I thought that a single bar of magnets wouldnt keep her up right, and then there is a small washer visible for those magnets to grab and it holds her there very well (enough so that i can pick her up by (both av base and standard)

with the gun vik I have arranged the magnets the same and also thought that she would need bigger/stonger magnets, but she stands fine, my drill ran out of charge so I have to wait to keep going but I have the avatar base all set up, the only difference being that the holes on the deck have two magnets side by side held in with some putty, just gotta finish the gun viks standard base and I can start painting

I will post a pic of them all once i have finished drilling

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Nicely done, they really look good. Have you tried magnets on the fig and another set in the base? I find the bond with magnets on both halves much stronger than magnet on metal (especially if they are in direct contact). Look forward to seeing them painted.

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@MudgeBlack: Yea I have reinforced each of the connections now with magnets, and its not alot stronger

@Guardian: Like I just mentioned to MudgeBlack, having now reinforced them with more magnets I am still able to switch positions but they will now have to face the other way due to the positioning of the magnets (altho now that I think about it I could probably just pop the magnets of the viks feet and reverse them)

Its not the first project with magnets either...I have about 9 individual (colour coded) Steampunk Arachnids that are each on a plastic cog with a metal washer under it and 9 30mm and 3 40mm bases loaded with magnets :P

One other thing with the Viks that I was considering was to cut off the GIGANTIC Masamune and having the standard (non avatar) one magnetised as well and switching them when they avatar up, but it would have been pretty hard to keep the connection strong with only two small magnets :(

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LOL! Viruk, I just checked out your painting blog and am now finding myself a little hesitant to post my pics when they are done :S

I will post them but I aint gonna feel good about it :P

EDIT: and here they are...(didnt really enjoy painting these in the end but they turned out acceptable atleast :P)




Edited by Pablonius
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