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Vik swords

Huang Da Wei

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I don't know how small the Viks hands are, but when I need to pin something really tiny I usually go for a #66 (.8382mm) drillbit or a #76 (.508mm) if it's really fine. Then you just need some music wire that's a gage or two smaller than the bit. Hobby shops will often stock both the bits and the wire.

The bits are inexpensive so it's worth getting several, as they will dull sooner than you might think.

For fine work I suggest a Dremel rather than a pin vise. Not having to twist your hand will help assure the hole drills at the angle and position you want. I recommend the "Stylus" Dremel, as it's wireless, and has low speed and low torque. Nothings worse than having the thing you are drilling heat up in your hand, snapping the bit and sending a tiny sword flying across the room.

Also be sure to get a chuck, as the collets supplied with the Dremel won't accommodate tiny bits.

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