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How important is maneuverability in this game?

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Hi all,

to me it seems that maneuverability is the most important aspect in that game. Be it several schemes / strategies, be it the success of thos fast paced / high maneuverable creas such as Dreamer or Zoraida/Collodi. Even with my Pandora Crews I often win because I´m able to get the most out of my highly maneuverable models such as Pandora, Insidious Madnesses and Mature Nephilim.

Maneuverability helps you to get the first strike if needed, to fastly advance towards mission objectives, to avoid melee, to jump from cover to cover,...

What do you think? Is maneuverability really that important?


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While I believe that maneuverability is powerful I think Board Control is better. Just being fast or having abilities around terrain is not always enough. As Fetid pointed out having the ability to move well and hit hard tend to produce go to models. Effectively those models can control an area around them with their threat. But there are some models that are not as fast but still produce a wide area of control as you want to avoid their 'reach' even if it is not something as strait forward as big meaty fists.

that said often board control and maneuverability go hand to hand with some cases.

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This might sounds stupid but I think its a bigger deal if you don't have maneuverability. When a Model like Rasputina or the Executioner has all this hitting power but spends half the game just trying to reach something and then when its objective grabbing time are useless makes it really hard to justify taking them over something faster that doesn't hit quite as hard.

Look at all the masters that people consider top tier and you'll notice they all have some kind of movement aspect to their play.

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Movement is a big deal in most tabletop games, Malifaux is no exception. When you consider Malifaux is a game of objectives, most of which force you to move to the center of the table or to the other side of the table, movement can be game winning. However, I feel that "threat ranges" are just as important as being able to move around the board. Rasputina has an enormous "threat range" even though she has little to no movement. Most models seem to be removed from the table quite fast once they enter her threat range. There is so much more to this game than being able to move really fast. Positioning your models is more important than sheer speed.

On an unrelated note, congrats on getting your cards Fetid!!

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Its funny, I was just about to post my experiences with my first two games as Kirai when I saw this thread...

As someone that has been almost exclusively Nicodem for over a year and then the last month tried McMourning, Seamus and now Kirai, I can say that for me, extreme maneuverability turns this into a different game.

I am by no means good with Kirai, but by the end of even my very first game with her, I was doing all sorts of terrible things to my opponent swirling things into or out of combat or onto objectives, etc...

Speed and maneuverability completely changed the game for me. I could apply the best resource at the most crucial place the entire game and escape from nearly any danger.

Its hard to wrap my brain around returning to a slow crew again now that I have tasted SPEED! :)

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It is fairly important due to really fast well balanced type crews can play a style of game that all but maybe 5-6 other crews can't. In that they have the ability to not have to play for vp's for the first 1/2 the game or so and if played properly (ie protect certain pieces) the second 1/2 of the game they can then focus on grabbing up vp's and more often than not easily end up with 6+.

Most average speed or slow crews are pretty much forced from the get go of taking/doing their stuff for vp's and the fast manuevarable types can harass deny them this then they can go focus on doing their stuff.

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