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Lovin' the Steamborg


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(but it's a brotherly sort of love)

EDIT: Oh, poo - I was using the original card. V2 says enemy defender. Sorry, guys. Ignore this post :(

Got my first game in with a Ramos crew last night. The game was 35ss, and I took Ramos, Mobile Toolkit, Steamborg Executioner, SPA Swarm and 2 Soulstone Miners.

Immediately after realising just how slow Ramos was (if I want Scrap, he's not going anywhere this Turn), I noticed the Steamborg's Knock Aside trigger. If he hits with a Mask he gets to Push the defender 4", does no damage and then must Charge another model within range. No limitations on friendly or enemy models :)

So for the first two Turns the Steamborg whacked Ramos, Charged something of my own that was up ahead and then cheated that hit down to do no damage. 1AP spent, Ramos has got more than his normal move for free and the Steamborg has got a free Charge move.

On the last Turn of the game I had a hand of Masks and did the trick twice. Hit a Swarm, got the Trigger (Paired weapons make it much easier to get a Mask), knocked the Swarm into a building (incidentally getting Stake a Claim!), charged a lone Spider. Hit, cheated a Mask in, knocked the Spider towards the enemy, Charged a Seishin. Hit and killed the Seishin. He arrived next to Kirai having Charged twice and moved two friendly models around for only 1 specific AP (+1 Melee Master) and was ready to Flurry :)

I love this guy! I know he is a bit of glass cannon (Ramos healed him twice during the game) but with this Knock Aside trigger you can keep him well back, knowing he can easily plough 8"-16" and arrive at an enemy with both general AP left.

Any other cool uses for Mr S. Borg?


Edited by Sholto
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Hi Guys.

I got to use this trigger last night in a game. Ok so it was only my second ever Malifaux game so I still don't have a clue. Anyway, I charge a convict gunslinger, that I needed to kill for 2vp but while I was thinking about what I needed to do I saw the trigger and the fact that I had high enough cards (and the correct suit obviously) for the decapitate trigger as well. About 3" behind the gunslinger was Lady J and I remembered the bad things she did to me in my first game. So I got greedy, pushed the gunslinger out of the way (no damage and no VP ooops) charged Lady J. Attacked, hit and was about to lop her head off when I reminded my opponent (also a fairly new player) that he can up his duel score by using a soul stone and adding to the total. Which he promptly defended against and killed the attack.

Then just as promptly killed the Steamborg in her next activation.

Lesson learned. Don't take eye off prize. Kill things that will give me VP.

Also I was getting excited reading about the moving Ramos about shenanigans. Because that was another problem I had. During the game there were plenty of scrap counters but none were near to Ramos as he was staying back out of harms way (or so he thought) making more spiders and electrical creations.

Now I have a little more experience (2 games, both losses and still not got to the end of Book 1 let alone the rules manual) I will make the effort to be more active on the forum and ask dumb questions in all the wrong places.


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