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Seamus & co. vs. I2I?

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So, I'm looking at an entirely I2I crew (Hoffman) in my first Seamus game. So, Lure can still be used to speed up or pull back for various positioning abilities, but is there something else I'm missing, or is Seamus just not going to be on his "A" game?

Also, it seems like an Onryo would be good in larger games (fit decently thematically, strips defenses), are these a given?

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If you want the focus of your army to be fear, it can still be done. Try the carrion effigy. Hes worked well for me in the past, with removing those immunities and sniping from afar. I've found it a perfect fit for Seamus due to his lack of summoning focus.

So if you are going the terror route keep focusing on your strengths, don't try to make up for your weaknesses. Canines, Hanged, and Desperate Mercs all help with fear, out activating, and putting as many corpse tokens out on the field.

Edited by MrSpiffypants
Horrid grammar
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Avatar up ASAP - that is what it was made for! - Most ITI models have splendidly terrible willpower, so when they lose the immunity they head for the hills. Swap some belles for models that can hit things - constructs tend to have armor! The Hanged can ruin a guardians day by preventing the heal - and Killjoy's stratospheric damage and second big terrifying effect can complement aSeamus nicely.

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If you want the focus of your army to be fear, it can still be done. Try the carrion effigy. Hes worked well for me in the past, with removing those immunities and sniping from afar. I've found it a perfect fit for Seamus due to his lack of summoning focus.

Just as a side note: Even if you used Carrion Effigy to strip immunities from Constructs, Terryfying still won't start affecting them. Tricky that one, but it also applies to Undead, Nightmares and other non-living.

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I had a game Vs Hoffman as Seamus recently. I'll tell you what worked for me.

Desperate Mercenaries. These guys are wonderful for ressers. Use a canine remains to put one wound on em for + to attack. Then pop their (0) & use uncontrolled fire. 4 shots which can all hit different targets Cb5 + attack & ++Dmg. This should thin his ranks. The best thing is you then kill them (As they would otherwise be sacrificed) and get a heal flip & a corpse counter.

Dead Rider. Hits hard, tough as nails, can reposition your opponent without the use of lure.

Punk Zombies. Good high end damage, also they have a spell that deals wounds therefore bypassing armor.

Rotten Belles. Use them to re position YOUR army. Lure a desperate merc into firing range, lure a punk zombie into a charge lane, lure Seamus out of trouble.

Seamus. Use undead psychosis on Hoffman other then that try & get off his slit jugular trigger.

Then again I had slaughter so YMMV.

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Just so we're on the same page here, page 9 to be exact:

"Constructs: Modls with the Construct Characteristic are non-living and are immune to Moral Duels (pg 56)"

And Carrion Effigy, pg 181, Twisted Fates: "(1) Diminished Resistance, (no resistance, 4 aura) Enemy models cannot ignore effects and lose all immunities"

So how exactly are they ignoring the terror?

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Re: Terror and constructs. The Terrifying ability says that it only affects the living. It's not that constructs are immune, it's that they aren't eligible targets.

Terrifying is also a morale duel, which they're immune to, but don't let that confuse the issue. They have two things keeping them safe from Terror, one is an immunity that can be stripped, the other is a restriction on Terrifying that cannot.

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Okay, thanks for the advice!

So, I definitely could get more straight damage output, but that's not going to help the short run (lists were picked... I probably should have chosen something more well-rounded than optimized for Seamus).

So, a couple questions-

1- how do you manifest? Just ignore the Slit Jugular requirement and eat the lost activation?

2- would it ve a viable tactic to send something disposable in (or keep something already engaged where it is) and Undead Psychosis your own piece?

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1- how do you manifest? Just ignore the Slit Jugular requirement and eat the lost activation?
A friend did this to me on a mature Nephilim on my first game with Lilith. Just activate Seamus as normal, use the 0 action you need for the requirement (assuming you have the suit in hand) and save a belle until the end of the turn when they have few cards left and lure the model which by my understanding causes the charge you need, allowing you to get the trigger you need (once their hand is empty) he then manifested in mele with Lilith on 1 WD, no healing flip from stones, and took me 3 turns to kill him, not hard to hit but getting through his terrifying is a pain if he has used the actions to boost it :(
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I rarely worry about the Slit Jugular condition for manifesting no matter what I'm facing. It's by far the most fiddly, and has too big a chance to accomplish nothing other than meeting the requirement. Two turns for Face of Death, and manifesting early on Turn 3 still leaves you with a (1) and a (0). His Avatar accomplishes a lot of what it needs to just by being in position and letting things fail morale duels and run away to get hit by Wicked. I'll frequently use the (1) to move up more, then his (0) to boost the Terrifying, and just get him stuck in. Most models are going to need a 9+ to pass that, and that's a pretty hefty requirement.

Hoffman is definitely an ugly matchup for Seamus in general, but I think he's very vulnerable to a few tricks. Onryo can be a good option to open up your Wp games, but they'll be about your only one so you have to make sure to protect it. Hoffman himself is not Immune to Influence though, and if you can beat him out on initiative and use a Sybelle-driven Alpha Lure to pull him away from his pack of bots, he's in trouble. Dead Rider is a good general choice as well, and can potentially accomplish the same thing. Separate The Hoff from his bots, break his ability to assimilate and the Protect chains, and he'll fold fast.

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