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Starting Seamus


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After I finish off my Viktoria crew I'm looking at taking a detour into Seamus before continuing on with the Outcasts. Mostly looking at getting Seamus for two reasons. The first is that I want to use him and Von Schill for demo game purposes, and the second is that he has totally awesome fluff.

For demo purposes I'm looking at a bare-bones 25ss crews for both sides. Von Schill using only his box, and Seamus with his box and a totem of some variety. I know both these crews are fairly straight forward to play, but I'm wondering if Von Schill has a little too much of an edge. Hard-Ass, Stubborn, and Freikorp armor makes it a bit of an up hill battle, but Seamus will have double the SS pool. Then again I can always play Seamus in the demo games unless the person I'm showing really wants to try him.

From their the only thing I have planned after that is Molly's box for fluff and for use when I get around to Levi. I know Night Terrors have a place in almost any Resser crew, and I'll already have most of the mercenaries. Dead Doxies are about the only other models I've considered mostly because I've heard Seamus can summon them (haven't gotten a look at book 3 yet). So what else should I look at for rounding out the Red Chapel gang?

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Von Schill, in my opinion, rocks the face of most resser crews. The range, speed and Von Schill super sauce is too much for this generally slow faction to keep up with.

Seamus best power, in my opinion, is Undead Psychosis and that's pointless against a ranged crew. The clumping nature of resser crews makes the specialist rather deadly and with no "obey" type power the specialist is safe from blowing his own tanks. The regular corpsmen are way more fighty than a bell. Its going to be hard to deliver Bete without canine remains because the corpsmen will be dropping models at range where possible.

Von schill needs no totem by the way. I mean, student is cool but just save the stones and buy another trapper or something.

Ressers are a hard faction.

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Von Schill, in my opinion, rocks the face of most resser crews. The range, speed and Von Schill super sauce is too much for this generally slow faction to keep up with.

Seamus best power, in my opinion, is Undead Psychosis and that's pointless against a ranged crew. The clumping nature of resser crews makes the specialist rather deadly and with no "obey" type power the specialist is safe from blowing his own tanks. The regular corpsmen are way more fighty than a bell. Its going to be hard to deliver Bete without canine remains because the corpsmen will be dropping models at range where possible.

Von schill needs no totem by the way. I mean, student is cool but just save the stones and buy another trapper or something.

Ressers are a hard faction.

I'm aware of the awesomeness that is the freikorp on ressers..... except my specialist never seems to hit anything. Demo crews are looking something like this.

Ressurectionists Crew - 25 - Scrap

Seamus, The Mad-Hatter
8 Pool

Grave Spirit [1ss]

  • Madame Sybelle

  • Rotten Belles

  • Rotten Belles

  • Rotten Belles

Not a guarantee on grave spirit for the totem, just put it into the crew creator to make the list. May use a 2 stone totem instead or possibly the avatar.

Outcasts Crew - 25 - Scrap

Von Schill
3 Pool

  • Freikorpmann

  • Freikorpmann

  • Freikorps Librarian

  • Freikorps Specialist

  • Freikorps Trapper

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I would disagree with the CCK being in the demo. I agree the model is an awesome and characterful draw, but even if you don't want to include things that just steamroll an opponent you also don't want to put in models that are just flat out bad, which is what the CCK is.

Please understand I love the CCK model, I love the idea behind him, the execution however on what he does in game is basically:

Move slowly. Move slowly. Shoot at something, miss, get killed.

That pretty much sums up every game he has ever been included in.

I feel that in a demo game you can certainly include fun and characterful models, as well as models that are not quite so great in a constructed crew, but at the least you want to include models that will work, and do whatever they are supposed to do. The CCK, unfortunately, doesn't.

I'd personally still stick with the Grave Spirit and gently suggest that it attach to Sybelle.

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My argument for the cck is that you can use it to show synergy between models. Eg. Seamus uses Trail of Fear, rotten belle casts the -2 defense spell, cck can now shoot more reliably. I suppose you could have the gs cast live for pain fulfilling the same role.

Anyhow, we all know the cck will be broken when Malifaux gets a revision :)

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Not a fan of the cck myself, both from a rules and model perspective. Pretty much leaves me with Grave spirit and Necrotic Machine for totems. Mostly adding in a totem since I hate seeing wasted stones.

For that matter, I don't like to use Henchmen for demos, itcan be hard to explain to a new player "so we're playing a 25pt game, but you get to hire 29pts"

For building a crew its an issue, but for just showing how a game is played I don't think its that big of a problem. Also looking like Seamus versus Von Schill isn't that bad of a match compared to the standard Seamus versus Lady J demo. Replace Armor with Hard to Wound, Stubborn with Fear not Death, and general durability with better offensive capabilities. It's still a match that is definitely stacked against Seamus.

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