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Index of Story Encounters

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I like writing and playing Story Encounters. Here's a quick repository of the scenarios I've been able to find! Hope this is useful.

Please try these out! I've played them all a few times, and they seem to be pretty well-balanced and entertaining. I'd love to hear any feedback from others who play them.


The Great Train Robbery: Set on a fast-moving train. One side's trying to ambush the train and rob the loot inside. The other side's trying to keep it rolling off the board. From this thread.

Battle of the Clockwork Juggernauts: Each player has a big clockwork machine. It doesn't do much at first, until you gather up parts to make it more powerful, just in time to roll up and fight the other Juggernaut! From this thread.

The Governor's Speech: One side's bodyguarding a politican as he delivers a speech to a crowd. All other sides are trying to kill him first. From this thread.

Overabundance: A scenario for three players. Two are cutting down the forest for wood. The third plays the angry forest seeking revenge. From this thread.

Bizarre Love Triangle: A scenario for three players. Pick a flower and get close to the object of your interest; spurn the one who's pursuing you. this thread.


40-Minute Malifaux: A pared-down variant with fewer turns, a smaller board, and fewer models.

All of these are games that I've played at least once (usually more) with friends, and they seem to work out well. I have a few more games in the works, but they're not posted yet: I don't post a game until I playtest it.

Feedback and especially after-game results are very very welcome for all of these!


(These ones are all from Wyrd and they are a lot of fun. I'm just including them in here because I figure it may be helpful.)

Christmas 2009: Holiday Shopping, The Krampus is Watching!, Christmas Carols

Halloween 2009: Trick or Treat!, Mad Dash to the Pumpkin Patch!, Night of the Living Impaired!

Halloween 2010: A Witche's Brew [sic], The Haunting of Coopersmith Cemetery, The Carver Strikes at Midnight

Thirst: A heat wave is hitting Malifaux and the people are taking to the streets in the desperate hope of getting their rations of water. Part of Wyrd's worldwide Dead Heat Campaign.


(Three fun easter-themed scenarios from this thread. I haven't tried them yet, but I plan to do so soon.)

Easter Egg Hunt: Easter Eggs are deadly. Destroy them before the children come out to play.

Easter Bunny Hunt: Kill that vile creature leaving all the Easter Eggs behind.

Pace Egging: Put on a three-act play to commemorate crossing the Breach.


Marshall Law League: The law is here, rounding up anyone they can catch.


Malifaux Story: From AdeptiCon. A set of Story Encounters revolving around capturing or protecting a special weapon, with one side playing The Crooks and the other side playing The Law. Includes The Informants, Scout the Location, and Heist.

Edited by Hateful Darkblack
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I have to agree, thanks for indexing these (and writing yours!!) because I've been interested in them.

I don't know if you're allowed to share the one from AdeptiCon yet even though you can easily find it. (Nilus? If you're watching, can he post that one since it's basically publicly available on AdeptiCon's website?)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Heres is the one I came up with for the final week of my last league.

Marshal Law League Story Encounter.

*For those that have looked at the latest version of my Malifaux League Rules, this is the referenced Story Encounter.

Overall it was a very fun scenario though I will probably be limiting the Howling Voices special effect to only 2 turns next time.

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  • 1 month later...
hmmm... what were the gencon story encounters? and will they end up somewhere here?

also thanks tedpro these are awesome!

Glad you enjoy them!

If I see a link to the GenCon story encounters, and get the okay to include them, I'll totally include them here.

Pretty much I include every story encounter here that meets the following requirements:

- I know about it.

- I have permission to use it.

- It's been played at least once.

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