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The New GW 145 Paints

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Yeah, okay not all of the paints but are in fact renames (and I know many will miss some of those names since they are iconic in the paint line), but let's get down to it.

On the whole the paints are of quite a good quality, they are not groundbreaking, but they are good, though the new renamed white does leave much to be desired in the 2 pots I got. Both are extremely gloopy and have to be thinned 1 part paint to 1 part water to be made useable, but at least they will go further that way (heh).

The real score I think is in the drybrush paint range as I think they are awesome. They work well, mix (with some work, I spent a while working this out) with other colours and other paint types and apply well to models without the old chalky look to the previous Citadel paint range.

On the whole they are good, but not as earth shattering as GW claim and are worth trying. I had a friend pick up about £50 of paints of various ranges (heavy on the drybrush range though as those intrigued me most) and I was happy, but I do wish they'd kept some of the old names, Skull White and Chaos Black are iconic names in the paint ranges!

Ro sum up, 9 out of 10 in my experience, but I am sure that mark will change as I encounter other paints in the range.

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While the new change is interesting ... I cant help but think if I have to learn a full new range of paint why not make it a brand that does not cost me eight dollars (about four pounds) a pot.

This is the fourth big change I have had to go through using citadel paint and everytime I end up losing the colours I really like.

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Personally, I think that the idea of categorizing their paints is a pretty good idea for new gamers.

Though, renames are mostly pointless from a marketing perspective: what do you gain that's worth the amount of time it takes someone who's used to "skull white" to pick up "imperium white" (my made up name)? Because paints can be impulse buys, and you might have just lost 5-10 seconds of time where someone might consider that they don't need more white right now.

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If only they used different buckets... The current ones are probably the worst on the marker (maybe only the P# ones are worse). It's impossible to keep the lid opened as they resigned from the element that kept them up. Other than that, it's next to impossible to store them upside down with round design of the lid.

Still, I'll probably keep on buying some of the paints from the range that are useful (foundation paints and washes).

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Dezzo - I have been painting miniatures and models for some 30 years and I still use GW for the most part.

Mister Monkey - they have changed the names, but all of the previous range is there :) Sadly there's nothing I can do about the price though, but at least they've not gone up.

fritz the cat & SPiralngCadavr - the paints are made by a new supplier and the old supplier had copyright on the names of the paints, or so it seems. Hence GW has had to change the names for legal reasons.

Viruk - The pots now come with the fin on the back of every pot - instead of 1 in maybe 100 like the old paint range - so they all stay open now, this was a very welcome sight for me :) I have never stored paints upside down though, but that comes from using very very old GW paint pots that tended to leak if left upside down for more than a few days, lol.

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Viruk - The pots now come with the fin on the back of every pot - instead of 1 in maybe 100 like the old paint range - so they all stay open now, this was a very welcome sight for me :) I have never stored paints upside down though, but that comes from using very very old GW paint pots that tended to leak if left upside down for more than a few days, lol.

That's good to know, thanks. I'm not saying I hate these paints, in fact I use many GW colors on a daily basis. It's just that I don't care much for the type of bucket they use.

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Nilus, with the washes/inks, only the names have changed it seems, the Foundation line is also the same and has been expanded. What's interesting is that the new white paints directly over black to a good finish, but I am not fond of it as I find it to thick and gloopy.

Viruk, glad to be of help :) I do wish they would go back to the last lot of black lidded pots though, those were much better.

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Nilus, with the washes/inks, only the names have changed it seems, the Foundation line is also the same and has been expanded. What's interesting is that the new white paints directly over black to a good finish, but I am not fond of it as I find it to thick and gloopy.

Yeah I stopped by the GW Battle bunker yesterday to get some liquid green stuff and talked to the guy about the new paints. He showed me the white fondation and its ability to paint over black was less then I expected. It coats better then most but like you said its thick. I would stick to several layers of thin normal white paint personally.

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Holy crap its 536 US dollars! Thats a lot of cash. The old paint set was what, $200ish. I know there are a ton more paints in the new set but that is a crazy amount of money to drop on painting. Especially when you consider there are paints in there that will dry out long before you ever use them.

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Holy crap its 536 US dollars! Thats a lot of cash. The old paint set was what, $200ish. I know there are a ton more paints in the new set but that is a crazy amount of money to drop on painting. Especially when you consider there are paints in there that will dry out long before you ever use them.

I think you summed that up quite nicely :)

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My pallet of store bought paints is around 120, my actual pallet of paints in tubs is presently around 600. I tend to buy and mix paints right off the bat and make a complete pot as I work on complete crews and armies at a time, plus having a full pot (or 12 in the case of the Ork army I painted) of a mix helps greatly in shading and highlighting.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just picked up a retailer breaking the rules and selling some left over GW paints on Ebay so I snapped them up. They just happened to have almost every colour I needed to get new pots of :)

I am fond of the new paints, but I still like the old ones and much prefer Skull White to the current gloop monster.

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So here is my question.

why are there three blacks?

There is a primer Black, a black foundation and a black highlight.

Okay this confuses me. I can maybe understand a primer and a normal black....but highlight black. Isn't it just black. Seems odd to me.

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