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A Moments Silence


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This day 75 years ago H.P. Lovecraft died. So I thought that a moments silence so we can all hear the Extra-dimensional Horrors scratching at the walls of our reality, might be a nice gesture. I think we have all got Lovecraft to thank for opening our eyes to the utter meaninglessness of human existence in a vast, cold universe full of dread.


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BTW for those who do not know..

I have been a Lovecraft fan for a long time and I certainly hope to see more Lovecraft goodness in Malifaux. I would swear that the Insidious Madness is an homage to the frightful Shoggoths from Lovecraft's twisted world, and as such I painted one of mine (just yesterday in fact) to look like one. I'll post pics later today if I get a chance :-)

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I like Lovecraft's work and appreciate what he did for the medium, but honestly I think he is a little over saturated in the gaming community right now. I blame SJGames and Chaosiam but it seems like you can't swing a tentacle without hitting some sort of HPL reference in some RPG, mini game, board game, random silly card game.

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The other reason for his popularity is that all the material is in the public domain and I don't think there is an association/trust (like there is for something like Tolkien's work) so its a lot easier for products to use the ideas without having to pay royalties.

Heck you can get the complete works he wrote for free - legally -


So now no one has any excuses not to have read them. (Ps I hope that link still works my router is deciding that its going to limit where I can go on the net for a random spot....)

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