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Noob doubts for Kirai's Crew.



Hi all, I started just yesterday my first game with Kirai, and I had some doubts with the rules.

1.- When the rule say that Spirits are inmune to willpower duels... Am I inmune to all spells or talents that say Rst:WP, as for example, spells of Pandora or The dreamer..., and so to Terrifying->#?

2.- When I summon a Shikome, she receives Slow, but as she has the ability that can´t receive Slow, that want to say that, despite I summon her, she isn´t Slow?

3.- This one is a stupid question, which I almost know the answer, but just for be sure... If I cast "In the spirit world" on Kirai, I become spirit just for one round (despite that in other spells it say "until end close phase" or similar), or it´s for all the game? I guess just for one round, but asking is free....

4.- Ikiryo´s ability Call Spirits, he summons all spirits in a range of 18", until 4" forward him, or he summons just one Spirit in that conditions?

Thank you a lot!!

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1 - This needs to be answered in two parts. Immune to Influence (what you are thinking of) means you are immune to any spell or ability that has you using Willpower as the defense. You are not just immune to these spells and talents, they can't even target you with them. So for most of your question, you are correct.

The second part is that Terrifying is something you need to use Willpower to beat the Terrifying number; a simple duel against a target number. Since you are using Willpower to attack a target number, you are cannot use the ability Immune to Influence to help you there. What you can use is that Spirits ignore Morale Duels unless it's a skill like Anathema which some Avatars have.

I stressed some things to make sure it is clear. Not trying to yell at you or anything.

2 - Yes

3 - The game assumes that any effect will end at closing unless specifically worded to say it doesn't. Look at the Lost Love totem ability Pass Beyond for comparison. Part of the ability reads "That models receives Spirit until the end of the Encounter".

4 - Yes. It uses the word "Spirits" so it means all spirits within range of the pulse.

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All morale duels are willpower duels, but not all willpower duels are morale duels. To quote a certain persons sig!

So you're not immune to willpower duels unless they specifically state it's a morale duel. At least, that's how I thought it worked.

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You are getting confused.

Morale Duels are just a very small part of willpower duels. Mostly Terrifying tests, harmless test and some special spells/actions that specifically state, that they are morale duels.

As a spirit you are just immune to those few morale duels. Most spells which work with willpower will still affect you.

You would only be immune to all those spells if you are "Immune to Influence". As far as i can recall now, no spirit has immune to influence at the moment.

Edited by Parzival
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Absolutely correct Headcase2

If you fail a Harmless duel, your action halts, with no further repercussions

If you fail a Morale Duel you fall back, in combination with any other relevant effects.

Since Harmless Duels do not make you fall back, they are not Morale Duels

Moral Duels it might be however (joking of course)

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You are correct Mordakay. Spirits would only be immune to any WP effect that is a morale duel.

However, not to confuse the matter, there is a talent called: Immune to Influence (p. 116) that states that a model is immune to any WP duel when it is the defender to the duel.

So in theory, a model like a Night Terror could be targeted by something like the spell Obey and still have to make the test, even though it would be immune to something like a Lawyer's Cross Examination spell since it causes a morale duel.

Also on this note, a model like the Dread Rider, who has Immune to Influence, would be unaffected by both spells due to the talent.

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