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Leveticus vs Pandora 35 SS


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In a small hamlet in some nameless area of scrubland outside Malifaux proper, the trap was laid. A few rumours had been started in various places, hinting at the treasures hidden behind the inn and all Leveticus had to do was wait.

Sure enough, it wasn’t long before the target showed. Pandora sought the relics (and a few victims to ‘test’ them on) and as long as she survived, she would be happy. Leveticus knew he needed to protect his own escape route, but he also knew that if he could secure the area and take down Pandora’s Teddy he would have the materials and the time to create some truly interesting abominations.

Pandora, as always, was trailed by a pair of sorrows, their grotesque forms hovering just behind her. To her left, a hulking beast of fur and fabric could only be the Teddy Leveticus sought and to her right, a far stranger creation, seemingly formed from stitched sacking. Skulking around the edge of the settlement was Coppelius, his odd, birdlike walk carrying him forward just above the ground. Accompanying the tentacle-faced creature was a strange amalgamation of arms and tentacles – Madness given form. Slithering along, almost out of sight, a manifestation of primal magic prepared to lend aid to her efforts.

Leveticus had no intention of taking on this motley assortment of foes alone. Rusty Alyce, as always, stood by his side, her clockwork revolver dangling in one hand. A pair of abominations were secreted behind one of the outbuildings alongside the remains of a stray mutt he’d found on his arrival. Lacking any materials to create further reinforcements, he’d been forced to call in a favour. In the past, a few disappearances had been cleverly disguised as accidents and Collodi had brought those little darlings to help in repayment.

Pandora knew that something was wrong, but greed overcame her caution. She advanced slowly forward towards her objective, her sorrows trailing along behind and her stitched doll in front. Teddy flapped his arms a few times hopefully, but with a sad expression on his face he settled for stumbling forward along the ground. Coppelius and his companion skirted the edge of the buildings, seeking to ensure Pandora was not disturbed.

Rattling and hissing, the steampunk abominations set off to block Coppelius’ advance, the dog following at their heels. A young lady, suddenly at Leveticus’ side, skipped merrily forward while Leveticus paused to cast dark spells upon some of the puppets before following after her.

Collodi exhaled over his gathered puppets, and feral glints appeared in their eyes. His fingers flashed, jerking his marionettes into a grim parody of a puppet show. Almost too quick for the eye to follow, he sped towards Coppelius. One marionette fell behind, unable to maintain the pace, but the remainder fell upon Coppelius with wicked claws, tearing into him again and again. Battered but still standing, Coppelius prepared to respond.

A sharp report from Alyce’s resolver, accompanied by her girlish giggle, announced Leveticus’ end. Snorting in annoyance, he was whole again, beside his waif, a few moments later.

Coppelius struck out, felling one of the wooden dolls with his long, clawed fingers, but his attacks were slow after the puppets overwhelming assault. First one, then a second puppet tore at him with their wooden talons and his fate was sealed. In a last act of defiance, his focussed rage tore apart his killer, but it was too little, too late.

Seeking to avoid Coppelius’ fate, the Madness took refuge behind a nearby building, unwittingly triggering the ambush laid by the abominations. Distracted by their assault, it was torn apart by the undead canine attacking from behind.

Pandora, not unaware of the chaos afflicting her left flank, cast her eyes around for her Teddy, seeking to direct him against her tormentors. To her dismay, he was still flapping his arms hopefully. With an angry gesture, she demanded his support. Meanwhile, her doll grabbed the box she was seeking and coughed forth a greenish-grey miasma to conceal it’s location.

Newly-reincarnated yet feeling slightly more worn, Leveticus led his waif forward again, seeking to engage the stitched creation before it could escape. Hearing a slightly maniacal giggle from behind him, Leveticus threw himself to one side, but failed to move faster than his young ward’s gun, once again returning to the side of his vacant-eyed waif.

Her creation having retrieved her prize, and her enemies being within reach of her formidable magical talents, Pandora surged forwards, cantrips afflicting the minds of her foes as she sped across the town square, leaving mental anguish in her wake. Her trail of destruction tore through the abominations moving up to support Leveticus and shredded his faithful hound.

Collodi, meanwhile, had retreated to a safe haven behind one of the small hovels. Not wishing to endanger his own existence for Leveticus’ schemes, he put his tools to work, rebuilding one of the mannequins destroyed by Coppelius. Leveticus chased towards the remainder of Pandora’s forces, a bolt of black energy speeding from his hand to strike the Teddy, ripping away his defences and tearing great holes in his body. As he prepared to cast another spell, a bullet passed unerringly through his head. Apparently Alyce was not yet tired of her new game.

Leveticus returned to life in time to see the stitched doll heading away as fast as it’s cloth legs could carry it.

With Pandora blocking his exit route, Teddy injured but standing and his forces scattered to the winds, Leveticus was not hopeful of success. Pandora, by contrast, had her targets trapped, her minion had the box and she was very much alive and well.

Collodi, though, was about to change the balance. Firing up his mannequins, he hurtled out from his hiding place towards the mistress of woes. A creature of this world as much as Pandora, he knew her weaknesses and as he and his puppets hurtled past, first one and then the other sorrow were torn apart by the wooden fingers of his pets. With the threat of her sinister magics reduced, one of the wooden dolls struck out at her, but found it’s mind conflicted, Pandora using the opportunity to flee the creature.

The macabre creation carrying the box fled, and Teddy was not far behind. Deep in his childlike mind, Teddy knew the nasty man with the funny hair wanted to kill him, and he was too far away for Teddy to stop him. Leveticus chased after them, his young, mindless waif skipping merrily alongside. Casting spells with no thought of his own health, he fell, exhausted.

With few of her minions left in the fray, Pandora’s position looked a lot less stable. Throwing herself into motion, she tore through the minds of Leveticus’ minions. Yet though she drove Alyce into panicked flight, the barbed tendrils in the minds of her enemies were simply not going to kill them fast enough.

As Alyce regained her fragmented mind, Leveticus returned to life, threatening the remainder of Pandora’s allies. Before either could react, spells flew from his fingers and both Teddy and the doll were torn apart. as scrap fell in a rain around him, Abominations rose and stumbled towards the slithering snake of magic that represented the last of Pandora’s crew.

Tired, Pandora threw herself at her foes, ensuring that those she had marked for her schemes fell and did not rise again. Though she targeted Leveticus and Alyce, inflicting yet more nameless horrors upon their already battered minds, she could not bring them low. As the sun began to set, Alyce spied her from afar. With a casual nonchalance, Alyce pointed her revolver in the general direction and pulled the trigger.

Pandora’s vision went black and her lifeless body fell into the dust.

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