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Fighting the Peacekeeper


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Got completely skunked playing this weekend against a Hoffman crew using Rasputina. The Peacekeeper destroyed my center on turn two and that was pretty much it, although Raspy slapped the Peacekeeper to death (Biting Chill to 1 WP, then melee) since disengaging wasn't possible.

So since I will be facing the Hoffman+Peacekeeper+Guardian combo again, I'm looking for tips on fighting it/them.

What I have:

Raspy, Silent One, December Acolyte, Ice Golem, 3 Ice Gamin, 2 Gunsmiths, Essence of Power.

[used Silent One, 2 Gunsmiths, 3 Ice Gamin, EoP. Balance was 8 SS pool for Raspy.]

Can proxy or borrow Convict Gunslinger, Desperate Mercenaries.

Also have Large Steampunk Arachnid, Steamborg Arachnid, 2 Steampunk Arachnid Swarms, Hunter, Guardian, Coryphee Duet. Did not use any automatons since I was worried about Hoffman's Override Edict.

Thank you for your time.

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Given that it's just a big beatstick, there isn't really anything you can do to "counter" it.

Raspy is a good start, between Freeze Over and Biting Chill you should be able to limit it somewhat, but you'll have to put up with it charging into your guys due to limited range.

Gunsmith's aren't terrible, but it'll take more than one to put it down in a single turn.

Taelor will wreck it.

This may be the one situation when Cut Away is actually viable. However, I suspect that most of the time, you'll be better off just attacking if you get a LSA into position.

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I like the idea of Taelor and Raspy together. So much that I have purchased them together, but have not had a chance to use them together yet. With creative positioning Taelor can move most or all of Raspy's crew forward 3 inches a turn. Taelor is also really good against constructs. For the points, I think she is better in almost every way than the Ice Golem.

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Cut Away won't help, it's only of benefit if something else is going to make 3 strikes at the keeper, and even then I'm sure you're better just hitting it.

Arcanists have a load of stuff which ignores armour, Gunsmiths are probably your best option. A pair of them should be able to take down the keeper.

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Since you have the Coryphee Duet, it can get in, Paralyse the Peacekeeper and get back out again. Gives you more time to kill it with other means.

(Sword Dance, Dance of Souls and Sublime Performance as (0) Actions, then Move 9" hitting the Peacekeeper at the end of the move to get the Hypnotic Movements trigger, Cast Blinding and cheat up to Severe to get Paralysed off, and then move away, hitting something as you go - the One Fluid Movement trigger will give you another 4" on the escape move)

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Thank you all for your answers. micahwc, I particularly like your Taelor suggestion since she can also do double duty to boost the glacially slow movement of Raspy as well as serving as beatstick. Of course, she will cost the same as the Ice Golem, but I haven't used the Ice Golem since my second game of Malifaux and Taelor is better.

Sholto, your suggestion is also very good. Hit and Run with the Coryphee Duet. A Gamin screen will still be necessary to protect the key models, but the Duet has Pass Through.

TheStranger, the SSM might work, although the initiative flip will be critical. The Peacekeeper wrecks everything if it gets initiative.

One of the problems is that with Hoffman, the Peacekeeper no longer has any handicaps, and Hoffman can Machine Puppet it giving it another three strikes. The Guardian (or Hoffman through Assimilate) can give it Protect. It is obnoxiously hard to kill with that kind of backup. The Guardian serves as a damage sink for Hoffman if necessary, and both have self-repair abilities/spells, so targeting them isn't much help either.

Anyway, I need to think more about this, and I appreciate the feedback since the outside perspective is what I need.

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Since you have the Coryphee Duet, it can get in, Paralyse the Peacekeeper and get back out again. Gives you more time to kill it with other means.

(Sword Dance, Dance of Souls and Sublime Performance as (0) Actions, then Move 9" hitting the Peacekeeper at the end of the move to get the Hypnotic Movements trigger, Cast Blinding and cheat up to Severe to get Paralysed off, and then move away, hitting something as you go - the One Fluid Movement trigger will give you another 4" on the escape move)

The Peacekeeper is immune to influence.

Getting the Enchanting Performance trigger on the first swing would be the way to go,

making a second attack to get off hypnotic as well may still be a good idea to absolutely make sure the paralyze gets off.

Besides, the 2" melee range of blinding plus the 3" push on a successful cast and 4" from the Swirl of Motion trigger can often retreat the Duet to a safe distance, so that a walk as the third action is unecessary.

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Out-activating a Peacekeeper crew is very good, as you can nickle and dime him to death. With his armor, you can't do much damage with a single attack. But with a bunch of guys doing 1 damage each hit, he can go down pretty quick if you devote a large team to shooting at him.

I got second turn killed over the weekend with him by a gremlin crew. So many bullets.

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