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Malifaux Died Out...


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I have been playing games for many, many years, and over that time, I have seen games come and go. Sometimes, it is permanent. Many times, especially with games with as many attractive qualities as Malifaux, it is just temporary. If Malifaux seems to have died off, one of the best ways to revive it is to have at least one regular opponent and a regular time and place to play in a game store or the like. Having a set time is the important bit so that players know when they will be able to find players.

Also, I would advise caution with leagues. They seem to be a great idea for ensuring players come out, but depending on how it is structured, it may lead to player burnout. This is what happened in my area. The league essentially encouraged players to play as many games as possible, resulting in those with the most free time gaining a considerable advantage, and the rest to try to make up the difference. It just became too much. Fortunately, there has been a break since the last league and Malifaux is picking up again, albeit at a more casual level.

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Ive found through my experience most gaming groups wax and wane through different games systems all the time. Its the same with memberships, some periods are stronger then others.

Malifaux has what it takes to stay, it just isnt always peoples first choice which is a pity, the system has so much to offer compaired to its bigger competition.

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I host gaming at my local game shop and we started getting into Malifaux a few months ago. At the moment I have 6 regulars in the game with 3 other maybes. Now, not every gamer in my group is going to play. The shared reason is that they don't want to waste money on a game we will not be playing in 2 months and two of the guys don't want to play because they don't like the miniatures (figure that one out as they both play wahammer and war machine!) Over the years of hosting and gaming, I have seen many a game system come and go. GW has been around a long time and you will always find those miniatures in most gaming shops, but don't let that stop you. Run some demo and give it a go. Even if Malifaux is only around for a few months and it dies out, you start again. Don't give up, one day it will stick. I am sure that is how Warhammer got started.

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I Think you have to "feed" the gamers once in a while...

In my community Malifaux has reached a 1 and a half Year of gaming...

Its about organizing Game events and meetings... about driving to outher towns for Tournments... (that has to be organized, too)... and to meet new players there...

And always try to make the events a bit different...

Story Encounters

Casual Game Events

Demo Days

regular Tournamnts



Show the gamers that there is always a new aspeckt of the game... so they would have fun to play even with the same crew... or against the same guys :)

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re: above, The only place I've seen gaming books at book stores is if it's a used book store.

I'm in a similar boat, where there was some Malifaux activity, but before I got to the game store. There's just a little interest right now, but I'm not sure how to get more attention for the game, so I'm interested in generating more player interest, too.

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There's just a little interest right now, but I'm not sure how to get more attention for the game, so I'm interested in generating more player interest, too.

What has worked for me is spamming the local game-related Facebook pages, posting signs that I made by modifying the Malifaux desktop art, and having a couple regular play days per week. I also have two mostly painted demo crews and a buddy to play with if nobody shows up.

Since my last post, we're up to four players in Klamtucky and a couple more interested parties. The shop owner is pushing for organized play, though he still hasn't brought in any stock. I think he's putting the cart before the horse and I'm putting him off.

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