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Ramos crew for a friend


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Greetings forumites,

After agreeing over a year ago to paint up a buddy's Ramos crew, partially as an enticement to get him into the game, I've finally finished the first member of that band with this Brass Arachnid.

I think this might be the first time in many years of painting that the metallics involved were something beyond gold or silver. I also experimented with using the Secret Weapon washes to create a patina effect with halfway decent results I think, but with substantial room for improvement.


I'll be adding the rest of the crew to this thread, as I complete them, but will also have more pictures on my blog, http://www.res-nova.blogspot.com/, as I do with this guy.


New pics from the rest of thread collected here:






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I've just finished the next member of the crew, a Soulstone Miner, painted in much the same way as the Brass Arachnid. I had been torn about adding a bit more color to some of these automatons, instead of making them all metallic, but figure between the Ramos, Joss, Johan, Taelor, Hans, and female Convict Gunslinger that I am painting up for this friend that there will be plenty of opportunity to add some color to the group.


As before, I have additional photos at my blog.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I just finished the next member of the crew, Ramos, the man himself. I've kept the color scheme pretty consistent with the other members of the group so far - the green the same as on the Electrical Creation, the metals on the mechanical hand the same as the metals on the constructs, etc.

I snipped the flame from his right hand as it seemed a bit delicate and had already been bent pretty severely in the packaging. As these are gaming figures, I could just see the flame snapping off sometime in the future, so I went for a more robust alternative. He does look a bit odd in the way he's just staring at his hand now, but I'll assume he's just being pensive.


As always, there are a few more pics on the blog, here.

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Great-looking minis! I found my Ramos's flame was pretty stable, but I can see why you took yours out. All the same, his hand looks a little bare. What about gluing some transparent plastic bead between his fingers and calling it a soulstone?

You know, I rather like that idea - thanks! I'm looking to keep chugging through this crew, but once they're finished I might just go back and add some soulstone-like item to his hand.

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  • 2 months later...

After a two month hiatus I present the next member of this little crew, Johan the Renegade Steamfitter. I've repeated the drab green color from Ramos, which I'll be using on the cloth of all of the models in this crew. Next up will be the Steamborg Executioner.

Additional pictures, as usual, on my blog


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  • 1 month later...

With the Steamborg Executioner done I add another model, and some much needed thumping power, to this slowly expanding Ramos crew. After painting the large amounts of metal on this guy, I'm looking forward to working on some more "organic" figures next. Fortunately I only have a dozen Steampunk Arachnids to get through first. Wait a minute, a dozen? :facepalm:

As usual, more pictures on my blog.

I'll also be updating the first page of this thread to include a pic of each of the new models as I add them.


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