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Lilith's trees


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Around Christmas I went to the dollar store and bought a six foot long piece of garland for $1. I made enough trees to cover about 2/3rds of a 3x3 foot table and have about 1 1/2 feet left of garland. Some are individual and some are on bases. They range in height from about 3 inches to 7 inches.

When I first bought Waldgeists I built trees using wire frames which where coated in a mixture of flower, water, and glue. I painted these frames and covered them using dried herbs from the kitchen. I used ones which hadn't been used in 5 years of cooking. The look good and smell good, but didn't hold up too well to rough handling. A second generation of these where made by coating wire with wall filler.

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I actually bought a woodland scenic kit about a year ago because it was on clearance and had some things that looked useful (mostly the static grass and such) I couldn't figure out what to use the trees for though, as they were oddly tiny compaired to the malifaux scale.

Well, after some quite heavy modifications to some of the trees, i actually ended up using them, but without the poofy moss for leaves, but just a little bit of brown and yellow static grass on some of the branches. They kind of have a creepy bog feel to them. i also painted themgrey instead of brown, this added to the creepy and took away from the steryotype brown tree with green leaves.

Just a thought. in case you have the trees lying around somewhere. otherwise, the wire/flour/glue trees were what i used when i played 40k. they are a bit of a chore to learn, but they look pretty good! :D

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I use a very simple template made from GF9 for Warmachine cloud effects. I bought the green one for the forest look but they also come in red and grey. The best part about the templates are that the centers of them come out and you can just use the ring. That and it's easy transport and can go with your other templates and cards in your bag no problem.

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Believe it or not the citadel wood from games workshop are really good,

and each tree is removeable from the base so you can put them out individually.

Have to agree that the GW trees are my most favorite type of tree being sturdy and looking good, you can buy them and break them down for good lengthy branches for basing but you can also make a good forest marker using parts from the kit

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