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The Pockets Somer Teeth Jones Diary 2012


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Okay, having played Zoraida, Pandora, Hamelin and now Levi I've often been accused of playing "broken" crews. So, with that in mind, I'm starting a new diary alongside my Leveticus one - Somer Teeth Jones.

Has everyone picked themselves up off the floor now? Let's continue...

Having seen him played well in a tournament yesterday (kudos Spiku), having actually read the Gremlin rules now and after a long afternoon of giddy excitement discussing ideas with Ian (Calmdown) I've decided to try and make the "worst" Master in the game the most broken master in the game - and my initial thoughts are it could be worse than Hamelin or Dreamer.

So, models are on the way now from our friends at Maelstrom Games and I'll build this thread up over the next few months. And I welcome any contributors, nay sayers and theoryfauxers along for the ride.

- Adam


Models Ordered

Somer Box

Ophelia Box

Extra warpig

Extra bayou gremlins

4x giant mosquito

Gremlin taxidermist

Hog whisperer and piglet




Slop haulers

Stuffed piglets

- forgot to order Young LaCroix so will get them when I order Somer's Avatar

- I also have rats available from my Hamelin crew (thanks for pointing that out Spiku)


The Plan

I'm going to start experimenting with different aspects of the crew without ordering Somer's avatar and (initially) without Ophelia in there - I don't think he needs LaCroix to succeed so don't want them to become a crutch. That's as far as the plan goes at the minute. :)

Edited by magicpockets
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Love it.

Break them all!

Only once we reach total brokennessy (brokenism, brokenisation...) can true balance be achieved!

Hmmmmm...... surely pure initial equilibrium would just be better???

As ever I admire Pockets ability to optimize lists. @ Pockets- when will you reach your limit? When you run out of crews, or are some just not effective?

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@ Pockets- when will you reach your limit? When you run out of crews, or are some just not effective?

When Wyrd run out of crews to break :)

This game would be so much more balanced if they got people like me and Calmdown in on playtesting...

@McDoogle - I'm going to get across to you guys in the next few weeks hopefully, for Malifaux and Code Red *wink*

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Damn you usurping me before I've really got my foot in the door!

While I didn't get to show you my favourite pigapult tricks, I'm sure you have worked them out even without me going on about what you can do XD

You likely will only see the young LaCroix when leading with Ophelia anyway, so don't worry about them; I'll say right now you will get a lot less mileage from warpigs than piglets; though they could be amusing vs Nico.

I'm sure you already have everything down anyway; all it takes is reading the cards and a little creativity, but I'll see if I can't chime in with anything once and a while. In the meantime, edit your post to include that you have rats from your Hamelin crew available ;D

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Damn you usurping me before I've really got my foot in the door!

Not at all mate :)

I'm sure you have worked them out even without me going on about what you can do XD


I'm sure you already have everything down anyway

Nope, I don't even have a book 1 or 2 any more since someone borrowed them and never gave them back - I'm waiting for the cards to arrive with the models.

In the meantime, edit your post to include that you have rats from your Hamelin crew available ;D

Good catch, thank you :)

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This game would be so much more balanced if they got people like me and Calmdown in on playtesting...

Careful what you ask for you just might get it, I have a sneaking suspicion another playtest cycle is near at hand.

And of course I will definately be looking in on this thread (I definately enjoyed the Hamelin discussions).

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Careful what you ask for you just might get it, I have a sneaking suspicion another playtest cycle is near at hand.

I've heard the same thing, and I'd be more than happy to help if given the chance - and I'm sure Ian would to. But not being a Henchman (and being anti-celebrities on here so to speak) seems to mean we don't get asked for input, despite us both doing more for this game (I mean off the forum) than some of the Henchmen I know of.

So Wyrd, if you're reading this, I'm more than happy to commit major time to play-testing if you want me. All you have to do is ask :)

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I've gone on a bit of a ramble that started off pointing out some of the slightly less obvious, then just went into details. Whatever, hopefully it is useful in some way, and ask questions on anything else, or things you might have come up with that I've not mentioned here/elsewhere.

Crib notes for less obvious things:

Som'er: You know Sooey!, Pull My Finger and Dumb Luck with a 2/3:blast/5:blast:blast

  1. crow trigger on melee when killing a model (like your rat which heals Mosquitoes) to discard 2 cards to summon a pig and produce no counters. If you kill a gremlin, you can draw your 2 cards from survival of the fittest before discarding the 2 cards to summon.
  2. Gremlin's luck is unresisted on any enemy model range 12; take Wds to discard cards (cast 10); you already know the options with this and mosquitoes as well as out activating and taking the damage on Som'er himself for combos or just healing flipping himself after if need be.
  3. Git Yer Bro! a 16 cast; 2 damage to a Bayou Gremlin to summon a Bayou Gremlin with 2Wds (out of 4). You can kill a Bayou Gremlin with this spell to draw cards and produce a corpse counter, or just grant you more activations. If you give the gremlin a healing flip of anything but the black joker, you can cast it again and he will be alive. With a good card in your hand, and a soulstone, your mosquitoes can cast this too if need be. Worth remembering because of Y'all Watch This!

Bayou Gremlins: Once again ignoring obvious things and my defensive stance/deliverance: Terrifying > 11 time waster.

  1. Y'all watch this is a (2) boomstick strike at 2/2:blast/4:blast:blast, but also deals 2Dg to all models within 2", and sacrifices the model. This is NOT a pulse. It can hit Von Schill or The Dreamer so long as you are not in their melee radius. Even a summoned Bayou Gremlin can use this ABILITY, using reckless.

Mosquitoes:6 total wounds, suffers 3Wds at the start of the first activation phase.

  1. (all) Larvae is an ability; sacrifice any friendly model within 2" to summon a new mosquito which takes 3Wds (Mozzies always come in with 3Wds, basically). As you well know, a summoned mosquito can take an all action. You can take infinite actions with just two mosquitoes; and for each pair you can cast a spell for free inside the enemy base. If you are near Som'er or a slop hauler, get +2 cards for killing a gremlin.
  2. If you have the 13 of crows, or a red joker, you can cast an (all) spell, parasitic infection. it will be either 15 or 16 vs Df. Remove the opponent's hand with Gremlin's Luck, then they have to make a naked flip or you get to kill a living or undead model and summon a mosquito.
  3. Pull my finger hurts mosquitoes. This allows you to kill your own mosquitoes with your mosquitoes, so you are free to summon fresh mosquitoes in base, and start infinite summoning them again. This needs to be fixed.
  4. You are free to send 3 mosquitoes to harass, and not care that they die because the one in base can summon all 3 back after they die.


  1. 2ss is the same cost as a mosquitoe or bayou gremlin. Killing a rat heals all vermin within 3" Wd2. If you kill the rat with Som'er, and turn it into a Piglet you gain +1ss of model, and heal all your mosquitoes. Or just make the 3rd mosquito sacrifice the rat for a new mosquito so the first 3 have 5Wds.
  2. If you are playing against neverborn, then don't kill your rat. It has Kidnap on it. Congratulations you paid 2ss for 2VP.
  3. another model to defensive stance and pass!

Pigapult: I wont mention the ignore LoS ranged attacks it has.

  1. non-pigs within 2" get a (1) action to heal the pigapult 1Wd. This includes rats and mosquitoes of course. The Pigapult of course has reckless.
  2. pigs within 2" may use (all) to be placed up to 24" then make a DF > 11 duel or be killed. Piglets have df 6. Stuffed pigs only have Df 4, and do NOT explode on killed. See piglets and reactivate later.
  3. Pigapult can use (1) action to place a Ht 1 friendly model within 2", up to 24" away. Df 11 duel that cannot be cheated will kill the model AFTER it is placed. Mosquitoes can survive this easily and are expendable. Throw all 3 of your mosquitoes on objectives to protect them, or just place them where they can fly 10 inches and cast nasty spells. Last turn and need objectives? fire 3 gremlins. One of them might survive; reckless and claim it.
  4. It is a Gremlin. Slop Haulers can heal it, Ophelia can Ooh! A girl! to pull it into base contact with her from 8" as well as make it activate after her with Family Tree. This lets you activate Ophelia companioning Pere and Rami. She pulls whoever you need over (likely Pere in this example) and makes the pigapult activate next. If you pulled Pere, you can move the pigapult 2" twice, then reckless to fire him 24" toward the enemy; net range of 28". If he fails the DF 11 uncheatable, he deals pulse 3" Dg 4 as he is killed not sacrificed. If he survives, you now activate Pere with reckless for 3 actions. He can walk closer and cast Oopsie for a pulse of 6" Dg 5 twice. Or you could walk closer, cast Oopsie once, then attack ; a ram trigger lets you sacrifice yourself for triple damage (1/3:blast/4:blast:blast with the main target taking triple). Or, you could walk closer, cast Oopsie once, attack, then end your activation and let RAMI kill Pere. Pere dies, deals unresisted 3" 4Dg.
  5. Wp10, ht3, 50mm base, Object 5. This model provides a moveable piece of terrain that can give you a nice shield vs things like Pandora, or lure. Do not overlook this added bonus, especially if you have Ophelia, who can pull it to base contact with her. Careful of poison.

Gremlin taxidermist Has Sooey!, (1) sacrifice piglet to turn into stuffed pig (great to do on piglet that is almost dead), and a spell to turn corpse counters into stuffed pigs (exta crow needed).

  1. (0)12 aura that lets you make stuffed piglets explode; they can choose to wp > 10 to NOT explode, so you can try to only detonate the ones you want. You may use this ability in the >END< closing phase as well, even if you have used it already. Consider the timing of Hamelin and Leveticus please.
  2. a (1) 11 Ca spell lets you explode a stuffed pig within 24 range with no resist; if cast with tomes, you get a +flip to the flip to decide what magnitude it blows up. If you fail, the opponent gets to nominate a pig to explode, which he controls. (boo).
  3. (1) 10ca range 18 spell that lets you push a stuffed piglet up to it's walk (5"). Consider this bonus move alongside the 12 aura that can go off at the end of the close phase to make a surprise hit.
  4. If you have more than 5 stuffed pigs in play at the start of -any models'- activation, all of the pigs explode. Not likely to come up, but it can.

Stuffed piglets: Can float, are not undead. Companion to taxidermist. Ar1, HtW2

  1. 2 or more Wd from any action, or sacrificing, makes it explode. It can only do 1 damage to Gremlins. BE AWARE: Pigapult sacrificing a stuffed pig to allow it to make normal attacks will explode the stuffed pig.
  2. Has Rot, but you'll probably be using ap to walk; charge is 8 though; Cb only 4. No Gore.

Hog whisperer:

Does too much to crib really. Read my Avatar of Indulgence thread for all the important bits, but add in:

  1. If you lose all your Bayou Gremlins, you can always cast a 10 crow spell to sacrifice a pig to summon a Bayou Gremlin
  2. His 8 Wds mean that he's quite happy to try and stick in the mud on an objective in a pinch, or survive advancing up ahead.

Piglets: gosh darn! Ian can probably fill you in on what I did. The rest can be inferred from the previously mentioned topic as these are of course pigs, and everything I did with Avatar Som'er can be done with pigs. See here. Everything else on piglets is really quite obvious. But for the sake of it:

  1. Most gremlins when falling back must sacrifice themselves to make the closest Pig within 4" push into base contact and heal to full.
  2. (1) ca 10 rg 6 Truffles lets a gremlin move its Wk toward the caster. This combined with reactivate gives a pig the ability to move a gremlin a considerable amount. Bayous, or Raphael, easily get first turn Neutral Destroy Evidence, or Pick up the Treasure through this.
  3. If you would fall back, you instead stampede; terrifying is no problem to you.
  4. If it kills a model when not Stampeding you may (0) interrupt action to heal all your Wds but end your activation.
  5. (all) action makes you significant until the next DRAW PHASE. Do this on the final turn, and you are still significant. This combined with reactivate from a hog whisperer gives some very strong VP contesting. Combined again with Mosquitoes casting sooey to move your piglets 10" at an 18" pulse, and maybe som'er doing it too, or a pigapult throwing you, and you have a lot of VP options.
  6. (2)Pigcharge is a 10" push with an interrupt for an attack that receives +flip, +1Dg. No LoS push based charge with no disengaging strikes? Yes please. Mask trigger gives you a 4" push on the defender. Combined with flight you have a very safe hit and run; even safer if you out activate and have Sooey ready to pull you back.
  7. (1)Swinedash requires you to push your full Cg directly toward the closest non-pig target, and you may go beyond the target and you can push through bases (but not end on them). When you are in base contact with the model, you interrupt to take a nibble strike with +flip and +dg. You MAY ignore models in abse contact. You can only do it when stampeding. You can ONLY do (1) actions whilst stampeding, and you must use all those actions to Swinedash. Consider that with a mosquito you can Sooey! a piglet into position so that it is a) in base contact with your mosquito and B) not able to see your crew hiding behind that tree, and you now have the ability to just throw 3 attacks at your enemy. At the end of which, any model with Sooey! can pull the back to you. Remember how you gave them flight with the Hog Whisperer? Well done, you now have all your piglets back in base, ready to be healed and calmed down by the hog whisperer or relevant model.
  8. See "Pig Boomerang" for full details.

Warpig: Everything piglet.

  1. All your soulstones in one basket. you pay 2 and 2/3rds of piglets for one model, which has lower Df, and 12 Wds, with double the base damage ht3 and able to ca 10 rams pulse 5 to discard all non-objective counters not carried, and heal 2Wd per counter discarded. Situational but has some uses vs people who need scrap counters/corpse counters, or if you have a taxidermist and the enemy has no graverobbers.
  2. Primary use is to block LoS so that your piglets charge the -specific- model you want them to charge. Much like you would with Avatar Som'er. However, I honestly consider these too expensive for what they bring; I would rather have 3 piglets as it spreads the wounds, and the card flips, and protects against single model destruction.

Mctavish: Only Merc you can take (even Ophelia can).

  1. cannot Wrangle Critter on Masters like A.Som'er, and it is only range 8. However, this Obey like mechanic DOES let you move mosquitoes that are slow so they can instant cast, or pull a mosquito back behind cover.
  2. Only things you really need to know are that he is a weaker Rami, who is not a gremlin, but has +damage flip on nightmares and beasts, with critical strike on his 1/2/3 gun. Has Shrug off. Basically he lets you have something for Hamelin, and a daydream hunter of sorts, as well as a large base to provide some summon blocking on first turn Dreamer bomb and such like. His (0) ability to make his melee 3" is a good idea as your final action to allow some protecting of areas etc.

Slop haulers: Highly overrated.

  1. to heal up to four freindly pigs/gremlins within 3", you must use an all action. Without Ophelia, this means that if you have to do any action, such as walk somewhere, you have lost effectiveness in one area, and means you are not using anything else you have paid for in this model if you ARE (all) healing.
  2. Healing flip for up to 3 gremlins/pigs within 2" when the model is killed or sacrificed. This can be combined nicely with (2) sacrifice to give two friendly pigs within 3" reactivate.
  3. Can reduce models' Df to 4 by damaging them with a strike or using a 2 action 3 pulse that hits nongremlin non pigs. a 1Ca spell lets you make a range 16 strike at Cb2; this can be very potent in many situations, as with a ram trigger on strikes, you can give gremlins and pigs +1Cb as well. Cb5 Bayou vs Perdita on Df 4? Yes please.
  4. OBJECTIVES. Has a (1) ability vs df that does a 3" pulse Dg2 that pushes all models directly away from this model until their base is completely 3" away from it/they contact another model. This is incredible for a few strategies and schemes, combined with truffles from pigs, or pigapult, or whatever method you choose to position to push away from wagons or claim jumps or evidence etc.
  5. in most point games, you will rather have a hog whisperer due to flight on pigs; if you try to take both you are eating up a lot of your points, especially if you are at say 30ss. I sadly feel that to get the most out of a slop hauler you want two so they can switch between the halves of their kits, but that is far, far too costly.

Avatar Som'er: Read my post.

[*] Only thing I've not mentioned is the fact that when you cast Swamp Gas, the 6" vs Df pulse for 2Wd, you can use it to set off Stuffed Pigs. But yeah, never, ever worry about Claim Jump or Wagon with Som'er. Just get reactivate, out activate them, and fart them all away with some cheated high cards, and some soulstones for good measure.

[*] you do not always want to manifest on turn 2, but whilst wasting activations on your models feel free to use reckless to give Som'er things to healing flip if you ARE aiming for turn 2 manifest.

Sadly I'm very tired so I'm sure I've missed plenty but we can discuss/fill it out as we go anyway.

List Theory:

Soulstones: Without Ophelia, you don't need them that much at all. I tend to take 3 at best. Taking more hampers your summoning and/or pig throwing. However, Som'er IS weak so try to avoid having to burn them outside of your own choice. With Avatar Som'er they are great to use to fart with, as it means you control the positoning and do Wds easier; or grant yourself a higher chance to trigger summoning a piglet. You should not really be getting hit as Avatar Som'er due to Sooey! and flying to good terrain; but it will happen.

Avoid buying more than one mosquito if you can avoid it. Taking Bayou Gremlins nets you a) more activations to waste the opponents time, B) two cards from survival of the fittest. It does however cost you having another mosquito with 2 actions at start. Equally, I like to take a rat despite the activation cost on Som'er to turn him into a piglet to heal models, or just to sacrifice him to heal up mosquitoes. Taking two mosquitoes, however, lets you sacrifice chain up two easily and know you have two spells off. You need to find your own balance based on the situations you face.

Bayous are cheap, significant, and wonderful. Take them. 3 at start means you can Git Yer Bro! 3 times before having to stop or worry about healing.

When in doubt, take more piglets.

Try not to overspend on support. Hog Whisperer + Slop Hauler means you have at least one piglet less than you should, so you are paying more to support less. Even in a bigger game you will be wanting to look more at the extra Bayou's to survive/overload the enemy, or investing in:

Ophelia. For Som'er, Ophelia is effectively costing 14ss. 8 for her, and 6 for her ss cache. If you want Ophelia, you should be first considering if she should be leading your crew if at a low/low-mid point value. If you take Ophelia, you really want to have Rami with her for the well known combos. At this point, we're effectively at 20ss, so you have to start looking at whether you are just better off with more piglets and Avatar Som'er; or moving in a different direction.

If you are fighting models that ignore LoS, you would do well to consider the pigapult, even though your flying pigs can blind 10" charge them due to Pig Charge being a push. Being able to throw your mosquito directly at them is a worthy consideration, if you're not just going to trololol sacrifice chain your mosquitoes onto the austingers. It may be worth noting that if you absolutely need a significant model up field that alongside throwing 3 Bayou Gremlins and hoping one survives, if one DOES survive, you can sacrifice chain your mosquitoes up to the Bayou and soulstone a Git Yer Bro! with a high cheated card to get more out. Whatever.

McTavish is a big investment for someone who is not Rami, but he is Ht2 and more of a counter pick; his ability to give models scout treads on the toes of the Hog Whisperer, so it is somewhat worth looking at taking a slop hauler when you have McTavish, to shave off 1ss for the overlapping support areas.

Each game I played at the tourney used the gremlins in considerably different ways, and you have options in almost every strategy and scheme. Ophelia and Kin can come whenever you want, though I did use Raph in my first game and he scored all 8 of the VPs really.

Edit: Also a note to Wyrd: I too am happy to join the British and trouble maker cadre who would happily help out~

Edited by Spiku
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I've gone on a bit of a ramble that started off pointing out some of the slightly less obvious, then just went into details. Whatever, hopefully it is useful in some way, and ask questions on anything else, or things you might have come up with that I've not mentioned here/elsewhere.

And all this time I thought you weren't reading my posts :-*.

Mosquitoes:(all) Larvae is an ability; sacrifice any friendly model within 2" to summon a new mosquito which takes 3Wds (Mozzies always come in with 3Wds, basically). As you well know, a summoned mosquito can take an all action. You can take infinite actions with just two mosquitoes; and for each pair you can cast a spell for free inside the enemy base. If you are near Som'er or a slop hauler, get +2 cards for killing a gremlin.

For the sake of clarity this is because of the gremlin being Sacrificed within 6" of either Some'r or a Hog whisperer and triggering Survival of the Fittest.

Pull my finger hurts mosquitoes. This allows you to kill your own mosquitoes with your mosquitoes, so you are free to summon fresh mosquitoes in base, and start infinite summoning them again. This needs to be fixed.

Not sure how these two things are related, killing your skeeters with anything other than Larva will result in nothing being gained other than a corpse counter.

Though I do agree that this loop hole needs to be fixed (I made several recommendations on how to fix this prior to the V2 change that stopped the Infinite Red Joker Draw)

Gremlin taxidermist...12 aura that lets you make stuffed piglets explode; they can choose to wp > 10 to NOT explode, so you can try to only detonate the ones you want. You may use this ability in the >END< closing phase as well, even if you have used it already. Consider the timing of Hamelin and Leveticus please.

Careful with this tactic, it has not been officially confirmed yet, though I definately think it works.

Try not to overspend on support.

Probably the best advice when running Some'r (seem to recall seeing that somewhere before :-*).

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Omenbringer: I don't follow your first comment, nor do I care for it.

You cannot summon more than 4 mosquitoes; if you try to summon above 4, the action fizzles. By killing one of your own mosquitoes upfield with Pull My Finger, you are now free to summon mosquitoes again from your base mosquito. Thus is the relation.

You are right in regard to someone having mentioned not over spending on support: Dumb Luck stated it some time in August, and I've been of the opinion since picking up Som'er. I'm sure someone else of note might have mentioned it in passing too.

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You cannot summon more than 4 mosquitoes; if you try to summon above 4, the action fizzles. By killing one of your own mosquitoes upfield with Pull My Finger, you are now free to summon mosquitoes again from your base mosquito. Thus is the relation.

Gotcha this is the part I was wondering about. Since the way it was stated didn't really convey this.

However, the Rules Manual (page 71 under Minions) doesnt state what happens if a 5th Skeeter (or any totem for that matter) is summoned in game, "only that they must be connected to a Master/ Henchman in the crew when hired".

For the record I definately dont think it was intended but there is nothing currently outlawing it. The argument could be made that the Totem is still summoned but wouldn't be connected to the Master (with no way of establishing a connection in game) and wouldn't be able to use abilities that require a connection to the master like Magical Extension. Not sure how valuable a Skeeter that cant cast Some'rs spells would be other than that it wouldn't be sacrificed upon Some'rs death but I am sure it could be (and so should get a fix if it wasn't intended).

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First, thanks for the awesome post Spiku - absolutely brilliant place for me starting out.

But have to say, not sure what your beef is guys (Spiku/Omenbringer) but I know you both and you're both sounds guys - so let it go, at least in my thread *wink*

---------- Post added at 12:16 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:15 AM ----------

Gotcha this is the part I was wondering about. Since the way it was stated didn't really convey this.

However, the Rules Manual (page 71 under Minions) doesnt state what happens if a 5th Skeeter (or any totem for that matter) is summoned in game, "only that they must be connected to a Master/ Henchman in the crew when hired".

For the record I definately dont think it was intended but there is nothing currently outlawing it. The argument could be made that the Totem is still summoned but wouldn't be connected to the Master (with no way of establishing a connection in game) and wouldn't be able to use abilities that require a connection to the master like Magical Extension. Not sure how valuable a Skeeter that cant cast Some'rs spells would be other than that it wouldn't be sacrificed upon Some'rs death but I am sure it could be (and so should get a fix if it wasn't intended).

I think it was ruled the Dreamer can only have 3 daydreams in play at once, same with Collette's Doves - so I'm guessing this is the same. Ian, if you're reading this, do you know where that ruling is?

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But have to say, not sure what your beef is guys (Spiku/Omenbringer) but I know you both and you're both sounds guys - so let it go, at least in my thread *wink

Not sure what the beef is either.

I think it was ruled the Dreamer can only have 3 daydreams in play at once, same with Collette's Doves - so I'm guessing this is the same. Ian, if you're reading this, do you know where that ruling is?

Dont recall that one but it wouldn't surprise me if it had been asked before. Hopefully the next iteration of faq/ errata will codify all the things that are finalized in the Rules Forum, it really is a nightmare wading thru it all (especially considering the one question per thread rule isn't always followed so searching doesn't always turn them up).

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I suspect it is just to avoid confusing terms during the hiring phase; I believe the earliest time a summon can happen is straight after deployment? I only knew about it because it came up with a discussion about the Necrotic Machine with my faithful manservant, who hadn't bothered to mention it was Unique 1 before I saw the rule

edit: Though it is listed in the appendix it seems, silly me.

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I suspect it is just to avoid confusing terms during the hiring phase; I believe the earliest time a summon can happen is straight after deployment?

edit: Though it is listed in the appendix it seems, silly me.

I thought it was too, it does seem odd that they keep the other text in regards to when the connected master dies but not the summoning part.

At any rate it still doesn't answer what happens if/ when you summon another one in game, does it fizzle or do you remove an existing one from play to connect the new one. The latter might provide a bit of utility. Would like to see the thread that MagicPockets is referencing though.

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