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Vidiots Malifaux Painting and Sub-Standard Photography Emporium


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Before I expose you to the horrors within....

I just wanted to take this opportunity to say thanks to Wyrd for making a great game that was able to grab hold of me and get me involved with painting (as well as playing) again.

When I was younger, 16yrs old or so, it seemed that I was always surrounded by miniature wargamers. But as tempted as I was to pick up the hobby I was either too intimidated by the massive investment of both time and money of Warhammer / 40k or the incredible quality of the paint jobs on all of their models. I always had the itch to paint some miniatures but never really gave it a shot.

Fast forward 10 years and I end up moving next door to an avid D&D player. I get invited to his game and he tosses me a mini and he sets me loose with his paint set. For my first mini ever painted (a hastely drybrushed knight of some sort) it didn't look half bad. He served me well for my weekly game of D&D and beer but my painting career pretty much stalled out there.

Fast Forward another 15 years and I hear of this game Malifaux. It's not the massive undertaking of the large scale battles. It doesn't involve fists full of dice and an engineering degree to play. It uses a deck of cards and a handful of miniatures. And it starts the wheels turning. I see the models and what's not to love? It's like they took every genre that I loved (Westerns, Sci-Fi, Horror, Steampunk) and rolled them all into one cohesive mix. I picked up a box and some assorted models and I was hooked. That was just a few short months ago..

Okay, backstory completed. I'll shut up now.. So without further ado, my first three Malifaux minis I've finished painting.


Considering my lifetime painting total is now a whopping 4 miniatures I have to say I'm pretty happy with how they turned out. Please excuse the poor photography. I'll be sure to actually "use" some lighting next time. Not to mention the macro setting.. Please be gentle! And of course, any criticism or advice, on both painting and photography, would be gladly accepted.


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Thanks for the compliment Jewomie!

Even though these are my first few minis I've always been pretty handy with my larger art projects so all that's changing I guess is the scale. I still feel a little heavy handed on the wash though. Going to try and localize it a bit more on future models rather than slathering it on all over the place.

I'm looking forward to painting Lelu and Lilitu next to see how I fair when I try things that aren't burlap sacks!

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Thanks durek! I'm looking forward to getting some more models finished (as well as the Iron Painter I nervously added my name to!).

I'm hoping to get my crew minis looking good so during my upcoming games maybe that will help distract from my complete lack of strategy! :D

I just checked out your stuff in your plog. Some gret looking minis! Loved the Ice Golem you did!

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Figured out how to take a some better pics.. Still need another source of light though.

Stiched Together 1



Stiched Together 2



And a closer shot of the two of them together. Unfortunately I'll need more light for the Voodoo Doll since I couldnt get a a cleaner shot of him to save me life..


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  • 1 month later...

Well, Adepticon is just around the corner so I need to get off my butt and finally start painting up my 35ss Lilith crew for the Cake Match. The first member can be seen above (one of the the Stiched Togethers) but that still leaves me Tuco (my converted exorcist), Lilitu, Lelu x 2, a Primodial Worm and the MoM herself Lilith to paint up before then..

Thankfully they are all based and primed so it should go fairly quickly.. To those of you that grind out a table ready crew in a matter of hours I tip my hat to you.. But me? I'm lucky if i can grind through one in an evenings painting session. However, I was able to partially knock off the Primordial Magic last night. Still needs some highlights and the basework painted but all in all I'm happy with it so far. Please forgive the pic quality, misplaced my actual camera so my cell phone had to make due.


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Thanks for the compliments guys! Time keeps on ticking though and I really should get cracking on the rest of the crew. 15 days and counting.. And I sure do paint slow.. Still have the unfinished worm mocking me as we speak! Will make sure to put up some finished pics of the worm and the rest as I make my way through them..

And GM, love the sig.. Might have to borrow it (with your blessing of course) and make up a Ratty card with that "spell" for my Adepticon badge. :D

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Finished the worm base. I think I may need a bit of grass, etc to round it out but not quite sure.. All the other bases have a skull or two to tie them together with the rock base theme but this one really didn't have room for one.. Any other thoughts what I might be able to add to it to give it just a little oomph?




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I agree completely on bases needing diversity. All the other bases have skulls (and after prepping even those will need grass, weeds, etc to add a little break in the grey). Maybe a clump or two of dark green or burnt foliage.. I'll have to check my terrain box when I get home to see how I can spruce them up a bit.

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I went ahead and added a bit of brown and some greenery to break up the Vomit Worms base a bit. However, when I tried to add a skull it always seemed out of place so this will have to do for now to get the crew table ready. As always, I apologize the shoddy photography..


I also knocked out my first Lelu. I decided for the first one to follow the paint job on the stat card for the most part. I'm fairly happy with the red coloring but the pictures don't quite do it justice as I think it looks a bit better in person. The black pants however.. Not a huge fan of painting black. The subtle grey highlights on the straps and armbands are a bit hard to see in the picture but I can't say I'm completely happy with the results. Oh well, here he is..




Plus a group shot of the two recent completions so far..


And next on the paint table.. Lilitu, completed with converted whip due to a miscast one that came in the blister. Like I've always said, if life hands you broken whips make new ones..


13 days and counting till Cake Match!

Edited by Vidiot
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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow, talk about to the wire.. Adepticon starts tonight and I just finished my last model.. Always the procrastinator.. I had the Stiched Together , the Primordial Magic and the first Lelu done as of 13 days ago. So, here's the rest..

Shoddy camera work as always!



And her brothers Lelu, and, ah, Lelu?


Tuco (modified from an Exorcist) -- And yes, it's a proxy but I'm only in the cake match tonight so all is good. The actual model will be in my hands come release date!


The Mother of Monsters, Lilith!


And finally, a happy little family photo..


Now bring on the Cake! Mmmm, cake....

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  • 2 months later...

Man have I been slacking... But a few updates..

Got to work on some more bases for the rest of the Lilith Brood.. Here they are just prior to hitting the primer..


Which I then used to base my Terror Tots. Finally finished those up about a month ago. Horrible pic as always..


Finally got the Young Nephs done last night so here's a group photo of the Brood as it currently stands..


And back to more custom bases.. Collodi and crew WIP..


And lastly, starting to branch out into a guild crew so more bases!


Malifaux painting? Check. Substandard photography? Check.. My work here is done.

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Man have I been slacking... But a few updates..

Got to work on some more bases for the rest of the Lilith Brood.. Here they are just prior to hitting the primer..


Which I then used to base my Terror Tots. Finally finished those up about a month ago. Horrible pic as always..


Finally got the Young Nephs done last night so here's a group photo of the Brood as it currently stands..


And back to more custom bases.. Collodi and crew WIP..


And lastly, starting to branch out into a guild crew so more bases!


Malifaux painting? Check. Substandard photography? Check.. My work here is done.

I LOVE your bases. Great idea for a puppet master!!!

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Thanks for the compliments! I wanted to do something different for Collodi since everyone in the crew was so small. Most likely his large base will be for show and I'll be making a lower profile one for game play.

Again, apologies for the less than stellar pics but those were all from my cell while my camera charger was MIA. Hopefully now that I've found that I can get some better pics of future progress.

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  • 8 months later...

Ah, life.... Sometimes it just gets in the way of hobbytime. Just played my first game of Malifaux since GenCon last week and it's time to get back on the horse. That Collodi up there? Still unpainted.. Hope to change that next week by finishing him up as well as Zoraida so I'll have a couple more masters to choose from come Adepticon.

In the meantime, baby steps till I pick up speed. Made myself an illusionary forest for Lilith and her worm to throw around. Just finished the full sized one but working on a flat one that's a bit more traversable in case players want to risk doing so!


Hopefully more to come..

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