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Perdita Ortega


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Some nice work there!

YOur freehand is good, the one thing I'd mention is that you need to be careful to keep patterns even (the two sides of the shirt are a little differnt in terms of the size of the red grid). But that's really a picky point and doesn't take away from the good paintjob you've done!

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Thank you for your kind words. Im aware that my freehand is not spotless. I think its very hard to do good. Especially regarding the hat it would look much better if the pattern were outlined in black or at least dark brown, I fear however that it is beyond my skill. Whenever I try to outline anything the line becomes much to strong. I have tried with inks, her shirt is mostly patterned with red inks, it is easier, but very hard to do anything else than straight lines.

My inspiration was some kind of american pulp art arcetype rural clothing in dirty whites patterned in red.

Anyone has any tips regarding freehand painting?

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Anyone has any tips regarding freehand painting?

Practice a lot, you've clearly got a knack for it. My comment wasn't a put down, but more of a nudge to take what's already a really good bit of freehand and keep working on it! Really the only way to figure out how freehand works for you is to keep doing it.

As Demonn said, basecoating wit hte outer colour then working inwards to the other colours is probably easier to get thin edges neat. I used it on some lettering I did on a cloak and it was much easier that way than trying ot get a neat, smooth line around the whole lot!

Its a really nice paintjob, and an imaginative one as well. And I'd bet that if you did the whole crew with that level of freehand, they'd look stunning individually and as a group. And your eyes would hurt by the end *wink*!

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