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Wyrd's Alternative Model Scheme


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I'm in two minds about Wyrd's alternative model scheme. On one hand I absolutely love it, the alternatives have been fresh, up-to-date and in many cases been the difference between me picking up a crew or not (damn you Nico, damn you). However, as gloriously horrifying as Bette is, I'm a little confused that Wyrd have chosen to focus thie scheme on unique models. I would have initially thought the main motivation for doing alternatives is to add variety and prevent multiples of the same sculpts. My priorities would be Gremlins (probably highest priority), Mindless Zombies, Rats, Witchling Stalkers, etc. Now models like dead Doxies are great because they'd work perfecty as Rotten Belles too, but apart from Flesh Construct and the Spiders (neither seeming to cry out for an alternative save for aesthetic reasons) alternatives aren't being focussed where one would imagine they would be most practical.

It's not a criticism per say, I love the alternatives so far and despite owning the old Bette I'm gonna pick up the new one, possibly along with that awesome Nico. Just saying if you want to do non-unique alternatives, pick models that are either taken in large numbers (coughgremlinscough) or are just begging for a resculpt/alternative (Myranda, War Pig, Joss, Punk Zombies, Mature Nephilim, etc) whether the current models are nice or not (clue - Myranda is not.. like really not).

Don't know what others think, do you mind doubling up on Gremlins if alt. Som'er made you pick up the crew in the first place?

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I'm cool with it. They can make the toys they want to make and I'll buy the ones I want to buy. :1_Happy_Puppet2:

For what it's worth, I never liked the old bete. The new one tempts me sorely though. I expect to see her in a lot of painting competitions. I think the alts, especially the masters, are a good move on their part to appeal to a broader audience without bloating their game further with poorly tested masters and henchmen.

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I understand both sides. For example, as you mentionned, Mindless zeds need a few more sculpts, as having 3 variations, leading to clones (of the gorgeous models, might I add, is even worse. Those sculpts are great and characterful... which means a duplicate looks even worse :/) doesnt look great.

On the other side, a master is the most important model you're fielding, and there's plenty of people who like the fluff and rules for certain masters, just not the model. Example, I'm not really a massive fan of nicodem in his current form, but that alt sculpt is gorgeous.

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Starting with the masters first was a shrewd move- it probably got more attention than if they had started with Gremlins or Mindless Zombies. That said, I think in time we will see alts for everything.

We get more choices and variety without having to wait for one or two more editions. Wyrd can make more money without having to add even more new troop types to a game that, in my completely arrogant opinion, has plenty as it is. Unlike game companies that shall remain nameless, Wyrd's take on new models is a win for all involved.

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I would quite like some alternative casts for mindless zombies, because whilst the current ones are awesome. I'm not all that keen on doubling up. I really like the alternative casts that have been done for ressies so far. They have definatly swayed my choice on whether or not to get a flesh construct(i really dislike the original cast for this). Certainly cuts out the need for conversions often needed to add a bit of variety in certain wargames.

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Alt Bete took me by surprise. Not off guard per say, as the artwork is there for all to see, but I really wasn't expecting her so soon.

With aNico dropping in April, additional Mindless Zombie sculpts are gonna be a necessity for those of us allergic to dupes. I for one will never purchase the same model twice, it doesn't matter how competitive I'd be otherwise given an official tournament format. That said, I can appreciate why some would grumble. There are factions eagerly awaiting the first version of models ... I'd almost feel bad collecting more zombies while the Outcasts sit on their hands anticipating the majority of their Avatars.

Though I will disagree in one respect, Panda. The Flesh Construct was in DIRE NEED of a resculpt. ;)

Edited by Hatchethead
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Agree that starting with Masters was a masterful move, just about doubling the crews I want to play.

I think it might be more important to do an alternative Mature Nephilim than Mindless Zombies, etc. Stuff like MN is big and dominant, multiples are still likely and much more noticeable. I will say again that Gremlins are crying out for alternatives. Also, while Bette is gorgeous and is the first non-master character to be redone, I hope they pick uniques that actually cry out for the resculpt... like Myranda =]

Though to be fair, Book 3 had a lot of zombie/Steampunk Abomination artwork/reference so I wouldn't be surprised to see them. I think zombies with top hats and gentlemanly clothing would be awesome.

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Though to be fair, Book 3 had a lot of zombie/Steampunk Abomination artwork/reference so I wouldn't be surprised to see them. I think zombies with top hats and gentlemanly clothing would be awesome.

Indeed! I consider MZ to be a priority only because of how many can potentially be on the table at once. When Rafkin and aNico hit their stride, the numbers can get pretty silly. I really love the current Mindless Zombies, but their individuality works against them and they tend to look odd in a "horde".

If I'm being ultra-greedy, I'd also love to see some Punk Zombie resculpts that play into the "Nippon Warriors" theme referenced several times in the fluff.

But yeah. Gremlins. I support this initiative.

Edited by Hatchethead
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It is a real shame they don't have more mindless zombies, given how very, very good the zombies carrying A.Nico are! That said the alternative sculpts are focusing in a sensible place if you ask me; Leaders are iconic and stand out hugely, bete is a unique and rather potent model, and that new model really represents what she does.

I accept we need alternatives for models which are used en-mass, but I fully understand the model focus right now.

The only alternative Gremlins that are important to get are Bayou Gremlins for people who want to just purchase rather than customise their own (which takes quite a bit of effort.) I mean, I would -adore- an alternative action version of Ophelia, just so long as they don't randomly add a nose to her like they did with alternative Som'er =/

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