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Stupid paint questions with Dave


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So I'm back in the miniature painting game after a long absence and see they have a new style paint bottle. The Vallejo style dropper bottle seems to be all the rage and I love the ability to dispense controlled small amounts of paint. I do run into the blocked nozzle and chunky paint syndrom every now and then. Ant tips or best practices for paint in these containers. How do folks mix, clean, clear and care for these paints?


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I haven't heard a lot of special instructions for keeping paints in dropper bottles happy-- one that I remember is storing them on their side to cut down on paint drying in the dropper and clogging it. If there is a blockage, don't squeeze the bottle too hard-- the top will fly off disastrously. Instead poke a sewing pin into the hole at the top to break it up, one of those with a yellow ball at the top.

Other than that, I don't run into any problems with them. Every once in a while I clean out any dried paint that's built up on the inside of the lid by scraping it out with a toothpick. But I have no idea what's really 'normal' as far as taking care of paints goes. I suspect I'm actually terrible at it because I have no references.

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The best thing I've found to unclog my bottles is a T-shaped quilter's pin. I can't claim to have come up with the idea - they used these at the speed painting contest at Gen Con. I like them because the T shape at the top is easy to grip.

Here's a picture:


I was able to find some at my local Michael's. You can probably also find them at a sewing shop.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I too made the mistake of trying this "trick" on a number of different Vallejo bottles. There is some rust-like discoloration on the bottom of some of the bottles where the BB came to rest, but so far I wouldn't consider any of the bottles ruined. I am keeping my eye on them though.

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