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Player-Created Crews


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I have been working on an idea that I have for a new Crew to add to Malifaux, and I am now to the point that I am looking for some rules to make sure they are somewhat balanced. I have tried searching for similar threads, but I have found nothing. Thus, I am starting this thread.

So, I am curious if anyone else has tried to make up their own rules as well, and if anyone has any suggestions for balancing the models. At this point, it seems like it is really going to be an issue of making sure they "feel" right and playtesting with my friends. I have a fairly well developed idea of the theme and background for this crew, so I should be able to stick with the theme to try to avoid being overpowered.

Also, I am wondering what the folks at Wyrd would think of the idea of players submitting homemade, playtested crews. I'm sure most players would love to see their ideas added to the Malifaux world.

I appreciate any suggestions.

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There have been a number of threads with home-made master/minion/crew suggestions although I think that they are mostly abstractly named and in any event I don't remember seeing one in a while,

There is in any event no problem with you posting your ideas for feedback and obviously there is nothing to stop you from trying them out in friendly play so long as your opponent is happy.

Some links below just so you can see the sort of thing that has been done in case it is any help.

Silver Chocobo has probably done the most work on home-brew minions, but I can only find one of his efforts at the moment.


One from the Madhatter


and lastly one fom me


Personally I would love it if Wyrd brought out some sort of character/crew creation kit together with rules for chaining games into a campaign in the vein of Necromunda etc. Threads also often pop up along the lines of what would you like to see next and whilst there are always some really good ideas in them I have so far always been very impressed with the creativity of Wyrd's new crews.

(Short answer, post something up and people will of course be happy to critique. *grin*)

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Well ive got an idea for a doctor themed crew, well two actually, but i cant start them until I obtain a lot more clockwork parts.

Enemies of the Doctor Crew

Davros and Davros Avatar of Creation (as ramos and aRamos)

Cyber-mats (spiders)

Master (von schill)

Rani (kaeris)

Daleks (LSPA, Hunter)

Cybermen (guardian)

Slitheen (slate ridge mauler)

Sycorax (union miner)

The Doctors Crew

Doctor (Leveticus)

Regeneration energy and/or the man in white(see Tom bakers regeneration) (hollow waif)

Rose (rusty alice)

Donna, Martha, Ace (belles)

K9's (cainine remains)

Kamelon (Lazarus)

Jamie McCrimmon (joss)

Tardis, Shattered Column and Idris (ashes and dust)

Will add more as I think of suitable cross overs.

Edited by Bucket Monkey
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Heh - I wrote up crews based on Captain Kirk and GW Space Marines, but for IP reasons I am not about to bother these boards or Wyrd with them. They are not finished yet, but if I ever get round to it I will stick them up on my own blog (maybe).


Kobayashi Maru. Once per game, this model may treat the Black Joker as if it were a Red Joker

(1) Krankite Order of Tactics (CC: 14/ Rst: -/ Rg: C) If the opponent (or any opponent) is equal or ahead in VP, counting declared Schemes only, this model gains Reactivate.

Edited by Sholto
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How about

Kobayashi Maru: Once per game when an opponent flips or cheats a Red Joker, you may force them to count it as a Black Joker. (Sometimes you always lose)


Cheat the Kobayashi Maru: Once per game you may cheat a flipped Black Joker with a Red Joker from your hand. (There are no no-win scenarios)

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Added a couple more ideas to the who list, will probably just do the enemies list its more fun, and i dont really want a second levi crew. Hamelin as the master could be interesting but means id suffer with the construct side especially as what brought me Into the idea was that of a steampunk davros.

Carrionite (Zoraida)

Adipose (Voodoo Dolls/Wicked Dolls)

Hath or Ood (Silurid)

Gelth (Sorrows)

The Slyther (Bad Juju)

Ganger (Doppelganger)

The Empty Child (Candy or Baby Kade)

Nestenes (Insidious Madness)

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