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Tips from the pros


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Greetings. I host gaming at my local gaming shop and one of the guys in the guy brought up Malifaux, and 4 box sets later, we got a 3 people playing. I went with Resurrectionist as Kirai was just too cool to not play. One of the others went guild and gremlins and the other went guild and von schill. So far I have the Seamus, Nicodem, and McMouring box set and just the models within them. The question I have for the pros is what would be good buys to help out against Perdita and Lady Justice? Perdita shoots me to pieces before I can get to them and Lady Justice takes out everyone mainly by herself. I know the game is not about wiping out the other team, but objectives. So any ideas? Thanks for the help.

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Though I'm not a resurrectionist pro-player, I'd recommend to have more models in play than our opponent in order to activate your master/key-models after your opponents’ master/key-models. Another general advice is to have a good mixture of models which can work together well, so that you have more than one answer.

And... take a look at


You'll find some really good stuff about your master/minions and your opponents' master/minions.

EDIT: Maybe the real pros could be interested how your crew typically looks like?

Edited by Attila
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Against Lady J, Kirai would be the best master to use as she doesn't have any reliance on corpse counters (which J can screw you over with). However Kirai really does need a couple of extra models as well as her box set to function effectively.

Against Perdita I'd take either Nicodem or McMourning. With McM don't use the nurses - use Seb and Punks and McM himself to get into melee fast. Use a Belle to Lure them out of position, and drop a Flesh Construct as soon as possible. With Nico, use a similar crew of Belle and Punks, use Bolster Undead to help you survive the trudge up the board. Again, summon Flesh Construct and Punks. Don't use Seamus against Perdita - he has a lot more WP targeted attacks which her crew is resistant to.

Hope that helps!


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Oh, as for good buys? I'd suggest just generic expansions for each master to start with.

Shikome for Kirai, and enough Seishin (4 or 5)

Dogs for McM (and Nico)

Grave Spirit (for Nico & Seamus) and Chihuahua for McM

Night Terrors for objectives

Molly Box (for Seamus and gives you a big summon for Nico and McM)

Dead Rider is a solid choice for most of the masters

Bête Noire works well against Living crews


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There's not really any specific models you need against Guild; you just need experience. they are generally the easiest faction to play but are actually the weakest faction, which leads to them always seeming very strong when you are new.

You can't really go wrong with Belles and Punks with McMourning for learning with as Mike says.

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Try using a crooligan or two against perdita. If you can get one or even both of them to put up the mist a turn you now have mobile cover. As for lady J I'd say Kirai is a better choice as J doesn't have much in the magic department.

Also get a Shikome or two & summon them in (Since they can never get slow). Then I forget what the name is but they have a spell where if the target is more than X" away from the shikome at start close they automatically suffer 2 wd. If you can get both off on J & then just run the shikome away she'll wither down fairly fast, so you can use this trick to split J away from the rest of her army & pick on her alone.

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Try using a crooligan or two against perdita. If you can get one or even both of them to put up the mist a turn you now have mobile cover. As for lady J I'd say Kirai is a better choice as J doesn't have much in the magic department.

Also get a Shikome or two & summon them in (Since they can never get slow). Then I forget what the name is but they have a spell where if the target is more than X" away from the shikome at start close they automatically suffer 2 wd. If you can get both off on J & then just run the shikome away she'll wither down fairly fast, so you can use this trick to split J away from the rest of her army & pick on her alone.

Kirai is the best rezzer master so the default answer is basically her, but he wasn't asking about her :)

Also, Crooligans are bad advice (and again, he doesnt have any...) Any Guild Hunter (eg Nino) or Austringer can ignore the cover and kill the Crooligan, and in addition to this theyre a bad investment for 4 points at the best of times (see other threads here).

Sorry, I just dislike it when people give new players bad advice.

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Sorry but you are wrong on hunter ignoring the mist. This has come up with the stitched together. "Hunter" allows them to increase sight through obscuring terrain. However the mist is an obscuring effect. Unless that ruling has been reversed hunter does not allow them to ignore it. The only person who can currently ignore those effects is Hans with goggles & lilith with Master of Malifaux. I know people are not huge fans of crooligans but in my experience they have performed wonderfully as mobile cover generators. And to quote him:

The question I have for the pros is what would be good buys to help out against Perdita and Lady Justice?
So yes I was suggesting he buy some, I don't care if he has any. Yes Nino or a hunter could pick it off. However not every game will be against an opponent with nino or a hunter and since neither opponent sees the lists before hand it is a risk, one I find usually worth taking.

Also your last line I consider rude & completely unnecessary.

EDIT: If I am wrong and the mist says obscuring terrain I apologize & concede the point however I do not currently have my card on me.

Edited by Dorian
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Sorry but you are wrong on hunter ignoring the mist. This has come up with the stitched together. "Hunter" allows them to increase sight through obscuring terrain. However the mist is an obscuring effect. Unless that ruling has been reversed hunter does not allow them to ignore it. The only person who can currently ignore those effects is Hans with goggles & lilith with Master of Malifaux. I know people are not huge fans of crooligans but in my experience they have performed wonderfully as mobile cover generators. And to quote him: So yes I was suggesting he buy some, I don't care if he has any. Yes Nino or a hunter could pick it off. However not every game will be against an opponent with nino or a hunter and since neither opponent sees the lists before hand it is a risk, one I find usually worth taking.

Also your last line I consider rude & completely unnecessary.

EDIT: If I am wrong and the mist says obscuring terrain I apologize & concede the point however I do not currently have my card on me.

Apologies if I sounded rude. I'm terrible at forums :s

I don't think you fully understand The Mist though. Anyone can shoot the Crooligan through it - it's only 3" of obscuring and all models can see through 3" of obscuring. So any model can attack the Crooligan. Austringers or Niño would take it apart is what I was implying due to ignoring cover ( I wasn't aware it had been ruled that Hunter does not ignore the cover-granting part of being on an obscuring base; are you sure you have that right?). The increase in LoS is not the relevant part of the ability.

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Crit strike is what makes most of the better Guild models good against Ressers. Even with Hard to Wound, taking 3 damage on weak flips cuts most models in half.

Nicodem, as suggested, keep up The Fog until you get in melee range with your crew.

With Seamus, use the speed of your crew and Lure to close the gap. Rotten Belles become a mighty walk of 6" when they are within 8" of Seamus due to Belles of the Ball. They also ignore severe terrain penalties because of Shambling so try and stay in cover to force :-fate flips on their ranged attacks. Against Lady J, try and cast Undead Psychosis on her as much as possible. She needs to be in melee to be effective, if she can't be within 3" of an undead model (which is your entire crew) she won't be smashing through your lines.

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I like to use mcm with plenty of dogs, you can buff the dogs with a nurse, run them in and drop in bette noire when they die, bette usually draws alot of attentiin and if she hits with flurry and a trigger can cause chaos, use the dogs to send the corpses back to mc mourning, just remember to have the control cards to bury bette, simple and great fun!

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