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I've seen the pigapult 1st activation of the game, kill an entire pandora crew and reduce the little lady to 2wounds.. yes she has her thing that she's great at, but drop those sorrows/dg and she may aswell go home. Some masters do have upperhands over others.. but let's not forget that the games won with tactics and luck if you let her set up and dictate to you, its you that's lost the game.. not her 'OP'd-ness' that's won it..

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This would be nice but is unfortunately not true. Like the post above says, Somer and Ophilia will almost never beat Hamelin, and Leveticus will never beat Dreamer. They're just 2 examples

You need to stop looking at what the abilities do and look at the cards. I've seen Leveticus beat Dreamer.

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I've seen the pigapult 1st activation of the game, kill an entire pandora crew and reduce the little lady to 2wounds.. yes she has her thing that she's great at, but drop those sorrows/dg and she may aswell go home. Some masters do have upperhands over others.. but let's not forget that the games won with tactics and luck if you let her set up and dictate to you, its you that's lost the game.. not her 'OP'd-ness' that's won it..

Happy days!;)

I'll just re-emphasise the previous posts in saying that Pandora seems ridiculously over-powered until you work her out (DG is very easy to kill and once she/it is gone it's a matter of mopping up).

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You need to stop looking at what the abilities do and look at the cards. I've seen Leveticus beat Dreamer.

I've played Levi against Dreamer quite a lot of times and LCB + 2x Stitched will kill Levi in one turn almost guaranteed. And I doubt me losing is down to my skill level.

It was the cards, which is what I've been saying. Although I will modify my original statement. Masters with a reduced hand size have a lower chance whereas masters with an increase have a higher chance. So most masters have an equal chance against most masters.

This is so ****** - what you're saying is that masters have an equal chance against every other master as long as one master flips crap cards and the other flips good cards. Where I come from that's not an equal chance. An equal chance is both masters flipping the same "level" of cards and it being 50/50 as to who will win.

With equal cards and equal player skill levels, the top power crews (eg Hamelin, Dreamer, Kirai, Pandora) will absolutely destroy the lower ranked crews (eg Rasputina, Sonnia, Lady J, Ramos etc)

Happy days!;)

I'll just re-emphasise the previous posts in saying that Pandora seems ridiculously over-powered until you work her out (DG is very easy to kill and once she/it is gone it's a matter of mopping up).


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But you're not looking at it from the cards. Cards are not equal, dice are equal. You have 54 cards that slowly diminish in a round. The odds keep changing every time a card is played. You need to know how to work a deck. Take some statistics and probability classes and maybe you'll see what I say is true. But let's agree to diasgree. I look at things from a statistical stand point, you look at it from a competitive stand point.

Edited by Hazrat
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You're not making any sense Hazrat. You're claiming that all Masters are equal strength as a direct consequence of them having the same size hand? Completely disregarding the different abilities.

There are two types of cards in the game, and you're neglecting to consider the Stat cards.

Telling someone to take some probability classes is a little condescending. Nobody is contesting the fact that with both decks stacked a certain way, Levi could beat the Dreamer, just that it's statistically unlikely.


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I'm not saying hand size makes it equal, I'm saying knowing the deck makes it equal. Hand size gives you known variable, making it easier to figure out the deck. And besides, unless your schemes and strategies directly involve taking out the model, the abilities don't matter. I think that people are getting hung up on the idea that the only way to win a game is to kill the opponent's models. Playing like that is not fun.

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Hazrat, that is plain and simple bull$$$$$$$$, really I've played my dora and levi vs the lilith of The Keeper (my most regular opponent) a lot of times, both players are approximately equal skill, and with levi I'm having a hard time winning against him, with Dora I tend to slaughter him, do you think that is because I just forget how to count cards while playing Levi?

Though I agree Dora is not all that overpowered, she has got significant weaknesses, she just seems unfun to play against (though I love her style, and like nothing more then facing her with levi (I hate mirror matchups, so I'll take Levi vs her :P ))

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You know what, I'm done. I'll keep my statistical knowledge to myself and for myself. You people obviously don't understand that when you look at the game from a statistical and objective completing stand point, most are equal. I'm obviously dealing with the population that are below average intelligence.

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Hazrat, telling that to a physisist, who is trying to get ELOratings in his own environment might not be the most easy to back up statement thinkable.

I am perfectly aware how the fatedeck mechanism works, but that deos not get around the fact that some match ups are just not possible regardless of deck.

Let's think in easy ways, as in Hamelin with only stolen to start, vs Ophelia with only Bayou gremlins to start, now give me one way to mathematically let Ophelia win, without hamelin being entirely idiotic in play

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Yes, obviously we don't know what we're talking about and we need someone who's been playing the game (any game!) for less than a month to tell us how stupid we are.

When Chompy drops on top of Levi and eats him and both your Waifs, you'll lose, regardless of how well you "know the deck" (if that were possible)


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Mike3838, Levi only starts with one Waif, which is in base contact, if this weren't the case, Levi could at least spread his waifs out, adn keep his card to cheat on Gamble your life, and throw all his minions at those 2 Stitcheds, just to get rid of those before they form a real threat. I am not aware of dreamer all that wel, but it just seems like an idea to help him?

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True. I'm not that familiar with Levi, but just threw in an example to show that there clearly *are* matchups where abilities (ie. Chompy's ability to drop his crew on your master Turn 1) dictate what happens almost regardless of how the cards come out. Having just 1 waif makes it even worse.

Luckily this will never happen to Hazrat because his vast intellect will save him every time.


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I'm not saying hand size makes it equal, I'm saying knowing the deck makes it equal. Hand size gives you known variable, making it easier to figure out the deck. And besides, unless your schemes and strategies directly involve taking out the model, the abilities don't matter. I think that people are getting hung up on the idea that the only way to win a game is to kill the opponent's models. Playing like that is not fun.

Wow, I wish I'd had the benefit of your insight before going to the UK Masters event. Maybe I'd have won. Oh, hang on.....

You people obviously don't understand that when you look at the game from a statistical and objective completing stand point, most are equal. I'm obviously dealing with the population that are below average intelligence.

The insult aside, how is (for example) LCB with Cb 5 and paired attacks dropping on Levi with Df2 statistically equal? Don't just throw your toys out the pram, defend your position and make your point.

Small question magic, I've not faced Dreamer as of yet, so am a bit unsure as to how to deal with him, but would Levi being able to hire a second waif of the bat for 2 SS, and being able to summon them in 6", rather then in base contact help out vs dreamer?

Unfortunately you can't hire waifs, you only get them in play. And the problem is as you can only move waifs so far away from Hamelin in an activation that LCB drops on Levi and a stitched on each waif no matter what you do. The waifs are wp->9 but with potentially 4 or 6 attacks from each stitched they're going to die. ANd that's discounting the rest of his 35ss (or whatever) crew he can call on :(

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I am aware you can't magic, it was more a question if I could, would that be able to solve things, but indeed, even if I get them all killed before they activate (and no idea how I'm going to do that), I still would have to wither 4 attacks minimum because of that blaste Does Not Die., giving the Waifs use soulstone would help level the field vs dreamer, but would massively break Levi vs every other master.

Is there actually any crew which stand an equal chance vs Dreamer, unless completely melee, or nonranged spell based, with high defences?

EDIT: btw congratulations on your victory magic :)

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