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"Receives Insignificant until the end of the (something)



Examples of abilities that do this:

Bete Noire's Marked for Death

Seamus' Excessive Bleeding

These abilities read:

"...receives the Insignificant characteristic until the end of the game"

And Hamelin's:

Hamelin's Understand the Soulless

"...receives the Insignificant characteristic until the end of the encounter"

And Hamelin's Nihilism stops his friendly models from counting as insignificant at the end of the encounter.

Q: Is it intended that models made insignificant by (some of|all of) these abilities are not able to score for strategies when counting up VPs at the end of the (game|encounter), and what is the difference between a game and an encounter if any?

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I double checked this one when I got home. It was ruled in this thread:


that Insignificant persists right to the end into the VP calculating section of the end-game.


Cheers Mike.

Going to assume that "until the end of the game" is even more obvious than "until the end of the encounter" then - but since it hasnt been ruled on, can we please get an answer to:

Q: Do "persists until the end of the game" effects (such as the aforementioned Excessive Bleeding and Marked for Death) persist during the victory point count?


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So is the reverse of this true too? I.E. If a pig uses its spell to ignore its insignificant for the rest of the turn and its used at the end of the last turn of the game will that pig count toward objective goals?

Yep, I see no reason why that wouldn't work. It loses Insignificant until the next turn's Start Draw Phase, which never happens, so it should count for objectives at the end of the game.

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So is the reverse of this true too? I.E. If a pig uses its spell to ignore its insignificant for the rest of the turn and its used at the end of the last turn of the game will that pig count toward objective goals?

Yep, I see no reason why that wouldn't work. It loses Insignificant until the next turn's Start Draw Phase, which never happens, so it should count for objectives at the end of the game.

As long as the spell specifies when it ends and it's after the end closing phase (i.e. "start of next turn") then this would be fine. If it isn't specified then it would resolve at the end of turn 6 before VPs are calculated

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