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How does "transposition" work?


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I am a reasonably new Lilith player having just expanded to my second crew and so far I have had mixed results but plenty of fun. One thing I haven't used yet is transposition and from all the tactics I have seen it seems to be a pretty key spell. I understand the general idea but I'm not 100% sure how it works when swapping a big face eater with say an enemy model. Do both targeted models (my one and the opponent's one) take a resist duel? Also if my model successfully resists do i just say "I choose to tie this." its this part in particular that I am a little confused about. Thanks in advance.

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I am a reasonably new Lilith player having just expanded to my second crew and so far I have had mixed results but plenty of fun. One thing I haven't used yet is transposition and from all the tactics I have seen it seems to be a pretty key spell. I understand the general idea but I'm not 100% sure how it works when swapping a big face eater with say an enemy model. Do both targeted models (my one and the opponent's one) take a resist duel? Also if my model successfully resists do i just say "I choose to tie this." its this part in particular that I am a little confused about. Thanks in advance.

"Yes" to almost all of your suppositions!

Remember that you can choose to target 2 of your own models and opt to tie both so the transposition is automatic, too. So, you could run a Terror Tot up against a big enemy model, then activate Lilith, (0) Companion a Mature, Transposition the Mature and the Terror Tot, then unleash hell with the Mature now against the big enemy with all of his AP intact.

Typically, though, it runs like you're guessing: you target some enemy model and a friendly usually right next to Lilith (and usually a Mature, too - you still do the 0 Companion on the Mature). Transpose your small model and target enemy model, both have to resist - if either succeed the spell fizzles - but you can opt to tie your side of the equation.

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Also if my model successfully resists do i just say "I choose to tie this." its this part in particular that I am a little confused about. Thanks in advance.

Espically yes to this. A player can choose to fail any resist duel that he or she would have won. If they do, the final totals are treated as though it was a tie. This is true for spells, talents, and attacks from what i understand

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I am a reasonably new Lilith player having just expanded to my second crew and so far I have had mixed results but plenty of fun. One thing I haven't used yet is transposition and from all the tactics I have seen it seems to be a pretty key spell. I understand the general idea but I'm not 100% sure how it works when swapping a big face eater with say an enemy model. Do both targeted models (my one and the opponent's one) take a resist duel? Also if my model successfully resists do i just say "I choose to tie this." its this part in particular that I am a little confused about. Thanks in advance.

I'm a new Lillith player too, and I can already assure you that you're going to love this spell. My last game (admittedly against an inexperienced player) I went up against Rasputina, who tried hiding behind a forest; Lillith brooded with a shaman, then charged forward and transposed with her totem, shutting down Rasputina's spell casting and feeding the totem to the shaman, which resulted in a fast mature neph crashing through the gamin on the next turn. All in all, a bloody mess that was a guilty pleasure to watch.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have an additional query regarding Transposition:

Do you need LoS to both targets in order to cast this spell?

I appreciate this doesn't much matter with Lilith due to her Master of Malifaux ability, it's more specifically regarding her totem (who does not have MoM) when casting it with Magical Extension.

My own feeling is yes you do, because you are targeting specific models, as opposed to it being an aura or pulse, but would appreciate some clarification from more experienced gamers.

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I have an additional query regarding Transposition:

Do you need LoS to both targets in order to cast this spell?

I appreciate this doesn't much matter with Lilith due to her Master of Malifaux ability, it's more specifically regarding her totem (who does not have MoM) when casting it with Magical Extension.

My own feeling is yes you do, because you are targeting specific models, as opposed to it being an aura or pulse, but would appreciate some clarification from more experienced gamers.

Yup, you need LoS to both targets.

Look at the wording of the spell:

"Target 2 models with casting this spell."

To target a model you need LoS to the model.

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How does transposition work?


As far as loving this spell, when I was a new Lilith player I used it every game. As I have played more and more I have used it less and less. It is still good, but it is not always the best use of an AP and the sheer amount of cards that go into making sure it works.

If you use it on an enemy it usually requires having a high mask in your hand to guarantee you can even cast it, a soul stone to make it impossible to resist, and at least 2 flipped cards out of your own deck. More resources if you are switching two of your opponents models.

This all being said, sometimes it works out really, really, well. Sometimes it is game winning. I have transpositioned an unactivated and companioned Lelu within melee range and black blood range of Nicodem, and watched my opponent squirm.

I try not to rely on it too heavily as it can become really predictable to your opponent.

Edited by micahwc
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No one has mentioned it and I have made this mistake before. The model casting this spell cannot target itself.

When I first started playing I had done this and was quickly corrected by my group. Just a headsup for any beginners!

Pre-rules manual and the erata that came before it, this was allowed. It has since been changed. :( I guess 1 AP for 12 inches of movement is a lot.

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