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Teach me to be a jerk


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So you're posit is that Hamelin IS broken or that he just has certain advantages? Not exactly selling a newcomer to Malifaux on the game...

Eric J

Pockets is a Hamelin player. It could be said its his crew of choice. Hamelin has a reputation as being a hard opponent to beat and in the hands of a top tier player your chances are very slim. But unlike masters like the dreamer, hamelin is simply technical. The Dreamer offers and promotes game denial whereas hamelin lets you play but you have a hard time winning.

If you are a newcomer, make sure your group is picking up a fair share of masters so you can avoid playing jerks. If its just 2 of you, one will always have the advantage because the game is very Paper/Scissors/Rock.

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It's Rock/Paper/Scissors . . . =p

But seriously, it really isn't like that at all, except maybe with the people playing it. But that's down to the skill of the player, and you can't go through life without facing the problems of different skill levels, so just deal with it and be the best you can be. =]

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Do you guys not think its a Jan ken Bon? and that one master is more powerful than all others? I find it very much so and when one master is strong in a matchup they can be countered easily by another master. (for the most part)

I only find it to be that way when people don't take Strategies, Schemes and special terrain into effect. Also, I also find when people try to "optimize" their crew they tend to fall more into the trap of thinking that's how the game is.

Sure, if the Masters are thrown head to head then its obvious some of them aren't as good against some others. You don't play the game that way though, you're trying to get stuff done. In my experience so far every Master has tools to deny every other Master VP's, and still collect them for yourself.

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All & every sort of wargame is infested to some extent by this sort of individual to some extent, though they do tend to like tournament games more than others. Don't join them & dont try to beat them at their own game, it doesn't work they are impervious any criticism or humiliation.
If you can beat them at their own game, the humiliation will probably cause them to explode.
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So you're posit is that Hamelin IS broken or that he just has certain advantages? Not exactly selling a newcomer to Malifaux on the game...

Eric J

I'm a long time time believer - and have started and contributed to a lot of suggestions/threads - that Hamelin needs some rebalancing and is "broken" in a lot of scenarios or against a lot of crews, however he's fairly balanced against well played top tier masters (Kirai, Dreamer, Collette, Pandora). I think the biggest thing with Hamelin is the learning curve to playing him "broken" isn't very big, whereas it takes a lot of skill to play Collette the way Drake does or Kirai the way Stryder does.


It's more rock/rock/scissors - top tier vs top tier is fairly balanced, but they smash bottom tier with no real way of them winning themselves.

When I can play my Hamelin against one of the best Rasputina players I've seen, lose all but a couple of my modes (inc Hamelin and Nix dead), him lose nothing, and me win 6-0 - that's questionable.

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If you can beat them at their own game, the humiliation will probably cause them to explode.

Sadly not from experience the thing that hurts them is doing the "impossible" then they accuse you of cheating and it all goes down hill from there

By impossible I mean with an army they consider rubbish such as my all infantry WWI Belgium themed Imperial guard, no tanks hardly any heavy weapons and some cavalry & the stuff they thought at Sandhurst called small unit tactics - so the trick with Malifaux would be to do it with a crew which was mostly out of a starter box & contains additional figures they dont rate but are perfectly good if you use them in the right conditions

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