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Does any one here do historical gaming

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I used to have the same close-minded opinion of historical wargaming as I had of non-GW indie games (including Warhammer historical). Even so, history was my favourite subject at school and stimulated my imagination more than Art, English or Drama ever did. My favourite periods are American Civil War, Japanese Sengoku period, Greek-Persian War, Mongolian Empire (particularly the Europeon campaign), late Roman (the decline), with a growing interest in Medieval and Tudor history.

While I haven't taken the plunge yet for financial reasons, I am a big fan of Perry Miniatures, especially their American Civil War, Samurai and War of the Roses ranges. I also love Black Scorpion and their Tombstone range (especially the Mexicans). I think one of the reasons I loved playing the LotR skirmish game wasbecause I treated it like a historical wargame.

One thing that confuses me is finding the right rulebook/system as it's more open than other genres, some companies just make miniatures while there's loads of different books you can use to play with, not neccesarily dedicated to the period (using a Napoleonic book for ACW).

Ultimately I think I'll get into it sooner or later, just the issue of finding the right sysetm and anyone who plays it.

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I play World War 2 with Flames of War although I believe one of my mates is looking to get the new Kampfgruppe Normandy set of rules for us to try.

Also have an English Civil War Scots army for Field of Glory Renaissance and a Wallachian army for Field of Glory Ancients. Have dabbled a little with some of the Warhammer Historical games particularly the skirmish Legends of the Old West and Legends of the High Seas. :)

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I have quite a few historical miniatures in my collection and do play them now and then in Historical games from quick play rules to Warhammer/Warmaster Ancients and beyond.

Primarily my forces are:

1800s 6mm Zulus

1940s British

1980s British

Ancient Romans (6mm and 15mm)

Ancient Britons (6mm and 15mm)

Pirates (Grim Jacqueline's Wicked Sea Wenches)

I may branch out into other games and forces over time, but not sure yet as I already have enough ongoing projects.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I too have ventured to Malifaux from the Flames of War tables, also played Wings of War and Field of Glory a little. Malifaux has been a refreshing change from painting 15mm grey and brown soldiers.

If you fancy a kind of non-historical game that can use historical models you may have and is also skirmish also I've been playing a lot of Witchfinder General recently...such fun.......but now back to painting Malifaux stuff!

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well now I have some feed back on this I will admit what I do

WWI with through the Mud & the blood

WWII with IABSM - I ant been shot mum

WWI & II Naval with General quarters 1&2

17th/18th Century Beneath the lilly banners & a Sharp practice variant I am developing.

are the active ones I have dabbled in a lot of historical periods over the years.

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Hey Sarge, what is it that you like about Witchfinder General?

Thanks for the interest....for me it has quick and easy game play, plenty of fun and no army lists or points! It suggests play anything you like by way of a senario but play it both ways and see how you do!

Any way who wouldn't be tempted by 17th century folklore wargames?

A bit like Malifaux, just a bit different and tickled my creative juices. If your in the UK and attending the Hammerhead show I believe there is a demo there so if you get a chance check it out :-)

opps...ignore me I just noticed you not in the UK....sorry.

Edited by sarge
not paying attention to OP
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I am planing on doing a convention game based on the fall of the First Colony using heavily modified historical skirmish rules. The scenario would be basically the colony trying to hold out against the Neverborn hordes whilst the trapped guild magicians tried to reopen the breach & at least allow the civilian colonists to escape at least.

I had in mind a corking game based on the 100 days in Peking during the Boxer uprising in 1900 as the inspiration with each of the defending factions having a different & perhaps conflicting secondary objective(s)

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In the past I've owned 25mm Romans, Ancient Greeks & Dark age Arabs.

And I used warhammer ancients rules.

Now I've got a 6mm Ptolemaic (succesors) army, with about 6 units painted and using Warmaster Ancient rules.

Also got 6mm American Civil War Union, with about 9 units painted using the Polemos rule set.

It was the ACW stuff I put down to start Malifaux ;)

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