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Malifaux Fanzine?

Absolution Black

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sweet things are really rolling...just need to contact wyrd officials about this.

Free is greaT! I really like the idea about donations for charity too!

The only problem with free is if we wanted to get it printed.

We could have minimal costs, just to cover the printing and distribution.

Or, we could ask Wyrd for funding if we really think we're doing well XD

Best bet for now is not to get it printed until we're sure, I think.

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I would say lets get a first issue pulled together as a PDF, and then look at what it costs to do a print run. We can then take donations to pull together the print run, and see where the interest is.

In this type of project, I think trying to jump too far ahead of the curve is nearly a guarantee of failure. From a hosting standpoint, I should be able to host the file for downloading.

Now, how about a name for the Fanzine? I saw a great name on Tabletop War this morning: The Soul Stone Report.

Other suggestions?

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How about, "Through the Breach"

Anyway, since the graphic designer is going to end up putting in most of the work on this, I say you go ahead and pick the ones you like the most and start a poll. Makes it easier to decide and drums up a little bit of hype about it.

That said, I think even choosing a name is potentially jumping the gun without an official word from Wyrd.

Edited by Justin
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Great to see things are really progressing..glad i started the post now!

And to be honest I think with the multinational audience that this fanzine could attract, maybe a PDf version is best...individuals could decide then whether to print it out or not, and you don't have the hassles of overseas shipping etc?

A PDF could be posted here, if we get permission, and will guarantee the biggest audience possible. then it will be up to individuals to distribute the PDf through their gaming groups...No printing costs (unless the individual wants to do their own), Easy distribution, less hassle?

Just my 2p worth..or 2cents if in the US!

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Not sure you need approval, much as a podcast does not need approval to cover Malifaux - check the Policies section up above (and someone tell Wyrd that the PDFs page is out of date!).

Name suggestions:


The Malifaux Daily Record Literary Supplement

No, we don't need it. But I would definitely prefer it. Even though Wyrd couldn't legally stop us from talking about their game, if they even politely asked us to stop because they felt we were stepping on the toes of the wyrd chronicles, how many people would keep helping? Plus our main method of promotion is going to be through the forums and a deleted thread could kill that pretty quick.

And with Wyrd's permission we could use their images and such (potentially useful when announcing which models are coming out this month, etc) with a simple copyright on the bottom of the page.

All in all, although not necessary, it strikes me as a good starting point.

(Plus I'm almost certain the answer will be, "uh...sure.")

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I plan on contacting them dont worry. I just have had a lot on my plate right now. Next week ill have a bit more free time. I'm in my last week of college...busy with graduation

I may have already taken the liberty of linking Eric over to this thread. Just need for him to find time to get around to it. But don't let that stop you, wyrd is busy, and an extra poke never hurts.

Also, congrats! And...don't screw up!

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And I just realized that, "Congrats, don't screw it up" is probably going to be what I'm saying to people on happy occasions for the rest of my life.

Almost at graduation?

"Congrats, don't screw it up."

Just got married?

"Congrats, don't screw it up."

Had a baby?

"Congrats, don't screw it up."

...alright, now back to your regularly scheduled thread.

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