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The Most Awesome Ebay Retailer

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Just bought a SS Miner off ebay as the UK seems to have run dry, and found some of the best listings ever -

Listing For Mechanical Rider (note the *)

The Arcanist Cavalry of one.

The Arcanists may not know who the Mechanical Rider is, but she is welcome enough when there is fighting to be done.* Her mechanical steed, powered by the strange arcane stuff that people seem to be able to get their hands on in Malifaux is geared for a killer charge. It needs time to build up a full head of steam, giving the Rider different powers as the game progresses; from Nimbleness (+1) through to Melee Expert (+1) and Brutal through to Armour (+3) and Hard to Kill. Best idea for any opponent is to kill her quickly.

(* Possibly because she is fit, too.)


From the listing for Collodi Box Set -

"Puppets are cool! And you can have your own little crew of those cheeky, murderous little guys made out of wood just for yourself. They roam from town to town, singing merry little songs, diddling little daggles and japing in jollity to the music in their little oaken hearts, killing the odd stray waif for a bit of a giggle.

Who would not want to field such a potent thing as a puppet?

The models are made out of metal. Not wood. But you can paint them to make them look like wood. They could have been made of wood in the first place and we are waiting for an explanation from Wyrd Miniatures on why they aren't. Until then, it's the paintbrush treatment, I'm afraid. You'll need some glue, as well.

Oh, and wires aren't included."


From Mobile Toolkit -

"A Totem available to both Ramos and C. Hoffman. The model really is just as it said on the box; a mobile toolkit that travels with M&SU mechanics as they travel from place to place fixing stuff. The mechanics need a lot of tools and a mule or similar is expensive to run. Not only is the mobile toolkit the perfect solution for transporting tools, it can help out with its little arms too!"


Avatar Seamus -

Seamus's Avatar form, big and green, and big. And a bit Green as well.

OK, there is only a hint of green in the picture of the model as painted by Messrs. Wyrd, but look at it. Closely. Admit it, you can see green.

The link between Ireland, the Emerald Isle, and the Incredible Hulk is a well-hidden secret known but to a few souls*, the green being but one** connection bewteen the two apparently unrelated things. And Seamus is, like, Irish. And the Avatar looks like the Hulk. That's why you see green. Even if you paint it red. Trust us, we've tried it.

With us so far? OK. This is the avatar form of Seamus and this Avatar is all about dread. And obviously Dread is all about being strong and big and stuff. Well, certainly if you happen to be on the receiving end it is! What is curious, and pretty cool, about the Avatars in Malifaux is that they are not simple 'upgrades' to your model that are a good thing to get whenever you can. For sure they bring with them many bonuses if you can trigger them in a game, but they also lose some of the magic of their original form. So triggering your Avatar is very much a tactical consideration.

You may also wish to bear in mind that Avatars, like the rest of the Malifaux game, are a 3D experience.

When Seamus manifests into his Avatar form he translates from a model focussed on controlling the board to a pretty hardcore melee machine, who causes a lot of fear and terror and all that kind of thing.

The model is unassembled and unpainted. It comes with a plain plastic base that is a circle of black and a little laminated playing card.

* Until we just told everyone. Just now.

** Very possibly, only.


Dead Rider -

Death really does ride in the World beyond the Great Breach.

We bought one of these for Crowbar, the Marketing Guy for his birthday. We thought that a grisly undead construct pretending to be Death riding a horse would be right up his alley. How right we were. "Crowbar!", he shouted happily before setting to it with his crowbar* to paint it there and then. The results were unbelieveable (and unpublishable)**. Since then Crowbar and Dead Rider have been inseperable. The only reason Dead Rider does not go into the shower with Crowbar, is that Crowbar doesn't take showers.

So why the fuss? Why exactly are Resurrectionist players so unseemingly eager to get their grubby paws onto this piece?

Because it costs 10 soulstones*** and it is worth every, um, Soulstone.

He is Hard to Wound 2, has Regeneration 1, its Unnatural Purpose rule changes as it takes wounds to make it ever more dangerous to its foes. He is nastiness in a box, just waiting to be unleashed on your inferior opponents. If your opponents were not previously inferior, they are now.

As ever, the model is supplied unpainted and unassembled. The picture shows it on a fancy base. It's only a plain plastic one in the box though. Legally, we have to say that the picture is a "serving suggestion". Something like that, anyway.

* He has a paintbrush attachment for this purpose. Well, he has a paintbrush and he sellotapes it to the crowbar. It is in keeping with his own brand of style, we suppose...

** We are far from convinced that Wyrd ever intended quite that shade of neon blue to be used on ANY part of the model.

*** We will in fact accept soulstones instead of Pounds Sterling for this product. But they have to be genuine. Sorry.


PeaceKeeper -

The Guild's not so secret weapon against disorder and discontent.

There are some things one needs to know about the Guild Peacekeeper.

1. It is big.

2. It is nasty.

There. You have it in a nutshell. These steam-powered monstrosity of justice-dispensing, dreadlock-hating fearsomeness is just a complete nightmare to handle in a skirmish. The MD's own crew (Lillith and her Nephilim) have 'had a go' at this one and even the poor old mature nephilim was torn apart in moments. Don't let this put you off if you are a prospective Neverborn player - the MD's strategic ability ranks with that of parsley, literally. We filled out a questionnaire to find out.

The Peacekeeper is big (did we mention that?), steamy and a no-nonsense, go get 'em addition to your crew. Once you have him you will be the envy of all your sad little friends and girl gamers will literally throw themselves at your feet, before ritually sacrificing themselves to the newborn God of your awesomeness.*

The Peacekeeper is unassembled and unpainted. It will be cherished by you and achieve pride of place on your mantlepiece. It is in a box, which is free.

* Our usual terms of sale ceased to apply while you read that bit. OK?


Pigapult -

Strategic porcine deployment engine.

Every now and then a design concept comes along that floors all the critics and wows the pundits. Said designs usually win prizes awarded by obscure outfits no-one has ever heard of before.

And every now and then such a design is of some actual use and of a sort to capture the imagination of every day folk like you and us lot.* Every now and then a designer captures some deep inner need of the human psyche and crafts a solution that meets that almost visceral urge. A design born of such immaculate intuition and understanding of basic human needs is created that it leaves us wondering how we were ever able to live before it came along. The Car. The Computer. Nigella Lawson. The list is endless.

And then there was the Pigapult. The design to end all designs, for nothing can compare, surely?! Come on, we've all wanted to do it, haven't we? If you are really, really honest with yourself, isn't lobbing 600 lbs of angry, squealing pork packed with explosives at your boss, or a mate, or your weird cousin one of those things that you just NEEDED to do but never could?**

And here it is! The Pigapult! It's a catapult that shoots pigs. You see what they did there? Pig... apult. Brilliant, isn't it? Nice long range. Satisfyingly explosive. Very porky and very, very scary. Your crew needs one. Like now.

* OK, we're not very every day, being sad old gamer wotnots. But you got the point. Didn't you?

** The lobbing pork, deepest darkest desire thing. That's not just us, is it?


I could go on but if you want to read them all they're on the UK ebay store.

And if you're on here sir, let us all know - and kudos for making my day :)

Edited by magicpockets
Added Pigapult
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even their technical terms and conditions are pretty amusing haha. sadly It doesnt look like they sell outside of the UK

14. You should read this section very carefully indeed. We won't test you on it, but you will be asked to agree to the terms when you buy stuff. It is really easy to click the little box to confirm, but don't let that fool you. This is, like, serious legal stuff.

22. We tell you how much money we will fleece you for against every item's listing. You may have to pay the Postman too as well as a small fee for the bubble wrap. We try to keep our quoted prices accurate but Lolly has been known to daydream. So bear with us if we get it wrong. What we do do, just to make sure, is verify the price when you make your order.

26. When you enter into a contract with us you have to promise some things; You are allowed in law to enter into a contract. That means you are old enough, sane and things like that. The lawyer told us to say that you have to have full authority, power and capacity to agree to the terms of the contract. Quite catchy for a lawyer, we thought.

44. We put up pictures of the stuff we are selling. That is to help you know what you are buying. The illustrations are illustrative only and do not necessarily show you how the goods will arrive. A good example of this is how we use pictures of miniatures painted to make you buy them. Obviously we only show you pictures of models painted by really good artists, but the thing we send you won't even have any paint on it at all.

Edited by magicpockets
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haha oh lord

Strategic porcine deployment engine.

Every now and then a design concept comes along that floors all the critics and wows the pundits. Said designs usually win prizes awarded by obscure outfits no-one has ever heard of before.

And every now and then such a design is of some actual use and of a sort to capture the imagination of every day folk like you and us lot.* Every now and then a designer captures some deep inner need of the human psyche and crafts a solution that meets that almost visceral urge. A design born of such immaculate intuition and understanding of basic human needs is created that it leaves us wondering how we were ever able to live before it came along. The Car. The Computer. Nigella Lawson. The list is endless.

And then there was the Pigapult. The design to end all designs, for nothing can compare, surely?! Come on, we've all wanted to do it, haven't we? If you are really, really honest with yourself, isn't lobbing 600 lbs of angry, squealing pork packed with explosives at your boss, or a mate, or your weird cousin one of those things that you just NEEDED to do but never could?

And here it is! The Pigapult! It's a catapult that shoots pigs. You see what they did there? Pig... apult. Brilliant, isn't it? Nice long range. Satisfyingly explosive. Very porky and very, very scary. Your crew needs one. Like now.


* OK, we're not very every day, being sad old gamer wotnots. But you got the point. Didn't you?

** The lobbing pork, deepest darkest desire thing. That's not just us, is it?

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DO NOT ORDER! I placed a order once, it never arrived, they never replied to emails and the negative feedback I left was deleted. I also had a call from my bank about them repeatedly trying to access my card for repeated payments, which resulted in me having to replace my card. I never did get the item, though I did get a refund via paypal.

Made a mistake here, see my later post!

Edited by LonelyPath
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DO NOT ORDER! I placed a order once, it never arrived, they never replied to emails and the negative feedback I left was deleted. I also had a call from my bank about them repeatedly trying to access my card for repeated payments, which resulted in me having to replace my card. I never did get the item, though I did get a refund via paypal.

well, I guess that means they put all their money into their marketting rather than stocking the actual product o.O

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As a buyer and seller on ebay, I did not realise that you could delete negative feedback. I understood it could only be removed if both parties agreed?

One thing -they have 6 pages of listing items and have been registered on ebay since 2004. So the feedback level of 268 seems low especially when 241 of these are in the last year.

Maybe a single guy who has taken the plunge to start trading and is trying to build up a business. Lets not rush to condemn on one bad experience. After all, look at how many people are prepared to wait months on orders from Maelstrom Games when they can get the stuff elsewhere.

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Oh, my!

Thanks for the feedback guys! We are so glad that you like the listings! We do try.

We also have a non-eBay store. here: http://shop.ofdiceandmen.co.uk

I do supply out of the UK. But, truth is I am still working on a lot of aspects of the company. I'll get there!!

On a final note.... dare I reveal the secret of my listings success?

The MD

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Oh, my!

Thanks for the feedback guys! We are so glad that you like the listings! We do try.

We also have a non-eBay store. here: http://shop.ofdiceandmen.co.uk

I do supply out of the UK. But, truth is I am still working on a lot of aspects of the company. I'll get there!!

On a final note.... dare I reveal the secret of my listings success?

The MD

Holy internets Batman he found us!

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DO NOT ORDER! I placed a order once, it never arrived, they never replied to emails and the negative feedback I left was deleted. I also had a call from my bank about them repeatedly trying to access my card for repeated payments, which resulted in me having to replace my card. I never did get the item, though I did get a refund via paypal.


please get in touch about this. We have no outstanding e-mails and have never deleted any feedback. We would only do that if it is misleading.

Our e-mail address is: enquiries@ofdiceandmen.co.uk

We have had two customers who did not receive their goods. One turned up literally when the guy hit the return button to query it. The other one got an immediate replacement, no questions asked and no cost. If the Postman loses it, I take it up with him, not you.

At the moment we only take payment through PayPal, and only dispatch when payment is cleared. Chasing the bank should not be an issue.

If there is a problem that I am not aware of, I want to look into it. Like now!

Re. some of the replies, yes you can petition eBay to remove negative feedback and I assume you have to demonstrate that it is not justified. eBay is VERY buyer friendly and strictly enforces good customer service, if it is made aware of any problems. But it should not get that far, of course!

And yes, I did adopt my old eBay account to start the business. I only have 268 feedback, but I am a Bronze Power Seller and a Top-Rated Seller as well. That was not easy to achieve!

If you are in any doubt, take a look at my feedback, folks!

The MD

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I must apologise to DiceandMen.

After looking back through Ebay orders it turns out it was The Dice Man and not Of Dice and Men (similar name probably got me confused) that I had the problem with. So a big sorry to DiceandMen and hope he can forgive my error.

Everyone ignore what I put in my earlier post.

Thanks for getting back, LonelyPath.

Forgiven. In the face of such a gracious apology, how could I not?!

Now all that remains to do is to invite you to join me in a solemn oath that if either of us should find ourselves in the vicinity of the other, that we shall buy each other beer and make us both drunk. Deal?

Besides, this may all now turn out to be good publicity!

The MD

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Thanks for getting back, LonelyPath.

Forgiven. In the face of such a gracious apology, how could I not?!

Now all that remains to do is to invite you to join me in a solemn oath that if either of us should find ourselves in the vicinity of the other, that we shall buy each other beer and make us both drunk. Deal?

Besides, this may all now turn out to be good publicity!

The MD

And what sort of gentleman would I be to turn down the offer of getting drunk with someone? Your offer is gladly accepted :D

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