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Master of Puppets, I'm Pulling Your Strings (Or: What do I need for Collodi?)


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I just bought Collodi's box, and was curious what I needed to make him a worthwhile stand-alone crew.

I what he comes with (4x Marionettes, 3x Wicked Dolls) enough, or is there something I'm missing?


stitched togethers, that's bout it, they are painfull with dreamer, but with collodi they can get +2 wp

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+1 on the Stitched Togethers.

Why bring him on his own? He doesn't use soulstones much, if at all, in my experience. He doesn't need them defensively very often since you can just pass attacks off to your marionettes, and he doesn't do any attacking since his puppets do all the work for him. I'd recommend bringing him as a henchman with Zoraida. They have a lot of synergy. I usually bring his box set + Zoraida + 2x Stitched Togethers. Makes for a very mobile trickery-filled crew!

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+1 on the Stitched Togethers.

Why bring him on his own? I'd recommend bringing him as a henchman with Zoraida. They have a lot of synergy. I usually bring his box set + Zoraida + 2x Stitched Togethers. Makes for a very mobile trickery-filled crew!

This will be what I am going to do...

I have stayed away from him as he seems such a popular minion for my master of choice, Zoraida(despite LOVING his background). However, having played a few games now I feel like i'm missing out. I think I am going to try him with a few wicked dolls, marionettes and some stitched together.

I also want to try 1 or 2 of the effigies, and will also consider a Mature Neph and Hooded Rider just for a bit of spice.

It all depend on your schemes, but I want to see how effective he is in a crew with Z, widow weaver and some wicked dolls. Rather good I would imagine (especially with a turn 2 teddy popping out-ouch!)

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Why bring him on his own? He doesn't use soulstones much, if at all, in my experience. He doesn't need them defensively very often since you can just pass attacks off to your marionettes, and he doesn't do any attacking since his puppets do all the work for him. I'd recommend bringing him as a henchman with Zoraida. They have a lot of synergy. I usually bring his box set + Zoraida + 2x Stitched Togethers. Makes for a very mobile trickery-filled crew!
The only Neverborn Master I'm interested in is The Dreamer & Chompy. That's why I want to know what he can do alone. I just don't really care for Lil, Dora, or Z. (The sculpts are nice, and I'll probably get them eventually, but not for play.) Running him with the Dreamer seems kind of counterproductive, IMO, since you can only run 3 Stitched (and strangely, Teddy isn't a Doll).
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if you are running him alone then he is really limited in crew selection. agree the +2WP stitched are cool but do have to be within 4" of Collodi to benefit from that which can slow him down a bit. You will probably need some more wicked dolls if you plan on doing just Collodi as no doubt you will either want to use more OR will kill something and be able to generate more.

I plan on using him with ol Lilith and Mr Killjoy for some Alpha charging funs.

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+1 on the Stitched Togethers.

Why bring him on his own? He doesn't use soulstones much, if at all, in my experience. He doesn't need them defensively very often since you can just pass attacks off to your marionettes, and he doesn't do any attacking since his puppets do all the work for him. I'd recommend bringing him as a henchman with Zoraida. They have a lot of synergy. I usually bring his box set + Zoraida + 2x Stitched Togethers. Makes for a very mobile trickery-filled crew!

Bringing him on his own let's you use the Reserve to hire even more dolls as he doesn't use his Cache a lot. Since he is "free" as a leader, and the ability of using his reserve to get more dolls, it is entirely viable to run him alone. At least that's my theory in paper. I haven't used him.

@dsmiles: I'd say if you want to run him beyond 25SS though, wait for the Widow Weaver (or proxy her). She helps him a lot and let's you summon a Teddy, which you may have already if you use the Dreamer. The Dreamer likes the Widow too, bonus.

Edited by Da Big Baws
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I've had good luck with collodi and Z and killjoy. I tried the stitched togethers and see their use against some crews, but it almost cost me a few games. Collodi + his insane movement + wicked dolls/hags toys has served me very very well.

Then again, I'm thinking of dropping the wicked dolls against horde crews for the freikorps specialist. (Come 'ere gremlins!) So I don't play normal. And I'm getting the feeling collodi would work better with Lilith for me... gotta try that out soon.

But for a collodi crew, the stitched fill an important role and a filled with stones stitched means a lot of work to killing an "unkillable" model. The extra effort they have to put in is highly amusing.

I would suggest 2 stitched and 6 wicked dolls till our effigies and weaver come out.

Hope that helps!

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How did it work? I haven't delved into the specifics of it yet, I was just throwing it out there.
Well, from my observations of a 45ss Brawl, Leveticus advanced up the middle with Alyce and a couple Riders on his left, and Collodi with four Marionnettes waited until the end of the turn until I was out-activated, then shot straight down my left flank. It was quite scary, as I had to deal with Collodi, then Riders, then Levi himself in exceedingly quick succession.

Collodi ended up falling to Pandora's Self Loathing (getting my Spread Madness scheme), as did the riders, but then Levi pwned Lilith and my entire right flank collapsed because I'd put so much into diverting the dolls and Riders on the left (he has Stake A Claim on some ruins in my left field). Ended up losing 7-3.

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Were there any synergies that I'm missing? I mean, I'm really not seeing anything special (other than the fact that Leveticus can hire them at no extra cost)
No synergy as far as I can see. It was just a really fast group meant to be a pressing threat from turn one and to tie me up until the cavalry arrived (literally).
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Would Collodi work with the dreamer? just the dreamers thing seems to be popping up nightmares in random places, so how would collodi fit into that? I am planning to get him to use as a master by himself, but i never comsidered using him wit the dreamer. I never really liked the idea of using him with Z as i find their images completely different if you know what i mean, zoraida being a fate twisting swamp hag and collodi being a freaky doll.

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Well, if you use the Dreamer/LCB you can finish the lyrics from the title:

Twisting your mind and smashing your dreams :)

I had zero interest in Collodi until this post. Now I have to get him next.

The synergy I would see is that the Dreamer can drop the stitched together up field, where Collodi could then catch up with them. He would then be able to use his doll synergy with the stitched without having to slow his advance across the table.

Plus having a bunch of cheap minions to out activate your opponent allows your nasty nightmares to have a field day with your opponent.

Edited by micahwc
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