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Hamelin, and how do not go to hell for playing him


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The infinite Skeeter activation is definately still viable (though most of us dont play it). It requires 1 skeeter and a friendly model within 2". The Skeeter activates and uses the All action Larva on the friendly model creating another Skeeter (which is is a "new" model and has Slow) that Skeeter then activates and uses Larva on the skeeter that has already gone, creating another "new Skeeter" to continue the cycle over and over (It works because you can still use an All action even if you are Slow).

It is a very dirty tactic and one that will usually lead to your opponent leaving mid game to do something else (though it is not as dirty as what it lead to before the fixes, can you say infinite Red Joker draw!).

How does the infinite Skeeter benefit the gremlin player though? Its just a loop action for loop action sake?

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Also, those infinite loops are a way to kill time, say, in a tournament, which is really a low blow.

For skeeters, you could change the wording of Larvae to have a clause like "Target frendly gremlin or pig model..." or something like that. Not sure how the rule is exactly worded, but something that would basically target anythying in your list aside from another skeeter.

For rats, like I said, it's as simple as adding another rule,

Swarm Mentality (who knows, just throwing something out there)- Rats killed by a Yellow Teeth strike are not effected by the Voracious Rats ability.

Though this would still allow you to kill a rat to heal all other Vermin, even if you don't get a free rat out of it, haha.

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