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Strategy help wanted for Ramos


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I played a couple of games recently with a Ramos led crew where I seemed to be at at an immediate disadvantage. Both were shared strategy games, the first shared treasure hunt against a never born crew that had Collodi and the second, shared destroy the evidence against an outcast crew with Von Schill.

Both games require interaction with a counter in the middle of the board. In the first game the speed of Collodi surprised me (I'd never played against this model before) as by interacting with his puppets he was able to advance up the board and still manage a (2) interaction with one of the puppets on his first activation. The second game saw Von Schill arriving at the centre of the board with an AP to spare on the very first activation.

Do Ramos led crews have an answer to this speed? I can see how I can get an insignificant model to the centre on the first activation but this would be summoned (and therefore slow) and would have to wait until next turn to take the 2AP interaction.

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Another good option is the mechanical Rider.

As HeavensWrath said, Ramos' crew tends to suffer from slow movement in the first few turns of the game. This is counteracted by using fast minion choices, and is sorted at later points with avatar Ramos (mark of invention, as well as him being able to move like a batspider out of hell).

One thing to be aware of though, is that Von Schill himself, and Collodi's crew in general, happen to be some of the fastest moving models in the game.

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I played a couple of games recently with a Ramos led crew where I seemed to be at at an immediate disadvantage. Both were shared strategy games, the first shared treasure hunt against a never born crew that had Collodi and the second, shared destroy the evidence against an outcast crew with Von Schill.

Both games require interaction with a counter in the middle of the board. In the first game the speed of Collodi surprised me (I'd never played against this model before) as by interacting with his puppets he was able to advance up the board and still manage a (2) interaction with one of the puppets on his first activation. The second game saw Von Schill arriving at the centre of the board with an AP to spare on the very first activation.

Do Ramos led crews have an answer to this speed? I can see how I can get an insignificant model to the centre on the first activation but this would be summoned (and therefore slow) and would have to wait until next turn to take the 2AP interaction.

I feel your pain! I'm now 5 games in with Ramos, all losses and agree mobility is a challenge. I tried using the soulstone miner in my last game to address this (destroy evidence) but forgot he is insignificant when he surfaces so couldn't interact before my opponent had taken him below 3 wds and made him insignificant again. Because he was so far out ahead of Ramos and the toolkit i couldn't heal him. I'm quite liking the large Steampunk Arachnid for significant speed, not truely fast but easy to use and priced right.

I'm planning on going with Kaeris and the Mech Rider as my next purchases to see if they help things. Another tip, spider swarms loose insignificant so can sometimes help.

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Ramos is probably the slowest master in the game at the moment. Student of Conflict can give him fast, Brass Arachnid can re-activate him, and snowstorm can move him a little, but otehrwise you will need to rely on your minions to achieve any fast moving things.

Corephyee duet

mechanical rider

Von Schill

are probably the fastest minons he can buy.

Unfortuantly if you are having to move alot, then Ramos just won't be there. Stratergies which require that are harder for him to do, and so you'll need to pick crew accordingly.

His avatar is a lot faster and out in december

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ramos is going to be a formidable crew starting 2012. He is one of the few masters in the game that IMO, needs to go Avatar and ASAP.

You will not have any lack of movement/speed once you are in Avatar form. I have been playing with a proxy for the Avatar along with my new large arachnids, Kerris and the Mechanical Rider and I have finally started to win games on Regular bases with Ramos.

What I like to do with him is go Avatar on Turn 2. It is an all action but you have turns 3,4,5,6 to cause havoc. On turn 1 you use the mobile toolkit to give Ramos the book and then self detonate itself leaving a scrap counter 3 inches from Ramos.

Ramos then uses the scrap on the board to make a spider and then makes an electrical creation. This completes one requirement for turning Avatar on turn 2 with an all action.

You then have a choice to walk up Ramos twice, or do salvage under fire to gain a scrap counter for use when he goes Avatar.

Push your constructs up the field and create contact with the enemy. You want scrap counters on the board. Avatar Ramos can make up to 2 large arachnids in a given turn with 4 total scrap counters. Every time a large arachnid dies it drops 3 scrap which you use 2 to make it again.

Like most summoner crews, you have to change your play when dealing with slaughter as a strategy.

The Avatar and Kerris have made Ramos really fun to play. Even if I lose a game I have had a lot of fun because I am all over the board doing things.

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Kaeris and mechanical rider with student attached to Kaeris. This gives you two options with treasure hunt go for it and defend or dare your opponent to. If ooponent goes for it you have Kaeris to destroy in mass all models around it. Collodi doesn't stand a chance against Kaeris and Ramos. Kaeris is also not a construct so can get dug in with von schill and beat him down quite nice.

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His avatar and rider are also great additions. Both his totems offer great utility and are worth having if not avataring I definitely field one. If I need to be more aggressive o will take the brass. Mobile when I can sit back.. Electrical creation is a must if you don't have since it is a great model to summon. Rusty Alice is well worth her weight in gold. She brings a lot of utility and offers you a starting handsize of 8.

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Played my first game last night with Ramos, Exectuioner and the arachnids vs Guild Perdita and her crew. Was blown away each time got a spider near or latched on. Got a lucky decapitate on a crew member and generated alot of new spiders but was soundly beaten


Does Ramos need line of sigt to create a spider on a scrap counter within 6"?

When summoning the electrical creation does it appear within 6" of Ramos / Toolkit and does he need LOS where you want to place it?

What do the paired executioner claws do as couldn't find anything about paired feature in the rulebook or stat card

I felt that Ramos movement rate and ranges very limiting but I'm sure all those who have tried his crew found this out. How do you best use Ramos and his magical abilities as if move too close hi is easily attacked and has poor defence

Any help woulld be appeciated


spell need to

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Played my first game last night with Ramos, Exectuioner and the arachnids vs Guild Perdita and her crew. Was blown away each time got a spider near or latched on. Got a lucky decapitate on a crew member and generated alot of new spiders but was soundly beaten


1. Does Ramos need line of sigt to create a spider on a scrap counter within 6"?

2. When summoning the electrical creation does it appear within 6" of Ramos / Toolkit and does he need LOS where you want to place it?

3. What do the paired executioner claws do as couldn't find anything about paired feature in the rulebook or stat card

I felt that Ramos movement rate and ranges very limiting but I'm sure all those who have tried his crew found this out. How do you best use Ramos and his magical abilities as if move too close hi is easily attacked and has poor defence

Any help woulld be appeciated


spell need to

1. Doesn't target scrap counter so don't need los.

2. Placement effects and summoning effects do not need los, just need to completely within.

3. :+fate to that attack.

As for speed, he does lack as stated earlier in thread there are three ways to speed up Ramos,

mechanical rider who could spear drag him, a bit unreliable.

Snow storm a bit expensive but 10" plus of movement option per turn.

Avatar walk and charge go way up plus leap.

all three choices are actually very strong models so can't go wrong with one or two in your crew because they offer other utility.

Ramos is actually easy to hit but hard to beat down for a lot of crews because of armor 2. Plus with about half the strategy he is fine playing back field as a summoner. For those you need speed look at the above options. He has a lot of minions options that are fairly fast.

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