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Hi this is Brendan, currently out of Tulsa, OK. I'm new to everything Malifaux but after getting linked here from a post on /tg/, I'm hooked! I have experience painting minis and playing wargames from years of 40k but am looking to take a break and try something new. Can't wait to order some crews. So far it's looking like VonSchill's Friekorps and another crew with a theme based on constructs. Any suggestions? Nice to meet this group and everyone here!

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Welcome to Wyrd

For construct themed crews your best bets are either Ramos(one of the Arcanist) or Hoffman(hes a guild guy). Other Masters can use them but these are the main Construct guys. Ramos tends to blow his up and make more, while Hoffman tends to buff and heal his.

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Hello andwelcome to Malifaux! The game of good look gamers, man eating teddies and dead hookers! I hope you enjoy your stay with it. nilus and osoi pretty much have it down for the masters making use of constructs, but Colette also has constructs in the form of Mannequins and Coryphee, but she is not beginner friendly and they are more back-up for other members of the crew.

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Thanks for the helpful advice. Will definitely look into older threads for tactical advice on running those crews. I really like the theme ofor Collette's crew, life sized dolls are creepy! It's cool that unlike GW, Wyrd has lots of female models, plus they aren't all boobplate and chainmail bikinis.

One question though. How big can these games get? Keep in mind I have yet to actually play a game of Malifaux, I've only seen it online. My FLGS doesn't stock Wyrd minis (it's all 40k and Warmahordes.) Are games best kept at the skirmish level? Or do they get unwieldy with all the special rules after a certain point?

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They aren't going to get past a skirmish level, fortunately. With a couple of exceptions (Hamelin and his friggin' rat brigade), most games will probably not be more than about a dozen models a side.

The tricky part is that the overall interactions between models can be more complicated. Still, you won't spend ten minutes just moving your models like in 40k.

I also like how almost half of the masters and henchmen (all of the models that can lead a crew) are female, and the cheesecake is mostly non-gratuitous. Nothing wrong with sexy to a certain extent, but sooner or later when I look at some figure lines I ask myself "do none of these women wear more than armored lingerie?"

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Well, there's definitely cheesecake. The yearly GenCon model will always be cheese from what Wyrd has said.

As far as size of games go: It seriously depends. You could see four models to a dozen or so, per side. It all depends on how the players spend their points. Brawls (two Masters per player) can get tricky, both in interactions, and in number of models per side.

I would check out http://pullmyfinger.wikispaces.com/ They're REALLY good at getting solid information onto their Wiki.

Last, but certainly not least, Welcome!

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Well, there's definitely cheesecake. The yearly GenCon model will always be cheese from what Wyrd has said.

True, but it's not every female model in the game (nor male, for what it's worth). Rather than play piñata with a hornet's nest, I'll leave it at this: choice and variety are good things, and Wyrd gives us plenty of both :)

Last, but certainly not least, Welcome!

Also, this.

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The great thing about Leveticus, Hoffman, and Ramos is that once you expand beyond the box sets, many models are useful across all three masters.

This is definitely something to consider. First and foremost I always tell players to go for what you like, especially if you're a painter. You gotta love the crew before you can paint it :-) But yes Ramos and Hoffman have a lot of crossover, and Levi can use any construct so he makes a nice expansion.

Most games from what I've seen tend to be 10 models or less with 12 or more showing up on a few masters like Hamelin (though there aren't many). You can literally pick up two boxes and play with those. My experience started with a Nico box, but then I wanted more....and it hasn't stopped. I'd suggest Wyrd make a support group, but I love my addiction too much.

Also, no love for Ressers. We make constructs....out of body parts and dead people. It's a sort of construct...really...you just have to write it on the card and hope the judge doesn't notice...

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As an added bonus, the Ronin will give you a start on the Viktorias should you choose to run them, and the Dead Justice set pulls double duty as Guild crew and Resser minions.

Even if you don't, the Ronin are useable by your other crews and are just plain cool anyway.

Zoraida has a large number of potential minions and can be run in a variety of ways. The one thing I can say is a must- pick up a Voodoo Doll. After that I have to defer to the Zoraida players.

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Oh ya!

Just bought Collette's crew, the Von Schill box and the Collodi set. So five crews all told! I figure that's enough minions to get my painting groove back before painting the specialists and Masters. Zoraida and Collodi for Brawls, the Ronin can in turn bulk out any of the other crews, or have Schill's posse team up with anyone basically.

I've been telling friends about this game trying to drum up some support and potential players. Some friends are interested! Next paycheck I'll pick up the rulebook and some cards. Maybe some minis will be finished and I can get games underway...

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