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Switching sides

Da Big Baws

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Hoffman could go Arcanist, Lady J if killed would be a zombie for someone, don't think she would willfully go resser and Perdita could go Neverborn (with all that sympathy in book 3). Sonnia could go outcast as she is possessed by a tyrant, leaving poor ol lucious by his lonesome. He could then buy the Viks into the guild service, or possibly von schill.

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Ophelia and the LaCroix hired by the Guild.

Ophelia's intentions are to be head gremlin and is the single most human obsessed gremlin in Malifaux. She was in a position to become top gremlin up until the Ortega's got in their weapon pinching ways.

Long story short: Guild sponsor Ophelia; guild now have expendable internal policing of the Gremlin threat; with confirmation that she can have all the inhospitable marshlands she can police.

Guild LaCroix.

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hoffman to arcanists

zoraida to outcasts

and thats about it, fluffwise,

Why Zoraida, she's on good terms with Lilith, the queen of the neverborn. she's pretty much her adviser

...and Sonnia and Nytmare to the tyrants (if there were a Tyrant faction).

Why, a tyrant faction makes little sense at it is and why would Cherufe work with the tyrants that locked him up to begin with

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