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Bloodbowl Team manager

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Ok, I have just stumbled upon this on MAelstrom's website. It certainly looks like the original Bloodbowl logo and sounds like the game I loved when I was younger (hell still do)...but its made by Fantasy flight games.

I realise its a card game...but is it made by Jervis etc? Can anyone tell me anything about it?

All i want to know is: is it worth me getting? I love the tabletop mini game but is this worth getting too?

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It is absoloutely fantastic. It has temporarily at least stopped myself and the local bloodbowl players from playing bloodbowl for several weeks. There are at least 5 of us at our local gaming group who own a copy.

from 2-4 players and plays anywhere from 1-2.5 hrs depending on how well you know the rules. Very fun and its all self contained so no boosters but brings the potential I hope for team expansions

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It is absoloutely fantastic. It has temporarily at least stopped myself and the local bloodbowl players from playing bloodbowl for several weeks. There are at least 5 of us at our local gaming group who own a copy.

from 2-4 players and plays anywhere from 1-2.5 hrs depending on how well you know the rules. Very fun and its all self contained so no boosters but brings the potential I hope for team expansions


May just preorder a copy then...quite a reasonable price too...

And will hopefully get my other half interested...though she has offered to play the 'proper' bloodbowl at some point!

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It may not be designed by a GW team, but FFG make some great games.

I don't have Blood Bowl in stock just yet but I do have Space Hulk and I have played it. Again, it is a great conversion to a card game; seems easy when you start but as soon as you lose just one Marine suddenly the tension increases by orders of magnitude!

If the same team that made that worked on Team Manager, I expect good things!

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It sold it to me IF I had other people interested in that style of game. Which I don't. Basically, if you have people interested in playing in depth FFG style games, I'd defo get it.

LOL, that is nearly the same reason I have not gotten it. Although it has a Chaos faction so I might have one friend who will try it.

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I managed to get a a couple of games in and it is definatly fun! I really wish that the cheating aspect had of been implimented in a better way, the cheat tokens just seem totally random and boring and dont really add any more flavour to the game.

Yeah some of my local store guys have decided to make cheating optional. Seems to make more sense that way. You can play straight and nothing bad happens or you can cheat and risk getting ejected.

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Yeah some of my local store guys have decided to make cheating optional. Seems to make more sense that way. You can play straight and nothing bad happens or you can cheat and risk getting ejected.

I don't like the idea on optional cheating. When it is mandatory you really have to weigh up the odds before you play a card and also make cards like the deathroller broken.

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I picked this up and really LOVE this game. At the LGS here I hve gotten a game or 2 in and everybody enjoys it. I have been playing Blood Bowl since it came out and seem to have developed a weakness for Fantasy Flight stuff here recently. I think it captures the feel of the game without taking untold hours to play. Plus, it has Skaven and I have a bias towards the rats, so if it has Skaven I pick it up (Like the Chaos in the Old World game, another really good buy).

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