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The Aethervox Episode 9: "I Love Lucius"


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"Boom" is a separate talent, wherein he explodes when killed, creating a smaller pulse for less damage. "Take Ya With Me" can be used regardless of wounds, but killing Papa with it means "Boom does not activate". So no stacking two pulses in a single activation, but this doesn't stop a player from killing Papa with Take Ya With Me.

Edited by Hatchethead
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I actually liked this tactica more than the ones before that (no flamin' intended), mainly because it wasn't "Read every ability of every unit that said masters uses" as opposed to this actual discussion of units and their uses. I mean, most people have already read the abilities, they just want new persectives and more insight, which I felt this tactica delivered. I also enjoy where it's a bit of a more discussion as opposed to a 2 hour monologue.

Anyways, great stuff!

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