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Friekcorps Specialist - Totally Boggled on Intent/Resolution




(and the threads linked therein)

Detonate/Explode Tanks

Totally confused here.

New thread to find clarity.

1. Is this a Pulse ability (Is it ignored by Freikcorps Armor)?

2. Does it Make Ranged Strikes? or just use them to determine who is affected?

3. If it makes Ranged Strikes how does it target models in Melee?

4. If it makes Ranged Strikes, can it still be used when the Specialist is in Melee?

5. If it makes Ranged Strikes, do abilities that modify Ranged Strikes apply to it?

Specifically - Was this intended to be a damaging Pulse that might not affect all models in the blast.

Or was this indented to be something akin to Caine's Maelstrom in warmachine (a single model spinning in the air firing at everything all at once)?

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Happy to help, but I'm kind of sorry I asked. :)

The intention has been made quite clear. It's a monster fireball explosion. It wouldn't differentiate between multiple individuals in combat, cover likely wouldn't do any good. As Keltheos has said, the wording doesn't necessarily support the intention. Regardless of the wording, it is clear the duels are not meant to be :rangedStrikes.

I don't want to be caught in the :blast:blast:blast when his head explodes. ;)

*dives through plate glass window*

Edited by Hatchethead
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again, was the intent that this is supposed to be just the Duel portion of a ranged strike, none of the targeting or restrictions?

in that case, does it ignore LOS?

I see it that since the pulse already did the targeting you skip all the targeting parts of the Strikes and hence all targeting restrictions.

And yes that would ignore LOS.

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It creates the duel, but skips all the steps before that, targeting, randomisation, LoS (except checking whether the pulse can get to them).

While resolving the duel any modifiers for it being a Ranged attack or Triggers that work on ranged duels can be used. So if the model gets :+fate when defending against Ranged Attacks you would get it against the explosion.

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"This model makes 1 Ranged Strike against each model within 6 inches" rather than have a Pulse icon?

Like Lilith's Whirling Death?

There are differences:

1. Pulse hits all models in range at once, then you resolve Strikes. That cannot be interrupted in any way and new targets cannot be added to the list.

Abilitiy like Whirling Death on the other hand targets models one by one - if something new appears in range it can be added to the target list, and if something interrupts the striking model (forcibly ends its activation for example) it interrupts the attack too.

2. Pulse doesn't have actual targets. It just affects models in range. Not so in case of within x" abilities. This is important, if you want to bypass Irresistible and such.

3. Pulses, just like Auras and Blasts, are affected by terrain when it comes to determining what they can see. It doesn't come to play often, but if a Pulse happens in a roofed room with closed doors and windows, for example, it won't be able to hit models outside of that room.

Abilities that target everything within X", on the other hand, are not limited in that way.

These are basic differences out of the top of my head. I may be wrong on some as I'm writing from memory right now.

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Changed the Note in Fixes to this.

NOTE: - 'Detonate Tanks' creates a pulse that doesn't directly do damage so the Freikorps Armor does not protect against it. Any model in the 'Detonate Tanks' pulse has a duel directly generated against it, so it is not affected by targeting restrictions (eg. the Specialist being in melee, the target being out of LoS from the Specialist). The duel generated by 'Detonate Tanks' counts as being a ranged attack made by a Flammenwerfer so ignores Armor and cover modifiers.
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