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Which faction ''wins'' Book 3?


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Didn't take it as sarcastic at all. I have to leave the overall opinions of the Ressers to Dan (aka Zephir) as I do not play ressers at all. Playing against them, I will say that I have now faced the final (book) versions of aKirai, aSeamus, Drowned, Jakuna, and the Doxy. My opinions are as follows, as an opponent:

  • aKirai scares me. I have a solid handle on how to deal with her Master form, but once she switches to Avatar I find it tough to manage the onslaught of attacks. She is really a good play for late game (turn 5/6) avatar, but I find she can swing a close game. If the game is close and I think I am pulling out a close win, I would rather see mKirai than deal with aKirai at the end of the game.
  • aSeamus scares me, then scares me again. He is either all win or no win. If aseamus goes down before he manifests or as he manifests all is right in the world. If he sticks around past that he has done unspeakable things to my crews. aSeamus and the Dead Rider, in my last game against him, took a solid win on my behalf to a tabling within 3 turns.
  • Drowned seems ok to me, a very average minion. I was not overly worried about him, but he did slow me down for a turn. That was really the role he was cast in, so he did his job. Was I overly impressed, no. Was I underwhelmed, not really.
  • Jakuna works as a fantastic model for board control. I can see her adding nicely to Kirai, but I saw her work well aside from Kirai as well. She can tie up a couple models to a central board position for two turns or so, and also create all sorts of problems for the movement of other models.
  • Doxy. I still think the doxy is annoying, but defer to Zephirs feeling that she got much worse out of playtest. The swapping around annoys me as an opponent, but then again she is more expensive and less effective than a belle. I think it adds something different to a Belle centric crew, and could be interesting with Molly. I cannot see taking more than 1.

Just my thoughts. I am really looking forward to my new Guild toys, along with some of the Arcanist' crews being fleshed out. For NB, I really only see coming back solidly when Tuco is released, and possibly for a little bit with Iggy. Honestly, I will probably play Iggy more with Kaeris than I do with NB.

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Yes, the source is Shelly's Frankenstein, but in the Novel the Creature has no name. Although if you trace the Historical accounts back you can find at least one reference to Shelly refering to the Monster as Adam.

In Ravenloft it's more clearly spelled out as the Darklord of Lamordia is "Adam", Dr. Mordenheim's creation.

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Haha. And here I am thinking "Adam" is just a player in Nix's meta who happens to be a very good Doug player.

... which isn't to say I don't dig on Ravenloft. The original D&D supplement is buried deep in my geek closet, somewhere in the circa 1994 strata next to my Super Nintendo and a 5 disc copy of Doom II.

Edited by Hatchethead
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Rules wise: I'd say Guild made out the best, with the coolest, most useful set of Minions overall. Avatars are great and all, but there are times when you're not going to want to bring them, whereas a consistently great Minion choice is more of a boon.

That said, the ultra-beatyness of the Resser Avatars scares the blue hell out of me. And its making me finally start my McMourning crew. ;)

However, its all moot, because Marcus wins Book 3 for actually having cool, developmental fluff. Avatars and Minions aside, that's hugely cool. :)

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I'm not sure why everyones dissing ressers i book 3, sure they didn't get a beatstick, but rafkin is great and jaakuna ubume is a great board control piece with loads of movement talents. the crooligans are good at capturing objectives, dead doxies i have to admit are only useful when raised via arise my sweets. drowned are utterly useless though.

but personally i thounght neverborn got the best with tuco and iggy. especially i think iggy is underpriced, its a shame that weaver widow lacks a charge

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I think ressers and arcanists got the best options regarding avatars.

McMourning's for example seems extremely scary, i wouldn't want any of my models near that flesh construct of his.

Also Seamus Avatar works really well, especially with Molly. I see those to mix up a lot of tournaments in the future.

As for Arcanists i think ARamos and ARaspy perfectly balance out their weaknesses. AMarkus also has a lot of hidden pontential if you would build a list arround him i think..

He also got a lot of nice minions to choose from with the new book with makes me especially happy.

Iggy for a Kaeris crew is pure gold.

But overall i think outcasts got the best minions. Lazarus, McTavish and the infamous (a little to good if you ask me) Sue. Those are all solid models capable of doing a lot of dmg to your enemies.

I'm really happy how the avatars turned out. I like the feeling of the new tools and the book itself way more appealing than book 1 and 2. It gives a unique twist to the game and rounds it up well :)

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