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Rasputina's Ice Wall markers


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Evening all.

A few days ago I bought some Gale Gorce 9 green Crystals to convert into Ice Wall markers for my Rasputina Crew. I was rather eagerly awaiting their arrival at the LGS.




So, when outside of the box it includes: 3 large grouped crystal formations, 1 large solo crystal and 6 small to medium groups of crystals.

When inspected closer, the crystals are all well made with few blemishes: there was only 1 noticable cut/saw mark on the side of the large solo crystal, something that is easily sorted.

If you don’t like the arrangement of the crystals then there is a large degree of alteration available via gently breaking the crystals apart at the bases. Naturally, this does leave a few marks at the bases, but it can be easily concealed.

The 3 large clumps were all attached to the wooden bases via superglue. The single large pillar was positiioned and then had 3 medium crystals glued in at the base to provide the 4th large rock structure. . With the remaining smaller crystals I formed 3x 50mm bases which will be left the original green colour and used for soulstone veins in matches.


Now all this is needed to be done is spray the large ones black, paint up like ice, add GF9 snow to the base and bingo… done.

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When inspected closer, the crystals are all well made with few blemishes: there was only 1 noticable cut/saw mark on the side of the large solo crystal, something that is easily sorted.

I recently got these too, but just wanted to point out that the single big crystal is supposed to look 'fallen over' and be laid on its side... That's why it looks rough, because it's actually the base!

Anyway, these are really nice bits of terrain, and I'm glad you've put them to good use! :)

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