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Calling Collette


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I was going to tack this onto the end of my Raspy thread, but since I can't change the name of the thread to more all encompassing, here is a new thread for the Showgirls!

So, with Raspy parked, its time to paint up her sister in all things arcane, Collette. Though quite what interaction Raspy and Collette would have, apart from through Ramos, is very unsure in my mind.


Here are some WIPS, final models will come shortly. I have decided to give my showgirls all the same costume, to keep them together as a crew, rather than having lots of different colours as in the main box set. I hope it will work. The reds here are based coated with my patented "paint red without actually using red" technique, its basically oranges and browns and washes. It will get highlighted up soon enough.

The sheer stockings is another new technique I am trying, and I am quite happy with how it turned out. Apologies for the pics - my camera seems to have forgotten how to focus recently (and yes, it still is on macro mode). Wyrd.




Edited by eudaimon
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Great start!

Some helpful (I hope!) tips for photography: :)

If you want it not to focus on the paint pots in the background, remove the paint pots! Your camera is trying to autofocus on what it thinks is relevant. Remove anything that it might consider focusing on instead of your models.

Next, use ambient lighting, not flash lighting. Light that is being reflected off walls or scattered through something with an uneven surface can usually mimic this.

(Edit: Looking at your other thread, you have some great pics there with a white BG! What gives? Too lazy this time?! :P)

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i will photograph properly with a white background when they are finished, my WIPs I just grab a pic of whilst I wait for the paint to dry. Normally however the focus (as you will see in my other thread) is better, even using the flash and having the paint pots etc in the background.

not to worry, there will be some improved ones soon enough, with finished models, hooray!

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And a quick WIP on the showgirls, just need to do the base.


The sheets stockings was nothing too mind blowing, paint the skin as per normal, then layer on VERY thinned down purple/black mix, with a touch of the mid-tone of the skin. Painted about 3 layers I think.

The red above was finished using my paint-red-without-using-red technique.

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Right, so here is Collette herself. I've done this as a step by step, focusing on getting the red.

So this is just the start, with a base coat of skin. This was made up of Dheneb Stone, a touch of Dwarf Flesh and some Plague Brown.


Next I put in the shadows and highlights, the shadows with snakebite leather and smoke ink, the highlights with bleached bone. Not sure if I like the smoke, and I smoothed it out a bit after these pics. It looks better in the finished model, but I probably won't try it again on a showgirl model.


OK, so now the red. I start with a base of blazing orange.


Next comes the only red I use, some Baal Red GW wash. Probably at this stage, you can leave it and have a pretty vibrant red.


But I like to tone it both up and down, so Ogre Flesh goes in the recess, and fiery orange, and then a fiery orange/white mix on the edges. Also in this pic I did the stockings whilst the wash was drying. I got a new technique this time, which I love. A mix of Vallejo Black ink and violet ink, with two drops of glaze medium and a drop of water. Almost perfect results first time! The hatch design was painted using pure black ink


And here she is, almost finished.


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