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A-Mo’s Models


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Greetings All,

I’ve been following Malifaux for a while now, but never got into the game since I had so many other hobby projects going. A while ago I finally caved in and picked up the Pandora box set. The Baby Kade model was what probably pushed me over the edge. Love that model. I’ve only had a chance to play a couple of games, but I’ve definitely become hooked. I’ve had my crew painted for a while now, but my camera has been broken so it’s taken me awhile to get pics uploaded. I’m pretty happy with how my first batch of Malifaux minis turned out. I painted Pandora and the Sorrows as fast as I possibly could. I think it took me about 5 hours to finish all four of them. I spent a bit more time on Kade and Candy since I love the models.


Sorry that the pics are a bit crappy. I really need to get a new camera. I used a borrowed work camera of not so great quality. Regardless, Let me know what you think.


Edited by A-Mo
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Thanks everyone. I appreciate all of the kind comments. The Pandora crew is all that I have painted currently for Wyrd, but here is what I've got on the work bench.


I've also got a normal convict gunslinger in process with a base to match my Pandora crew.

Stay Tunned

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  • 5 months later...

Been a while since my last update. While this next mini isn’t from Wyrd, it was my entry for round one of this year’s Iron Painter. Now that I’m out of the competition, I thought I would post a pic of my entry for some feedback.

A little background for the entry. When the theme “start your engines” was announced I realized I had an old predator sitting around from cheap ebay purchase. I thought this would provide a fun way to try out some new painting techniques. This was my first attempt at using an airbrush, and salt masking. Probably not a smart strategy for a competition. Ohh well.


- Started off base coating the tank grey.

- Used the airbrush to add some orange (rust) to the base color in places that I anticipated weathering.

- Added salt (regular table salt) to the locations that I thought would weather. Edges, around hatches and so on.

- Gave the salt covered tank a couple coats of hairspray to seal the base coat and salt to the model.

- Covered the model in dark blue and worked the highlights up from there with the airbrush.

- At this point, I was really happy with the highlighting. It looked nice and vibrant.

- I took a brush and scrapped off the salt and realized things didn’t go exactly as planned. Apparently the small granules of table salt make it so the paint can easily work its way into cracks and get under the salt. I should have used a more coarse salt. This really made the weathering look kind of bland and even in my opinion. This was also the major criticism I got in my comments in the IP gallery. The consolation was that at least the highlights looked great in contrast to what weathering remained. Soon to be disappointed.

- I’m not sure what happened, but as I let the model sit for a bit, I kept noticing condensation on the model. It looked like it was always sweating. I’m guessing that there was some reaction between the hairspray and paint. Whatever it was, as the moisture from the model sweated out, it pulled off a lot of the highlights, leaving the model fairly dull.

- At this point, I just thought “ohh well, better just get it finished.” I put the finishing touches on the model, added a few decals, added some more rust with thinned down orange paint and got some photos posted to the competition.

- I also threw on some pigments (another first) at the end, since I thought why not.

While I was a bit disappointed with the results, I had a great time trying out some new techniques. Things I’ve taken away from this.

- With Airbrushing, make sure there is strong contrast between the colors you’re spraying. I’ve found that if you try to work gradually up to a final highlight, you’ll get a washed out looking model. With high contrast paints, you let the airbrush do the transition/blending for you.

- More research for salt masking is required. But I’m pretty sure plain table salt is a no no.

- I really like pigments for adding dust and rust. I need to practice using the pigment and drawing it over the model with a wet brush. Some of the rust streaks came out a bit heavy.

Let me know if anyone else has had any revelations with airbrushes, salt masking and pigments. I’ll get another post up soon that hopefully illustrates what I meant about the airbrush contrast and washed out models.

Thanks for reading,


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  • 3 months later...

Been a while since I've updated this thread. I got some better pics of what I've already posted as well as some WIP.

Better pics of the Pandora Crew




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I've always liked the executioner model, but something about the position of the left arm always bothered me. So, I decided to mod it into a more wolverine/come-at-me-bro posistion.. Looking forward to painting this guy up.



Hope you guys like.

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Here are some more of the WIP I've got going.

Im trying to flush out my guild crew after picking up the dead lady justice box a ways back. For color scheme I've got two ideas that I'm tying together. I envision that there are mainly two types of guild models. Grunts and non-grunts. The non-grunt models will have a more regal look. Purple and cream colors. The grunts will have more leather, but some accents of purple or cream.

For my first set of non-grunts, I've started my my handler, proxy and exorcist.


---------- Post added at 12:21 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:17 AM ----------

Dead judge WIP.

I cut off the chain knife since I thought it looked odd. I also filled in the broken side of the glasses since I wanted to paint him wearing old school 3D glasses. Just for a bit of humor.


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Some Austringers, which im putting into the grun category. You can see on the Austringers on the left the cream shirt a purple bandanna that tie him into the color scheme. I wanted to try something a bit different with the raptors, but I ended up rushing it,and I'm not to thrilled with the outcome. I want to think ill repaint the raptors, but I'll probably just leave them as is.



---------- Post added at 01:43 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:36 AM ----------

Lastly are my witchlings. I wanted to make these guys look like the are start out of the infirmary. I painted the robes so they looked more like dressings, and I will add a bunch of blood stains when I get time. I feel like this will give them a really nice gritty/gross look. Also, still have some work to do on the metal bits.


Feedback appreciated.


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There's a lot to enjoy in this thread, but I especially admire the bright Malifaux raptors being sported by the Austringers. The pale Witchling Stalkers are excellent too - I look forward to seeing them finished off. For what it's worth, I don't think that they'll need blood stains etc (except to go with the straight-from-the-infirmary theme), and that they look fine with their current style.

You should be very proud of your work.

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