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Hi from Sydney


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Hi all,

I've lurked a bit on this forum, though I'd join and say hi.

I live in Australia - the Sydney area - play Warmachine but was seduced by Wyrd miniatures - which I'm really enjoying painting.

Interesting game, I'm going to try and get a few games in as my LGS has just started stocking Malifaux.

Unfortunately I started with a Colette crew and this appears to be a less-than-optimal place to start learning the actual RULES... though I did clue in enough to get Doves and magnetise a Coryphee to go with my box set.

Fun to paint though!

Now I just have to resist the urge to make the Dreamer box with Daydreams and a Teddy my second purchase in favour of something more practical to learn with. Also I already have to hide the Coryphee from miss 7 (who otherwise quite likes the 'dancers'), if she saw Teddy I'd never be able to get her to go to sleep.

Actually, I don't think I'd like trying to sleep in the same room as a painted Teddy now I think about it.

Cheers all,


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My self and the lady have just started playing in Sydney too.

Tin Soldier in Penrith is also our local (well, as close as we get to a local), and a few other folks have just started there too.

At present, we are trying to get together a games night just for Malifaux, "Malifaux Mondays", so talk to the guys in store if you are interested.

Quite a few people starting up in that store now, so it is a good time to get involved (as we are all newbs too!).

Hope to see you around,

- Bishop

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Ahoy there.

'The lady' here. I'm in Hawkesbury most of the week for class, so if you do ever feel like playing one afternoon, let us know.

T'would always be good to play against to play against someone 'living' (neverborn Vs. Ressurectionists leaves much to be desired).

I chose the dreamer box as my first attempt. I'd pretty much made up my mind before I heard it was difficult. I have a knack for choosing armies as such.

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Hey, Perth is cool, it's just a little far for a game!

Thanks for the welcome - sounds like tin soldier will be the best place to start. Unfortunately everything gaming tends to take a back seat to he realities of having children, so who knows how long it'll be until I get a game in...

On the upside, I have nearly finished painting Colette's crew - one mannequin and Sandy to paint and done.. I'll post some pics when they're done. Then I'm just going to have to resist buying a different crew :P ... Honestly, the undead hookers are calling, if only because I have a plan to use one and a lamppost to make a Victorian Outbreak snowglobe for my brother for his birthday.

Aemzed, that's a thought - I certainly have the terrain for a game (I can do a 6x4 for 28mm or 15mm, so 3x3 is no problem) but time time time is the problem.. Have to see what happens. Also I suspect that Colette v Dreamer is not really 'L' mode...

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  • 2 weeks later...

If anyone is interested in teaching a noob some 'faux, I'll be down at the Tin Soldier in Penrith tomorrow night (Monday the 3rd). That is of course assuming the kids finish recovering from gastro - which I assure you is a type of horror all it's own.

In the meantime, here are some of the first crew-in-progress...




Still waiting on washes and final highlights on most of them - only the doves are 'done'..



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